Chapter Eighty-Six Is the Sword Madness Wang Dadong’s Father? The fourth key person – the Golden Pen Guest! 【7 more】!!


Su Yu slowly spoke, “Figure.” ”

“It was Wang Dadong’s father.”

Simple in one sentence.

But it made the in the audience all dumbfounded.


In front of the mixed word generation, it was mentioned that Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, and Rex had an extraordinary history, and their fathers were all the adjudicators of the armed ruling, relatively speaking, Wang Dadong seemed to be relatively ordinary!

But now! Su Yu’s words.

But it made people who had just felt this feeling feel a pain in their faces.

“That is to say, the knife madness is actually Wang Dadong’s father?”

“Then the knife ghost.”

“The knife mad knife ghost is Wang Dadong’s parents?”

“The first time the knife madness crossed his life and fell from the peak state, it was because he saved Wang Dadong?”

The bastards’ eyes widened and they were shocked by the news!

Of course!

What shocked them was the identity of the knife madman and the knife ghost!

One is the second in the gold list, once in the peak state, even able to surpass the first horror supreme existence of the gold list!

One is the sixth in the gold list, but its weapon station is all over the twelve time and space, and it is one of the first people to contact the twelve time and space!

Knife madness knife ghost these four words!

It represents the most terrifying existence in the golden time and space! In particular, they also have the Killer Organization, a force that makes the entire martial arts world tremble with fear!

His identity was exposed

Destined to be shocking and dazzling!

Of course!

When the identities of the knife madness and the knife ghost actually came into contact with the core characters of the first chapter of the first chapter of this magnificent epic story, the shock brought by the golden time and space, the ultimate class of protagonists, was even stronger!

“That is to say, the four KO list masters in the ultimate class, Rex, Wang Arthur, and Ding Xiaoyu’s father are the arbiters of the armed ruling, and Wang Dadong’s parents are the knife crazy knife ghosts that make the armed rulings fear!”

“The origin of the four of them.”

“It’s amazing, too!”

The mixed word generations sighed and were shocked, and were shocked by the origin of the four people.

Four people

Everyone seems not simple!


The knife madness and the knife ghost looked at each other.

Knife Mania: “…”

Knife Ghost: “? ”

Knife madness: “Wife, you said, I can’t go back and put away the photos now.” ”

Knife Ghost: “I don’t think so.” ”

“Or not.”

“It’s more practical for you to cut off the gut breaker.”

The knife ghost opened his mouth very seriously.

“You say why this gut-breaking person is so annoying, and he likes to go to other people’s homes when he has nothing to do.”

She felt that the people with broken intestines were very annoying, how could they like to visit the door so much.

The two looked at each other again, and both laughed helplessly.

Dao Crazy shook his head and said helplessly, “Also.”

“Since the birth of the armed ruling, the appearance of the gold list, and the emergence of the story, we can’t continue to hide it after all, and in the end, it will still be known.”

“It’s also a good opportunity.”

He felt.


Speaking from Su Yu’s mouth, it was a good opportunity.

According to the current situation of golden time and space

The gold list is alive.

Mr. Su was born.

After all, the identities of the two could not be hidden for too long.

“My dad.”

“Is it knife madness?”

“My mom…”

“Is it a knife ghost?”

Wang Dadong blinked, his eyes looked straight ahead, and his brain crashed.

Arthur King: “…”

Rex: “…”

Ding Xiaoyu: “…”

Ding Xiaoyu looked at Arthur Wang and said, “Arthur, do you remember what you just said?” ”

King Arthur was silent for a moment.

He remembered

Before that, he also laughed at Wang Dadong, always liked to think wildly and fantasize about some unrealistic things.

“The result…”

I felt a little pain in my face.

King Arthur spoke.

Shakespeare said: Death is terrible. Shameful life is especially annoying. ”

Rex wondered, “What do you mean?” ”

Arthur shook his head, “It’s not interesting, I just want to die.” He was a little helpless. ”

Just casual ridicule.

Actually came true?

This is really what made him the proud king Arthur. My face is a little uncomfortable!


“My dad was a knife maniac.”

My mom is a knife ghost.

Wang Dadong pointed to himself, somewhat stunned.

Arthur Wang, Ding Xiaoyu, Rex: “…”

Ding Xiaoyu said, “Dadong, you cheer up.” But Wang Dadong didn’t seem to hear it. ”

“My dad is knife crazy.”

“My mom is a knife ghost.”

King Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, and Rex couldn’t help but roll their eyes.


“My dad actually fell from a state because he saved me?”

“Then my dad will still drop to 100 points because of saving my mother?”

Wang Dadong suddenly burst into tears.


“I absolutely can’t let that happen!”

He clenched his fists.

Arthur Wang, Ding Xiaoyu, Rex: “??? ”

There seemed to be countless question marks above the heads of the three people!

Just now, Wang Dadong still had a look that he couldn’t accept and couldn’t understand! But just in the next second.

Suddenly understood, and then still worried?

Wang Arthur helplessly spoke: “Megalomaniac, should I say that your brain is not good, or should I say that your brain is turning too fast.” ”

The three of them were a little helpless, Wang Dadong just looked unacceptable and ended up accepting it in an instant the next second, even if he accepted it, he still thought of the future? Can this brain be a little faster?


After the mixed generations have not yet returned to God.

Su Yu on the stage continued: “After Arthur’s father was captured.”

“Arthur Wang finally knows the truth of the matter.”

“The Judgment of Force, the Corpse of the Armed Forces, the Existence of the Black Dragon.”

“The corpses are out frequently.”

In Su Yu’s narration

Countless bastards felt a sense of urgency, especially when those martial corpses appeared, the persecutive killing intent made Wang Dadong and others unable to deal with it, but the martial corpse did not shoot, making countless people curious about his purpose

Finally, when Arthur Wang got the contents of the safe, he understood the true purpose of the corpse!

Target Tian Xin.

“Squad Leader?”

Below, Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Rex, and Ding Xiaoyu looked slightly shocked

The target of the martial corpse.

The first objective of the Armed Judgment Institute.

It was actually Ban Daotian Xin?

“That is.”

“The narcissist dad will go missing and have everything to do with force.”

“Ban Dao is the target of the Martial Law Judgment Office because she is the ultimate martial arts genius Black Dragon worried about her potential.”

Wang Dadong opened his mouth in a deep voice.

That’s what they know.


The surrounding were all immersed in that story, and after knowing that the force verdict was the class of guides, many of the couldn’t help but sweat for Na Tian Xin.


Su Yu took a sip of tea and continued to tell the story in his story.

Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, and Ding Xiaoyu, after knowing the purpose of the martial corpse, began to protect Ban Dao, and the three of them finally fought with the Wu corpse and appeared, this legendary KO.1, the younger brother of Ban Dao Tian Xin, was specially sent by the Black Dragon to capture Tian Xin! The three of them were not opponents of Na Wu Corpse Zun at all, and at that critical moment, Ding Xiaoyu’s left fist temporarily repelled the Wu Corpse.

The plot, the story, became more and more compact, more and more tense, and the in the audience stopped discussing and immersed themselves in the tense story

In order to protect the Ban Dao, the three decided to protect them and not let the Ban Dao go home.

But after the corpse appeared again.

Ding Xiaoyu used his right fist to barely fight back. The plot is getting more and more tense.

With the appearance of the Martial Corpse Zun…

The combat strength of Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, and Ding Xiaoyu was far from enough, and all three of them felt that their own strength was insufficient, and in the face of that martial corpse, there was no counterattack at all!


At the most critical moment, the people who broke the intestines finally invited the knife-mad killer organization to invite Tian Xin into the bottom protection center.

The plot is getting more and more intense.

Everyone felt a sense of tension.

“It’s also too depressing. With the appearance of this martial corpse, Wang Dadong was not an opponent at all, and could only rely on Ding Xiaoyu’s left and right fists! ”

“And Tulong said that there is probably more than one corpse in the martial arts.”

“If the killer organization does not go down, this final game will probably be very dark.”

The in the audience only felt that this fourth story was getting closer and closer to the dark ending, and everyone was always worried.

Especially heard

Wang Dadong was killed by Wu Corpse, and after the attack was quickly returned to the needle, his whole heart was raised.


The knife went crazy, and the knife ghost finally struck and saved Wang Dadong.

But things

But nothing has changed.

Next plot.

Cai Yunhan, the seventh place in the KO list, Cai Wuxiong, the eighth place in the KO list, transferred to the ultimate class, and the person with broken intestines entered the ultimate class as a class director.

“After encountering Wu Corpse Wu, King Arthur noticed the abnormality of the sword in the stone.”

“This matter.”

“It’s about the final curtain.”

Su Yu mentioned this, but he paused and did not continue.

Ignoring the gloomy eyes of the in the audience, Su Yu mentioned another thing.

“After the Gut Breaker entered Bale High School…”

“The fourth key character in the fourth story…”

“It’s here.”

Su Yu was on the stage and gently shook the folding fan.

The people below were slightly stunned.

The fourth key person?

The first key person is naturally the earth dragon!

The second and third nature is the knife madness knife ghost! That…

What about the fourth? Stage.

Su Yu smiled slightly, and slowly said a name: “Golden Pen Guest.” ”

The sky is loud! Sky Thunder Rolling! This moment!

Countless thunderbolts intertwine from all directions!

Bale College.

Office of the Principal.

Qian Caiye looked up suddenly…

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