Chapter Eighty-Seven Golden Pen Point Dragon, Golden Pen Guest! 【8 more】!!

The moment he looked up, he looked ahead.

It was as if a high platform had emerged.

On that high platform, Na Su Yu held a folding fan in his hand and looked calmly ahead.

“I do not exist in the fate of golden space-time, unpredictable, undetectable, and even more undetectable.”

“I stand outside the corridor of destiny.”

“Mr. Su…”

“Can you know me?”

His eyes narrowed slightly, but his eyes were calm.

He got up.


His figure disappeared into place.

“Golden Pen.”


The word bastards in the audience did not know the shock of these three words!


The knife is crazy, the knife ghost, and the person who broke the intestine suddenly screamed in horror!

“Golden Penker?!”

The voice of the person with the broken intestine is very loud, almost can be described as very shocking, echoing throughout the mixed word generation.

The eyes of countless. Instantly looked at the person who broke the intestine!

“Mr. Sue.”

“You say that the fourth key person is actually the Golden Penker?!”

“That is.”

“The Golden Pencil will appear in the fourth story?”

The person with the broken intestine ignored those sights, but looked at Su Yu deadly.


Su Yu smiled slightly.

Su Yu’s answer.

However, it made the severed intestine human body tremble slightly, which was obviously shocked to the extreme!

“Is this the person who broke the intestine?”

The bastards also discovered the existence of people with broken intestines.

“He should be the one who wears pink.”

“I didn’t think about it.”

“I actually met the protagonist in the story.”

Some of the jerks were very surprised.

“He’s also a central figure to read.”

“I want to go to him and ask for an autograph.”

Some like this character very much and want to find a person with a broken intestine to sign.


“Haven’t you all noticed?”

“This golden pen guest doesn’t seem to be simple, this gut-breaker knows so much, but now he seems to have lost his mind.”

Suddenly, some of the mixed word generations discovered the strangeness of the person who broke the intestine!

The person with the broken intestine seemed to turn a blind eye to his surroundings, but instead looked directly at Su Yu’s eyes wide, obviously shocked to the extreme.

The identity of the person who broke the intestine, what is the human design?

It is the red dragon of the Armed Judgment Institute, the intestinal breaker who knows countless information, and in the story, it is Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, and Ding Xiaoyu’s guide, who guides the three people, and even enters the Bale High School in order to protect the three people.

But that’s the number one person! Know so many number one people! It was such a lost and shocked look.

This also proves it.

This golden pen guest is extraordinary!

“Mr. Su…”

“Who is the Golden Penker?”


“The person with the broken intestine is so shocked, it is almost like losing his soul, doesn’t he know a lot?”

A bastard asked, feeling very strange, and at the same time more curious in his heart!

Even Wang Dadong, Wang Yabei, Ding Xiaoyu, and Rex were all aware of something wrong with the intestinal breaker, but they didn’t know who this golden pencil was, but on the contrary, the intestinal breaker was so distracted and shocked, which aroused the interest of Wang Dadong and others and the mixed characters!

“Golden Pencils.”

The “Golden Pencils” muttered to themselves.


Su Yu smiled slightly, and the folding fan in his hand pointed slightly: “Since the person who broke the intestine is here.” ”


“He can introduce this character in more detail.”

Su Yu nodded slightly:


He pointed to the high platform in front of him, at the invitation.

His words.

Instantly let the person with the broken intestine come back to his senses.

The person with the broken intestine looked at Su Yu, half ringing, and seemed to be invited by Su Yu, and he walked toward the high platform.

As he walked, he looked at Su Yu.

That’s it

He met with the first time.

I don’t know why.

In the bottom of his heart, the Su Yu in front of him seemed to have seen him countless times, even if he was a person with a broken intestine, he could feel that he and Su Yu had a faint sense of familiarity, perhaps it was the story, so that the two had a little involvement in that darkness.

He came to the high platform.


It was two or three thousand mixed characters, crowded in front of the entire high platform, the voice of people boiling, and countless eyes were watching him.

Under this gaze.

The person who broke the intestine was actually a little nervous.


“I’ll tell you more about it.”

“The character of the Golden Pencier.”

But when it comes to what he knows, his nervousness disappears in an instant, replaced by a confident and mysterious confidence that knows everything.

“Mention the Golden Pen Guest.”

“We have to start with a strange book, a comic book thirty years ago.”


“Let the martial arts community thirty years ago set off a storm and set off countless bloody comic books.”

The man with the broken intestine spoke slowly.

The people below heard the people with broken intestines mention the martial arts of thirty years ago, and they were all quiet in an instant!

In this kind of introduction full of a sense of age, the kind of martial arts that they can’t see and the martial arts they yearn for, can only be seen through the description of the person with the broken intestine in front of them, so they are very interested and want to see the martial forest of thirty years ago through the description of the person who broke the intestine.

“A comic called ‘The Golden Pen and the Dragon.'”

“This book appeared in Wulin thirty years ago, causing an unprecedented catastrophe, and even the Armed Judgment Institute at that time, the killer organization led by the knife madness, also issued a hunting order to the author of this comic book, that is, the Golden Pen Guest!”


The sound of the person who broke the intestine was slightly slight, and he wanted to pull a special feeling.


The eyes of countless below were momentarily unkind.

“Cough cough.”

The person with the broken intestine smiled awkwardly, but immediately corrected his face: “Because.” ”

“This set of comic books, thirty years ago, drew the future of Wang Dadong and Ding Xiaoyu King Arthur, and this book can also predict the future of countless people, can also investigate the past, know the past of countless people, countless people can see different themselves from that cartoon…”

In a word.

In an instant, the word in the audience instantly boiled!

“Oh my God!”

“Can you predict the future?”

“Thirty years ago, the future of Wang Dadong, King Arthur, and Ding Xiaoyu was predicted?”

“If I hadn’t heard Mr. Su’s story, I wouldn’t have believed it at all.”

The in the audience were very shocked!

Of course

If they hadn’t heard Su Yu’s story before, they wouldn’t have believed such a ridiculous story at all!

Golden Pen Point Dragon… How amazing is that? Below!

Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, and Rex’s face changed slightly! Thirty years ago.

Someone painted their future? How is this possible?


Even more impossible things have already appeared, that is, Mr. Su on the stage, he has long since turned that impossible into possible!

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