

Wang Dadong was slightly stunned below.

His mind.

A name suddenly appeared.

A name he had hidden in his memory, but did not dare to mention it.

“A girl?”

The bastards were dumbfounded.

“A girl?”

King Arthur was slightly stunned.


The man with the broken intestine watched this scene.

“All hit…”

“But I feel like something is going to happen next.”

He muttered to himself, some gods nagging.

“Mr. Sue, who is it?”

He couldn’t believe it

What Su Yu said was completely different from him, because what he knew was not as much as Su Yu knew on the stage!


“That girl…”

“I grew up with Wang Dadong and Rex.”

Su Yu took a sip of tea.

“Wang Dadong and Rex both like this girl, but this girl only likes Wang Dadong.”

“Every time Rex gives something to a girl and something that pleases a girl, it will be given to Wang Dadong by this girl, and Wang Dadong gives it to Rex without knowing it…”

“Rex deeply likes the girl, but Wang Dadong is shy, he does not dare to pay attention to this girl, he runs when he sees her, Wang Dadong loves to pull the girl’s hair, pulls the girl to cry, that time, it was Rex’s first fight, like madness, Wang Dadong beat up, and even one of Wang Dadong’s teeth was knocked out, but Wang Dadong did not fight back…”

“In this relationship…”

“Rex is extremely humble, but how good he is, he can’t exchange the girl’s love and gratitude, but he just treats him as a friend.”

A story is told slowly.

In that story—

Rex was very humble, so humble as to the dust, just wanted the girl to look at him… However, the girl only likes Wang Dadong, everything will only be considered by Wang Dadong, in the face of Rex’s overtures but indifferent, he is like an outsider, quietly looking at the two, but not willing to give up completely, in the darkness constantly sinking, constantly losing themselves.

To the end—

He began to resent everything, resented Wang Dadong, and felt that Wang Dadong had robbed him of everything and taken away his girl.

“This Rex…”

“So affectionate?”

The mixed characters below were all stunned.

“But it’s because of a girl?” This Rex is also too dead-eyed, right? ”

“Does this girl look like a celestial being?”

“Who is this girl?”

Many are very curious.

Hear the questions of the.

Su Yu smiled slightly on the stage and slowly said a name:


It’s just—

The moment he just exited!

“Shut up!!!!”

A roar of anger rang out from under the stage!

“You’re not qualified to mention her name!”

A roar of anger came!

And then—


A force index that broke 10,000 points exploded in an instant!

Under the gaze of countless mixed-up generations, KO list masters, and students!

A figure turned into a remnant from under the platform and rushed onto the high platform!

A terrifying exponential battle power swept out!


Countless people felt a suppression from the breath!



Wang Dadong and Ding Xiaoyu stood up instantly!

“It’s Rex!”

Wang Dadong’s expression at this moment turned into shock and disbelief, and finally turned into complexity and worry.

On the high platform!

The hand of Ares in Rex’s hand appeared, a mighty energy condensed in it, and the moment he rushed to the high platform, his combat power index was bursting madly! A faint green light condensed all over his body!

His eyes were fierce and dead, and he looked at Na Su Yu!

It was as if there was only one word left in my mind




Kill him!

Kill him!






Countless and KO list masters stood up in an instant!

“Breaking the 10,000-point combat power index…”


At this moment, Wang Dadong finally felt Rex’s combat strength index.

“Break the 10,000-point combat power index.”

In the distance, King Arthur’s brow furrowed.

“This Rex…”

“This Rex…”

“Is it really KO.2?!”

“He actually has a 10,000-point combat strength index?!”

The countless below were horrified!

And on the high platform!


Already rushed to Nasu Island not far away!



Wang Dadong wanted to stop it, but it was too late!

Countless people watched as Rex had arrived two meters away from Su Yu!

So close distance!

Break the 10,000-point combat power index out!

Mr. Sue….


But in the next second!



Su Yu sat on that table and saw that Rex rushed towards him, and the hand of Ares in the hands of Narex condensed countless terrifying energies, with a vicious face and a murderous intent to attack him!


Rex arrives! The wind is blowing in the face!

Su Yu closed the fan in his hand and raised his hand to fight!


Rex’s Ares hand attacked the fan! It was easily resisted by that fan!

The wind is blowing in the face! Pulling up Na Su Yu’s black Tang costume and hair, he slapped the fan with one hand, but he still sat in the same place, motionless, and his eyes looked at Rex in front of him very calmly.

In the next second!



A figure descended from the sky!


A terrifying combat power index exploded in an instant! A mighty energy instantly hit Rex!

Rex was still on the offensive and was caught off guard in an instant! The whole person was directly blasted out by that energy!


He fell fiercely on the edge of the high platform, in a daze.


The scene was momentarily silent.


[There is still a difference between the last more ~, now every day to guarantee the bottom of six more, today the flowers broke 5W (now 4.5W), the evaluation vote broke 3500 (now 2600), the daily guarantee of the bottom seven more ~ to reach the time of the day direct ten more, please support ~ thank you readers for the data cast ~].

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