Chapter Ninety The Ultimate Class… Still hiding key people involved in the Golden Pen? 【2 more】!!

The fifth key person.

Coming from the Ultimate Class? Be aware

The first key person, but the arbiter of the former Armed Judgment House, the Earth Dragon! And successively led to the rain dragon, the thunder dragon! Led to Rex, Ding Xiaoyu, Wang Arthur’s ~ life!

The second and third key figures, but the Sword Crazy Knife Ghost, the second and sixth beings in the Golden List, dominate the killer organization and the weapon terminal throughout the twelve time and space! None of the two were simple, and they even led to Wang Dadong’s life!

The fourth key figure, but Jin Bike, thirty years ago, caused the entire Wulin to set off a bloody storm, and was compared to the terrifying existence of the Immortal God by the people in the Wulin, who could predict the future, and even predicted the future of Wang Dadong, Wang Ya, and Ding Xiaoyu thirty years ago!

Every character that appears above! It’s all very unsimple! And the ultimate class

How can there be a match for it? Suddenly.

The curiosity of the crowd was instantly aroused.

“The Ultimate Class.”

“Is there a fifth key person?”

“Could it be Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, and Rex one of them?”

Some speculated.

“But no, if it were one of the four of them, Mr. Su would have said it long ago, and he would definitely not have read Guanzi.”

“It must be the ultimate class of bastards outside of those four people, but who is it?”

“And who is qualified to be juxtaposed with the key figures above?”

The were very curious and felt that the ultimate class, who was qualified to be juxtaposed with several key figures above!

“Sister of KO.13? Or peaches, Linda? Or is it another KO leader? ”


The only core protagonist, isn’t it Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, Rex and others?

Who are the hidden key figures?

Countless bastards looked at Su Yu and waited for the answer.


The Ultimate Class of Students is looking at each other, looking for the fifth key person!

“Megalomaniac, who do you think it is?”

King Arthur asked.

“I don’t know.”

Wang Dadong shook his head honestly.

“Sister Fu? Peach? Linda? ”

King Arthur is speculating.

“It can’t be Campbell Three, can it?”

King Arthur suddenly said the name of Campbell, of course, this is just a joke.


“Be careful.”

At this moment, Ding Xiaoyu spoke.

“Don’t forget what you just said.”

He reminded Arthur Wang not to forget what he said earlier, including that Wang Dadong’s parents were knife madmen, knife ghosts, etc.


King Arthur was silent.

“Mr. Su has something to say.”

Rex reminded.

Arthur Wang instantly tensed up.

“Shouldn’t it be?”

“Such a coincidence, huh?”

He smiled bitterly.

Although he felt.

You may indeed have something wrong with your mouth.

As I said earlier, if Wang Dadong’s parents were crazy swordsmen, his father would not be the adjudicator of the force verdict, and no one thought that he was really right, so Wang Arthur was now suddenly nervous.


Ji An looked solemn and a little helpless.

Wouldn’t it…

He’s going to be exposed too, right?


Su Yu took a sip of tea: “The fifth key person.” ”

“From the Ultimate Class.”

“Ji An.”

Su Yu directly said Ji An’s name.


The audience boiled in an instant!

The students of the Ultimate Class looked at Ji An behind Jin Baosan in shock.

“How, how is that possible?”

Big spicy, little spicy, axe face pity.

“Technique, technique, skill?”

Jin Baosan stuttered even more, he had bullied this follower a little.

Countless Ultimate First Classes looked at Ji An and found it hard to believe.


King Arthur breathed a sigh of relief.

“If only Campbell Three…”

“I’m afraid I’m afraid I’ll not be able to speak.”

If the hidden key person in the final class was Jin Baosan, Arthur Wang would definitely wonder if his mouth had been opened.

“Maybe Campbell Three just hasn’t been exposed.”

Rex laughed and made a joke.

But the gaze of several people. They all looked at Ji An.

Ji An.

Isn’t it Campbell’s follower?

How could it be the fifth key person? The are even more puzzled.

“Ji An, who is it?”

Many of the bastards don’t even have the number one person at all.

“Ji An, is the follower of that Jin Baosan.”

Some people know each other and explain it a little.

“Campbell’s followers?”

“Is it the fifth key person?”

“What is he?”

The bastards were stunned of course!

The biggest problem is the reason for the five words of Jin Baosan’s follow-up class! Who is Campbell?

Once the boss of the ultimate class, but after internal injury, he is a bully who is afraid of hard, and even duels with the KO list master of the national primary school, and loses!

His fame…

It’s like being nailed to a pillar of shame!

Now the fifth key person is actually his follower? Who is this skill?


Su Yu folded the fan in his hand and shook it: “Ji An.” ”

“He’s the fifth key person in the fourth story.”

“At the same time.”

“It is also the ultimate class now, the only one who can deal with the Black Dragon.”

Su Yu was not in a hurry.

But the bastards below were momentarily stunned! This skillful Ann was actually able to deal with the Black Dragon?

“What about his identity…”

“It is the most mysterious force from the golden time and space, the Demon Island.”

“And he is a demon pulling warrior cultivated by the demon pulling bird since childhood, and his strength is to deal with demonized magic walkers and demons in the demon world, and every demon pulling warrior is a unique being.”

Su Yu told the story of Ji An.


This involves pulling out the devil bird! Hear the three words of the Demon Bird


The people on the stage who broke their intestines and the knife crazy knife ghosts under the stage all showed a surprised look.

“I didn’t think about it.”

“The Ultimate Class has such a key figure!”

“The Ultimate Class shouldn’t have any key people, right?”

Some of the mixed characters were very curious and asked, but they did not expect Su Yu’s answer, after all, this question is a negative for them!


The appearance of a figure is shocking enough! Always can’t.

Anything else, right? But.

Su Yu smiled slightly on the stage.


“The Ultimate Class also has a key figure.”

“Its devotion.”

“It’s related to the Golden Penker.”

Su Yu opened his mouth very calmly and revealed a little.


The golden pen was slightly stunned. He was listening to the story.


Is it his turn?

The below were even more stunned.

Countless people looked at Su Yu in disbelief.

And one?


Still involved with the Golden Pen Guest? That’s ridiculous, isn’t it? Who is it?



“Let the bowel breaker explain it to us.”

“The origin of the demon bird.”

Su Yu smiled slightly.

Below the mixed word: “? ”

Golden Penker: “? ”

Knife madness, knife ghost: “? ”

Wang Dadong and others: “? ”

Countless unkind eyes. Gradually look at the person with the broken intestine.

The man with the broken intestine blinked, “? ”

How he felt.

Suddenly a very large pot appeared overhead.

I know

It’s sitting here listening to the book!

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