Just now….

What happened?

Countless bastards stood up and looked at all this in shock!

Even the Ultimate Class stood up in amazement and looked at Rex who had fallen on the edge of the high platform.


Countless people looked at the figure on the high platform, and for a moment they were a little confused.


There is a 10,000-point combat power index?

“Cough cough…”

Under the eyes of everyone, Rex stood up awkwardly and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

He looked at Nasuyu with some disbelief—

Just that moment!

He struck with all his might!

Was it so easily blocked by this Su Yu?


Standing in front of Su Yu, the figure that had just fallen from the sky, a snow-white man, actually broke out in an instant and injured him?


“You’re all right!”

At this time.

Wang Dadong’s figure appeared on the high platform in an instant, looking at Rex worriedly, and at the same time, his eyes also looked at Na Su Yu in shock.

The combat power index that just caught a glimpse…

It broke through 10,000 points in an instant!


This Mr. Sue…

Also a master!

Hear Wang Dadong’s words.

Rex’s eyes turned his head directly, and his eyes were very cold, even resentful.

“Wang Dadong.”

“Are you satisfied?”

He opened his mouth coldly, his hair was messy, and his eyes seemed to be about to swallow Wang Dadong alive.

“What the hell are you talking about?” Rex? Wang Dadong’s puzzled opening, his eyes were worried, and there was also a hint of complexity.

“I say!”

“Are you satisfied?”

Rex gritted his teeth.

“Yes, I am the legendary KO.2!”

“Everything he just said was done by me, and Arthur Wang was wronged by me, and I am going to deal with you!”

“So what?!”

“I’m Rex, why have you ever been afraid?”

Rex looked cold.

“Didn’t you just want this result when you brought me here to listen to the book?” Want to debunk me? ”

He thought that Wang Dadong had brought him to listen to the book in order to expose him.

Rex’s words.

In an instant, the mixed word generation and KO list masters were in an uproar, and they looked at Rex on the stage in shock.

“Mr. Su said…”

“Is it true?!”

and KO list masters are looking at everything on the stage in disbelief!

Many of them had previously felt that Su Yu was only telling stories, just made up stories, although some people felt very real, but most people just listened to them as stories, but as Rex came to the stage, acknowledging everything he had done, acknowledging his identity, everything was proving

Mr. Su said…

Not a story!

It’s real!

You can even predict what will happen in the future!

This one discovery instantly stunned the mixed word generation in the audience!

“Mr. Su is also amazing, isn’t it?”

“The story he told is simply true!”

“Isn’t that information true?”

“Twelve time and space, golden time and space, demon world?”


Everyone felt that the three views had been greatly impacted!

What Mr. Su said…


Is it really true?!

Their worldview collapsed!

Even the self-destructing identity of Rex on that stage was not as amazing as the story told by Su Yu!

“Rex… Is all this really done by you? ”

Wang Dadong looked at the crazy Rex and felt very uncomfortable.

“Don’t look at me with your fake eyes!”

“What I do, I’m going to deal with you!”

“I said Wang Dadong…”

“Everything I lost…”

“Take it back!”

Rex opened his mouth coldly, his eyes fierce, and the chill surged.

Half ring.

But he suddenly laughed.

“I wanted to play slowly with you idiots!”

“But since it has been exposed, it has been exposed, and what can it be?”


He looked at Su Yu, who was sitting quietly in the distance.

“Who the hell are you?”

He gritted his teeth and asked.

Su Yu sat in the distance, a black Tang suit, the ink fan in his hand quietly swayed, as if everything that had just happened did not exist, and his face was very calm and gentle.

Listen to Rex’s question.

Su Yu just shook the fan and took a sip of tea.

Half ring.

He smiled slightly, and a pair of eyes looked at Rex calmly.

“Su Yu.”


“Disturbing order should be punished.”

Su Yu opened his mouth very calmly and took another sip of tea

“Yes, sir.”

The man standing in front of him nodded slightly.

After he fell from the sky to repel Rex, he had been standing there quietly, his eyes were out of focus, and Junya’s face was cold and calm, without any emotion, but as Su Yu’s words sounded, his eyes lifted slightly, and he glanced at Rex slightly.


Rex seemed to sense a deadly threat!

His body.

Under those eyes.

I took a step backwards involuntarily!

Under his watchful eye!

The man standing quietly in the distance was like a sword that came out of nowhere, one and could crush everything at any time!

This guy….

Who is it?


Nasu Island.

Just that moment.

He felt a force of 10,000 points of combat power strike instantaneously! He couldn’t predict, but definitely far beyond him! It was easy to block his all-out attack!

This Su Yu…

What exactly is the origin?

He himself was so powerful, and the one who stood in front of him and called him Mr. Guardian was also terrifying!

But at the moment when the man was about to strike!

“Wait a minute!”

That’s when it happened.

Wang Dadong.

But he suddenly blocked in front of Rex.

“Mr. Sue, let Rex go!”

“I’ll punish him for him!”

“He attacked you, it was his fault, but I punished him for it!”

He has no remorse.

So he stood in front of Rex and protected Rex behind him.


[Yesterday’s update ended, today’s guarantee is six more ~ flowers, evaluation tickets to meet the standard, immediately ten more ~ another wave of monthly passes ~ every more ten to everyone to add one more ~ thank you readers ~ good night ~].

welcome the National Day 7-day long holiday to read books and enjoy the sky! Charge 100 to get 500 VIP bonds!

snap up immediately (Event period: October 1 to October 7)

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