

Rex only felt as if his mind had exploded slightly.

Wang Dadong…

It’s true!

The three of them blocked themselves there because of the story told by the storyteller on the stage, but how could the three of them believe a story? Of course, the most important thing is that this story really predicts what may happen in the future, and if it is really Arthur Wang who comes that day, he will directly fight with Arthur Wang and test it!

But the three of them appeared!

Ruined the direction of the story!

So say…

What Wang Dadong said is true! The truth of the problem he is looking for is above!


Even Campbell Three knew!

The Ultimate Class also heard from Jin Baosan that there was a storyteller who was very interesting to tell a story, and it was said that Jin Baosan took Wang Dadong with him.

Rex: “…”

Listening to Su Yu’s words above, he subconsciously swallowed his throat slightly.

The protagonist of the third story.

Is it—

Su Yu above, knowing his identity, even, will be here, say his identity?

This moment.

Rao was Rex, and they were all a little nervous.

But soon, he shook his head again.


The only people who know his identity now, except for the guys at the Black Cat Hotel, are King Arthur, and his little brothers at the Black Cat Hotel don’t know much, and his KO.2 identity cannot be revealed.


“Here it comes.”

Arthur Wang’s eyes narrowed slightly.


“I’m looking forward to your reaction after listening to the story.”

Wang Arthur sneered and waited for Su Yu’s story.


“The golden pen dots the dragon, as if there is such a paragraph.”

“If I remember correctly…”

“Narex, the legendary KO.2, is hidden next to Wang Dadong’s children.”

“But very few people know his identity.”

The person with the broken intestine looked at Su Yu on the stage, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

“This Mr. Sue…”

“Not him.”

Su Yu on the stage is too young!

It simply can’t be the author of the Golden Pen Dragon!

“Does he know, or does he not know?”

The person with the broken intestine waited and watched, he wanted to see if the story told by Su Yu could predict the future like “Golden Pen Point Dragon”.


“The story Mr. Su told predicted too accurately! King Arthur was really hurt! ”

“But I heard that Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, and Ding Xiaoyu went to block that guy and were hurt by that guy!”

“Isn’t that different from Mr. Sue’s story?”

“But weren’t Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, and Ding Xiaoyu at the scene last time?”

The remixers below are very fond of discussion.

“Isn’t it…”

“Wang Dadong, Ding Xiaoyu, and Wang Arthur, three people, know the future of the story, and then change it?”

Some people speculated, very shocking.

“Is Mr. Su’s story really predictable?”

“Can you still listen to Mr. Su’s story to change the future?”

Someone was shocked.

“How can it be, it must be a coincidence!”

“Maybe only King Arthur knows the truth!” If they stand up and say they’re listening to the story and go to the alley, maybe I’ll believe it! ”

“It’s also incredible, it’s impossible, how can a story predict the future, and still listen to the story to change the future?” Although the story Mr. Su told is really wonderful, but you have overimagined it, right? ”

Some people don’t believe it.

All in all.

A lot of people are talking about it.

“Mr. Su, when you say that the brothers in the third story are against each other, is it Wang Dadong and their brothers who are against each other?”

A bastard said he only cared about the story and asked directly.

Everyone below looked at Su Yu, waiting for an answer!

Su Yu’s eyes lifted slightly, and he took a sip of tea.


One word.

Instantly made the mixed word generation below boil!

“Is it Arthur Wang and Wang Dadong, I heard that yesterday Arthur Wang seemed to be the ultimate class!”

“Oh my God!”

“That’s too exciting!”

“This story is really interesting, and it is very close to our current reality!”

The bastards are very excited and want to hear the follow-up story!

But on stage.

Su Yu shook his head.

“It’s not just Wang Dadong and Wang Arthur.”

The below were stunned.

Even Wang Dadong, Rex, Ding Xiaoyu, the Ultimate First Class, and Wang Arthur and Tian Xin in the distance were stunned.

Only the person with the broken intestine looked more and more solemn and thoughtful.

“Is it Ding Xiaoyu?”

Some people are speculating.

But Su Yu on the stage.

is to continue to speak:

“The other one.”

“Weapons are about hands.”

“And this weapon…”

“It’s about the devil.”

“Now, let’s start the third story.”

One word.

Make countless even more excited!

“It’s actually in circles with the previous setting?” Is the Demon World finally going to show up? ”

“It should just be a demon, right?”

“Hand, is it really Ding Xiaoyu?” King Arthur left, Ding Xiaoyu also left, is it still related to the devil? ”

The mixed word generation was very excited, because what Su Yu said was actually in circles with the front!

And there are weapons about the hand!

Everyone’s first reaction was Ding Xiaoyu!

It’s just…


Rex’s body trembled involuntarily.

He looked at Su Yu on the stage in disbelief.

Yes it means….

Ding Xiaoyu?

Or maybe…

Is it yourself?

Demon, what is it?

He suppressed the panic in his heart and calmed himself down.

He wanted to see if this Su Yu was really pretending to be a ghost, or if he really knew something.

Rex’s eyes flashed with a dangerous light as he looked at Su Yu on the stage.

And aside.

Wang Dadong’s face was a little surprised, but he looked at Ding Xiaoyu on the side.

Ding Xiaoyu was slightly stunned.

Is it…

Is it yourself?

However, he did not have a weapon in his hand.


Su Yu on the stage began the third story telling:

“The story begins with a phone call.”


“After Wang Dadong returned home, he received a phone call, and on the other end of the phone came Wang Dadong’s familiar voice…”

“And the other end of the phone.”

“The protagonist of our third story…”


Su Yu smiled slightly on the stage, and the ancient fan engraved with ink paintings in his hand shook slightly:


Three words.

In an instant.

Let the scene be silent for a moment!


【The ninth more dedicated~Yesterday’s update ended ~】

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