Chapter Eighty-Nine The Fifth Key Person, from the Ultimate Class! 【1 more】!!

In front of the high platform

The appearance of this figure! That weird fluctuation!

Instantly caught everyone’s attention! The moment you see that figure!

Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, Rex, the final class stood up in an instant.



They recognize it naturally!

That’s the president of Bale High School! That is what Mr. Su said……… Golden Pen Guest!

The existence that caused the entire martial forest to stir up a bloody storm thirty years ago was likened to the existence of the Immortal God, and at this moment, it actually appeared here!

On a high platform.

The person with the broken intestine stood up in an instant.


The knife mad knife ghosts were all shocked.

Countless people looked at this Qian Laiye, as if they wanted to see the mystery that belonged to the Golden Pen Guest, but they were disappointed, they saw as if they were an ordinary person, but the way they just appeared, no one thought that he would be an ordinary person!

“The past of the past.”

“Now now.”

“The future of the future.”

Qian Laiye smiled slightly.

He slowly walked to the front of the high platform, and those mixed characters who stood in front of him involuntarily gave way to a passage.

“It’s just…”

“The present past is not the past, and the present is not the present.”

“And the future of the future…”

“It’s not the future anymore.”

Jin Bike stood in front of the high platform, staring at Su Yu on the high platform.

The two looked at each other.

This moment! Very silent!

Countless people looked at that Qian Laiye in shock! Originally, although many people believed Su Yu’s words, there was no way to fully believe them, but now, Qian Laiye’s appearance already represented……… The authenticity of what Mr. Su said! Qian Laiye in front of you!

Really the legendary Golden Penciley!

That existence that made the entire martial forest fear thirty years ago!

“My story doesn’t have you…”

“But Mr. Sue’s story has me.”


Qian Laiye’s voice faded slightly.

“I’m here.”


Su Yu smiled slightly and took a sip of tea: “Lucky meeting.” ”

Jin Bike nodded and smiled slightly, “Lucky meeting.” ”

“I want to come and listen to the book…”

He smiled and squinted at the opening.

“By the way…”

“Maybe there’s time to help Mr. Su make notes.”

He was serious.

“Give the throne.”

Su Yu folded the fan in his hand and pointed slightly.

A chair appeared in the air and landed next to the person with the broken intestine.


Su Yu raised his hand in a gesture.


“You’re welcome!”

The golden writer smiled, was very happy, and went directly to the high platform and sat next to the person with the broken intestine.


When the person with the broken intestine saw the golden pen sitting down, he was so frightened that he walked to the side.


For this mysterious existence that could make the entire force bloody and unknown thirty years ago, it was compared to the existence of the immortal god, and the person who broke the intestine was afraid, just by looking at Su Yu, he still sat down.

Countless people watched this scene.

All stunned.


“Is that it?”

All the bastards were stunned and looked at everything in front of them in disbelief! The identity from the Golden Pen Guest is revealed!

To the Golden Pen customer appears!

All the bastards have not had time to return to God!

However, the appearance of the Golden Pen Ke suddenly made everyone feel a shock in their hearts, and they all wanted to see what this mysterious existence that had been debunked was going to do, which was compared to the existence of the Immortal God! Outcome……… Want to sit there and listen to the story? Or even want to do annotations?

This…too… Amazing, right?

Seems to feel the shock below.


Qian Laiye smiled slightly: “When the story of the golden pen and the dragon appears…”

“The future is already in front of you.”

“And the future that this shows is already doomed in the dark, countless people have seen different selves in it, seen countless futures that belong to them, and countless people are afraid to see the golden pen and dragon, because it clearly draws everyone who they are, which is a future that cannot be changed.”

“Maybe darkness, maybe light, maybe a fog, but it’s unchangeable.”

“We call this providence.”

“But now…”

“The future variables have been blurred, everything will be broken and kneaded, and everything that was destined in the dark has changed.”

The golden penman’s eyes narrowed slightly.


“So, I’d like to come and hear it…”

“The chapter of this story.”

His meaning is simple.

He also wanted to hear………

The first chapter of this magnificent epic story.

This has changed chapter!


He is still sketching the future! But now what he has outlined is still a fog, and everything he can see and what he knows is in that fog.


Su Yu took a sip of tea: “Guys. ”

“Let’s continue…”

“The fourth story.”

He began to tell the fourth story.

There was silence in the audience.

With the appearance of the Golden Pen Guest, countless mixed characters are very nervous, this is the existence of the fairy god that was compared to thirty years ago, and now it is sitting here, listening to books and stories with them!


They were quickly drawn to the fourth story.

In that fourth story, the intestine-breaker gradually discovered that there was something wrong with Qian Laiye, the principal of Bale College, and when he was in class, he began to talk about the KO list, talk about the golden pen and the dragon, and in the end……… Qian Laiye gave him a golden pen, which seemed to be some kind of warning, and after receiving the warning, the person who broke his intestines stopped lecturing.

Although the mixed characters under the stage know the identity of the golden pencier, and even the golden pencil is sitting here, the story involved in it is very attractive, and the identity of the golden pencil is like a huge puzzle, not only in the story, but also in reality, countless people want to see the future of this golden pencier.

Even the Golden Pencil himself.

They all want to see his future.

This is the purpose of his coming.

Su Yu tells the fourth story.

In that fourth story, after the appearance of “Golden Pen Point Dragon”, force ruled all the actions, the martial corpse was sent out, wanting to snatch, with the first appearance of “Golden Pen Point Dragon”, everything became confusing, and Cai Wuxiong, who appeared in front, also began to pestering Wang Arthur, and she seemed to know something, once saw “Golden Pen Point Dragon”, and kept saying that Wang Arthur was injured!

But Arthur felt that he was not injured… until

The sword in the stone cracked, and he knew that the lock sword stone had actually cracked! He was actually injured by his own sword in the stone!

“And just then…”

“The fifth key character in the fourth story.”

“It’s here.”

Su Yu looked at the mixed characters in the audience.

The following mixed characters are quietly listening there, since the appearance of the golden pen guest, the mixed word generation has been quiet a lot, there are many people watching the golden pen guest, think that the appearance of the gold pen guest is certainly not so simple, some people are curious, why the golden pen guest in the end appeared, and with the promotion of the plot, many mixed word generation has gradually been attracted, especially the appearance of Cai Wuxiong, it seems that it is not simple at all.

And no one thought of it………

King Arthur was actually injured by his own sword in the stone!

“I was hurt by my own sword in the stone?”

Arthur Wang’s eyes looked straight at Su Yu above.

Of course.

He didn’t ignore another sentence either.

“The fifth key person?”

Countless have also been attracted! Although the characters that appeared in front of them were shocking one by one, first the earth dragon, then the knife madness, the sword ghost, and finally, even the golden pen player who was once compared to the immortal god appeared! These are the key characters in the fourth story! Every character in this, one is more terrifying than the other, each one is not simple! That fifth key person………

Who will it be?

“The fifth key person.”

“From the ultimate class.”

Su Yu shook the folding fan in his hand slightly.

One word.

But it made the bottom explode in an instant.

The were stunned.

“The Ultimate Class…”

“How could such a character appear?”

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