Above the Eighty-Eight Immortal God, it is Mr. Su! Golden Pen Guest Present! 【9 more】!!

“The main line of the future told by the golden pen Dianlong is Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, and Ding Xiaoyu, three children.”

“And the so-called point dragon, the point of the point, is the dragon of this era.”

“Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu three children…”

“It is the dragon of the times, and the protagonist of the times, and their future has appeared as early as thirty years ago.”

“And the Golden Pen Guest……”

“The author of this set of books.”

The Broken Intestines man detailed the existence of the Golden Pen Point Dragon.

“Golden Pencils.”

Mention the Golden Pen Guest.

The eyes of the person with the broken intestine narrowed slightly, and the eyes were very deep.

“Some people say he’s a fairy.”

“Someone said he was a demon.”

“But his appearance, the heavenly opportunity he leaked, set off a terrible bloody storm in the martial forest of that year!”

“No one knows where he came from, no one knows where he came from, it’s like he doesn’t exist in this world, and more people think he’s a fairy or a demon.”

“And thirty years ago, under the order to hunt down, he disappeared without a trace, and the world rumored that he was dead.”

“Just didn’t think about it…”

The severed intestines looked at the left and right banners.

“Here in thirty years.”

“I can hear the news of this golden writer.”

“That’s not right!”

“Broken intestines, then this golden pen dots the dragon… Isn’t it the same as Mr. Sue? ”

The off-stage found something wrong!

If this “Golden Pen Point Dragon” can predict the future and investigate the past, isn’t it the same as Mr. Su on the stage?

“Isn’t it……”

“Mr. Su is a golden penman?”

“No, if Mr. Su were a golden writer, he probably wouldn’t have mentioned himself like that…”

“Is it possible that Mr. Su is looking at the golden pen and the dragon?”

Some people speculate that the comparison between the use of gold pencils and Su Yu is made.

It’s just that.

The bowel breaker on the stage shook his head.

His eyes looked slightly at Su Yu behind him.

Half ring.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, “Guys…”

“You were wrong.”

“Mr. Su……”

“Can be more than the golden pen dot dragon, even, the golden pen customer knows more, more extensively.”

He looked more and more serious.

“The future recorded and predicted by the Golden Pen Dianlong is not even as much as the corner mentioned by Mr. Su, the fate of those countless people, the appearance of the Golden List, is that the Golden Pen Dianlong has never appeared, and even the Golden Pen Guest cannot predict the existence of Mr. Su.”

“If the Golden Pen Dianlong could disturb the martial arts of thirty years ago…”

“Mr. Su’s appearance affects the twelve time and space and the demon world.”

“If the golden pen dots the dragon magically……”


“Mr. Su, standing behind me, has transcended the boundaries of magic.”

“You just need to understand one thing.”

“That is…”

“Mr. Su and the golden pen point dragon, not a level of existence.”

“In Mr. Su’s story, there is a golden pen guest, but the golden pen of the golden pen is a dragon, and there is no Mr. Su.”

The man with the broken intestine expounded what he knew.

The more you know, the clearer your judgment will be.

The golden pen dot dragon is magical.

But he……

But there were terrible limitations, and even what he knew was not as much as Su Yu behind him knew.


Not a level of existence at all.

“Pass the prize.”


Su Yu shook the folding fan and took a sip of tea: “I’m just a storyteller.” ”

Calm words.

But it makes people feel extraordinary!

Even the Golden Penciker, who looked like a fairy and a demon in the world, could not stand on the same level as Mr. Nasu! How terrible should this Mr. Sue be?

From the moment the Golden Pen Dianlong appeared, many people regarded Su Yu as a Golden Pen Guest, and even compared with the Golden Pen Guest, there seemed to be similarities between the two, with some key information of the Golden Pen Guest, immortal, demon and other titles appeared, which made the mixed characters more and more shocked!

But as the gut-breaker said, they found out… that the two were not comparable at all!

The simplest………

It is according to the intestinal breaker, in the story of the Golden Pen Guest……… No Mr. Sue.

But in Mr. Sue’s story……

But there are golden pencils!

Not a level at all!

Even in the cognition of the people with broken intestines, the story that Su Yu said, the future that he said, was to summarize the twelve time and space, to summarize the demon world, and even the details of the golden pen were under Su Yu’s control!

What about the Golden Pen Guest?


“It’s over to Mr. Su.”

The person with the broken intestine bowed slightly to Su Yu and was about to leave.

“Give the throne.”

At this moment, Su Yu folded the fan in his hand and pointed slightly.

A chair!

The moment appeared from the black attic and landed directly next to the severed intestine, to the left of the high platform.

“It’s been hard.”

Su Yu smiled slightly, signaling the person with the broken intestine to sit down, and the person who broke the intestine nodded, and sat quietly and obediently to the side.

“Since the Broken Intestines Man introduced us to the origin of the Golden Pen Guest……”

“And he.”

“It’s also a key character in the fourth story.”

“At the same time…”

“It is also the key person who determines the end of the first chapter of this magnificent epic story.”

Su Yu slowly opened his mouth and told a part of the future.

The mixed characters below all listened quietly, and after the appearance of the Golden Pen Dian Dragon and the Golden Pen Guest, the cognition of Su Yu by the understage mixed characters once again raised a realm, even if Su Yu was already out of reach in their eyes.

“Isn’t it……”

“The identity of the Golden Pen Guest is about to be revealed?”

Offstage, some of the mixed characters had some unbelievable openings.

Is this the existence of a martial artist who was compared to a fairy and a demon by the people in the martial forest thirty years ago, and now he is going to be revealed in front of Mr. Su?

If it’s true…… So how terrifying should this Mr. Su be?


Knife Mania shook his head even more.

“This golden penman……”

“I thought so.”

He had thought that Su Yu and the Golden Pen Guest must have a slight involvement.

But I didn’t expect that

What Su Yu thought with him was not a level at all, but much higher! Even as high as Genting!

This terrifying existence that once caused the martial arts world to stir up a bloody storm, that is likened to the existence of immortals and demons, can predict the existence of all the future, and even today, it will be predicted to the identity, and even predicted to the future!

“I feel scared.”

The knife ghost spoke.

“Thirty years ago…”

“In our eyes, this golden pen guest is an unfathomable behemoth, like standing on a divine platform, looking down on everything in the long river of time, knowing the future, the past, the present, in our eyes, he is a fairy god, does not belong, is not on the same level as us.”

“But today I found out…”

“Above the Immortals.”

“There’s one more person.”

“The Golden Pencil looked down on all of us, and the man looked down at him and us.”

The knife ghost felt a chill.

Who knows the Golden Pencil better than she and Knife Madness? The two were in the martial forest thirty years ago, and naturally knew what kind of existence the Golden Pen Ke was, a supreme being, a existence beyond the martial forest, and was called the existence of the Immortal God in the eyes of countless people! But today!

On this high platform

It is a being far beyond that of the Golden Pencier! This made the knife ghost shudder.

“At least.”

“He stands in twelve spaces.”

The knife madman spoke.

His face was calm, but his eyes were also very shocked.

“Golden Pen Guest……”

“Who the hell is that?”

He was also curious.

Countless people, the people below the mixed characters, the people who broke the intestines, Wang Dadong and others, are very curious, this golden pen guest, this thirty years ago, in the wulin set off a bloody storm, known as the existence of the immortal god, who is it, who is it?

This moment.

Two or three thousand people were completely silent, waiting for Su Yu’s story.


Su Yu shook the folding fan in his hand slightly: “The fourth key person in the fourth story…”

“After the Broken Gut Man entered the Ultimate First Class.”

“Finally on the surface.”

“He’s just…”

Su Yu’s eyes lifted slightly.

“President of Bale High School.”

“Qian Laiye.”


The moment the words fell! The sky dome shook instantly! Endless Thunder Roll! It’s like a day of fury! But in the next second! All this……… All dissipated! And the below………

At this moment, he had already opened his eyes wide, and he had already shocked the record! Whoever it is

Wang Dadong, Ding Xiaoyu, Wang Arthur, Rex, the ultimate class, the word bastards, even knife madness, knife ghosts, and broken intestines!

All of them!

All of them opened their eyes wide in disbelief! Even before these people could react!

Airplanes! Suddenly. High platform below the front. A strange fluctuation.

With that fluctuation

A figure appeared there.

It was a middle-aged man, dressed in a brown suit, with glasses and a beard, who looked very wealthy.

But at the moment

He stood straight in the distance and looked up at Su Yu.


He said, “Mr. Sue.” ”

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