Chapter Ninety-One The Age of the Demon Island! The big anticipation at the end of the fourth story! 【3 more】!!


“Cough cough…”

“Let me tell you the origin of the island of Demons…”

The person with the broken intestine stood up with some trembling, and under the eyes of countless unkindnesses, he stood up hard.

He was helpless! He also wanted to know!

But suddenly a pot flew over……… I don’t really blame you!

You see, go see Mr. Su next to you, what is going on with the way you look like you’re going to eat me?

The person who broke the intestine only felt his heart trembling, after all, he was not Mr. Su of course.

The underlings also have no way.

After all………

Mr. Sue, they can’t afford it!

“This island of demons.”

“But the most mysterious force in the Golden Time and Space, no one knows where the location of this Demon Island is, no one knows its origin…”

“This is also the force that my black dragon brother is most jealous of and most afraid of.”

“Actually, this demon island even me…”

“Not much is known, the only thing that can be known is that its origin is very amazing, and the demon warrior of the Demon Island is even more able to make all demons fear!”

There are not many people who cut off their intestines.

But the in the audience were also shocked! One of the key messages they captured was…

A presence that can make demons fearful!

This information can prove how terrifying this demon island really is!

However, the below are still looking at the intestinal breaker, although they are a little shocked, but they are unusually quiet, and they do not show too many exaggerated expressions.

“Cough cough…”

“That’s probably what I know.”

The severed intestine sat back in his seat somewhat fleeingly.

No way!

The in the audience don’t give face!

If you take it out alone, it can indeed make the mixed word generation below exclaim, but after experiencing the appearance of the Golden List in this world, the earth dragon, the knife madness, the knife ghost and so on, the mixed word generation has immunity to this kind of thing that can usually be very shocking!

Su Yu was drinking tea at the side.

Wait for the person with the broken intestine to finish speaking.

He opened his mouth slowly, “The existence of the Demon Island…”

“What is being targeted is the Demon Realm.”

But he had just spoken.

But it made the mixed words below slightly stunned! Their eyes were very surprised and shocked.

Broken intestines: “? ”

He was also a little stunned.

But what he was stunned about was not the story Su Yu told, but as soon as Su Yu spoke, the mixed characters below were instantly surprised and shocked!

Really! Worthy of Mr. Sue! A few simple words………

It can make the in the audience, and even their older generation be shocked! One shock after another, pit after pit, a lot of things, a lot of stories, even a lot of information, are all connected together, when you just collected the information from this, the story shock ends, the next curious point comes, or every word that Mr. Su said!

Every message! Every story! All full of curious points!

“And the origin of the island of Demons…”

“Going back to an earlier era.”

On the stage, Su Yu continued to speak.


“A time that existed far earlier than thirty years ago when martial arts existed.”

But Su Yu’s next words made countless mixed characters look forward to it even more! Although the first few sentences also caused the shock of the mixed word generation, it was far less than very shocking, after all, there were enough people who were shocked today! There are not many things that Su Yu said before, but each story is a step by step, and each story has a lot of shocking points!

Not even as good as it is today! It’s already afternoon!

Many people come in the morning, but never leave!

The fourth story told today, the gold list involved and other things, let all the mixed generations see a magnificent world view, a world they have never understood, all the previous stories, the stories told today, the content of the story, it can be said that it is simply a big witch than a small witch! All of this content has added up to a huge level of cognition for everyone!

The word bastards who have been shocked many times are naturally somewhat immune! When the people with broken intestines were introduced, they were indeed a little shocked, but not enough to be surprised, when Mr. Su opened his mouth, they were indeed slightly surprised and shocked, and everyone thought that the introduction of the Demon Island was over.

But when Su Yu mentioned the origin of the Demon Island

The bastards just discovered……… They were wrong!

“The era we are familiar with is the martial arts thirty years ago, a magnificent era, but before that, there was a more magnificent era, which is called the era of twelve time and space.”

Su Yu’s voice is very gentle, but the content involved makes people feel very excited!

“In this era, the twelve time and space have all united to fight against the Demon Realm, all the lineages are there, countless martial arts masters of Golden Time and Space have gone to the battlefield of the Great War of the True Demon without hesitation, and opened a magnificent epic story with the Demon Realm, and the Demon Island exists in this era.”

“It’s just…”

“With the decline of the Twelve Time and Space Era, the end of that great battle of the True Demons, the decline of countless martial arts masters, the loss of inheritance, the gradual disappearance of the once twelve time and space eras, everyone has forgotten this once magnificent Twelve Time and Space Era, and even more forgotten the martial arts master who went to the battlefield and went to the Tang Dynasty…”

“And then—”

“The golden space-time entered the era of thirty years ago, and the Demon Island gradually receded in this era, and those records about the demon world and the twelve time and space gradually disappeared after the twelve time and space eras…”

What Su Yu was referring to was an era that existed far earlier than Wu Lin thirty years ago!

Of course

Su Yu did not know the detailed information!

All the records in it are derived from the “Complete Record of the Final Series”, although it only covers thirty years ago, but it contains a record of the previous era.

Pulling Demon Island naturally did not exist in the martial forest thirty years ago! It exists.

It was the era when the twelve time and space were united together, and the countless masters of the twelve time and space went to the soup and the fire, and without hesitation, pounced on the era of the battlefield of the Great War of the Devil.

Of course

Su Yu mentioned these.

Nature is to pave the way for the story that follows.

“And the appearance of Ji An……”

He continues to tell the story.

Ji An appeared in the stone sword demon appeared!

Ji’an appeared many times, the black dragon appeared many times to fear Ji’an, at the same time there was a knife-mad killer organization present, for a time, the situation was no longer as depressing and terrifying as before, many were relieved, if they continued to be the same as before, knife madness, knife ghosts, killer organizations, and technical security did not appear, then Wang Dadong and the three of them wanted to deal with the behemoth of the force adjudication house at all!

Just when everyone thinks………

The situation has begun to become clear, and the decline of the good in the great war between good and evil is in redemption

Su Yu continued, “And with the appearance of Ji An…”

“The existence of other space-time……”

“It’s also in this fourth story.”

“And the fourth story is also ready to come to an end…”

Su Yu shook the folding fan in his hand.

When it comes to the fourth story, it’s coming to an end!

“A darkness that disrupts the situation of good and evil in an instant.”

“Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu……”

“It’s also coming to the end of the road.”

But Su Yu’s next words!

But it made all the bastards stunned!

The situation of good and evil is a relief! Outcome………

At the end of the fourth story, suddenly came to a dead end? And who are the other time and space in which the fourth story appears?

Two huge questions!

Instantly envelop everyone’s heart!

Even if they have experienced countless shocks but in this moment.

And they found out………

Mr. Su’s real big expectation, big shock, was actually at the end of the fourth story!

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