Chapter Ninety-Two In the darkness of those twelve times and spaces, a long-sleeping identity will return! 【4 more】!!

“The fourth story… Is it finally coming to an end? ”

“It feels a little bad, according to Mr. Su, this ending is definitely a big pit!”

“People from other time and space are going to appear, what time and space will they come from?” It feels related to the subsequent story, and Mr. Su must be buried again. ”

“I’m more interested in what will happen to Mr. Su after he tells the future story, and whether it will be because Mr. Su will turn defeat into victory?”

The hearts that the bastards had just put down were raised again!

Some want to know what space-time the existence of other space-times comes from and how it will appear.

Others want to know what the real story will look like when the future story is predicted.

“Definitely a big pit!”

Some think this is a big pit!

“But what can we do?”

Some of the mixed characters shrugged their shoulders and expressed their helplessness.

But more mixed characters are waiting for Su Yu to start the final chapter of the fourth story.

Under the attention of countless people.

Su Yu smiled slightly: “The end of the fourth story.” ”

“It starts after the identity of the demon warrior of Ji’an is revealed.”

“And the appearance of other space-times……”

“It is closely related to Wang Dadong.”

The people below were stunned!


Wang Dadong was even more confused.


Su Yu tells the fourth story.

Jin Baosan secretly took Xiao Spicy, Shark, and Ji An to track Wang Dadong to a remote and abandoned place………

“And in this building—”

“Wang Dadong and his secret orchestra were playing, and Jin Baosan found that every time he secretly listened here, the combat strength index seemed to increase by one or two points…”


“The technician next to him recognized the identity of the orchestra.”

Su Yu’s voice paused.

“This orchestra…”

“It comes from iron space-time—”

Su Yu folded the fan in his hand and shook: “Dongcheng Wei.” ”


Wang Dadong’s expression changed slightly.

“Dongcheng Wei……”

He naturally knew who Su Yu was talking about! But he never thought about it

Cultivation, meditation, vows, and stirrups turned out to be beings from other time and space.

“Dongcheng Wei?”

Some of the mixed characters muttered to themselves, as if they did not understand the meaning of the name.

Ji An was offstage, looking at Su Yu on the stage, with unspeakable complexity

This Mr. Sue………

Who is sacred?

What he is involved in, the stories he says, and the predicted future all exist in the real information, but when all the secrets, all the secrets and all the stories of the future appear in advance, then it is equivalent to smashing everything together, the process of time and space will be advanced, the future of this story will turn into countless fragments, and the dark fire that is reflected will be reflected under the guidance of this Su Yu story.

“Dongcheng Wei—” On stage. Su Yu smiled slightly.

“It is the iron space-time that comes from one of the twelve space-times.”

Iron space-time

Countless below held their breath in an instant! Finally………

Have people from other time and space appeared?

“Before mentioning Iron Space-Time……”

“Do you remember what I said earlier about the Twelve Space-Time and the Demon Realm?”

But Su Yu did not continue, but asked.

“Mr. Su once said that the universe is composed of twelve time and space and the demon world, the twelve time and space are surrounded by a circle, the core of the circle is the demon world, and the demon world wants to attack the twelve time and space, and a war that lasts for countless years has arisen…”

A word mixer looked at some new word mixers who didn’t seem to know, so he opened his mouth.


Su Yu nodded and shook the folding fan: “That’s right…”

“This war that has lasted for countless years is still continuing, the great war of good and evil is constantly staged in twelve time and space, and the golden time and space we are in has now come to the critical moment of the great war between good and evil.”

“But—” Su Yu’s voice paused.

“Other than that.”

“Ten space-times of twelve space-times have completely fallen.”

“In the great war of good and evil, the evil of ten time and space has triumphed over the good, the darkness has shrouded twelve time and space, the army of demons is stirring, and countless darkness is about to envelop the entire universe.”

“Once the great war of good and evil in the twelve time and space, all evil triumphs over good, then all the magicians will die in an instant, ordinary people will be slaughtered by demons, and the entire universe will fall into never-ending darkness until…”

“Everything restarts.”

Su Yu’s voice was very calm, but all the mixed characters felt that their hearts were beating rapidly.

Especially hearing that in the twelve time and space, ten time and space have fallen!

Countless generations of mixed characters, their looks have appeared solemn.

“In twelve spaces.”

“Now only the golden space-time and the iron space-time have not fallen.”

Su Yu continued:

“The East City Guard, on the other hand, is the Iron Guard of the United States of America from Iron Time and Space, and is the supreme combat strength of the good side of Iron Time and Space.”

“Their mission this time—”

“It is to observe the great war between good and evil in golden space-time, and to help the good side of golden space-time defeat evil without destroying time-space.”

Su Yu briefly described the origin and mission of Dongcheng Wei.

“And once the war of good and evil in the golden space fails.”

“Iron space-time will face eleven space-time darkness and demons, as well as the existence of iron space-time and the demonic Stranger Walker, at that moment…”

Su Yu did not continue.

But everyone knows once that moment comes!

Darkness will envelop the entire universe!

“Mr. Su……”

“Is there no hope, twelve times and spaces?”

A jerk asked.

Everyone looked at Su Yu.

Even Jin Bike looked at Su Yu.

Although he was a golden writer, all he knew was the future of the golden space-time, and what he predicted was only the future of a part of the golden space-time, and he naturally knew the twelve space-times and the things of the demon world, once the golden space-time fell, the darkness of the entire universe would be shrouded in iron space-time!

And that’s also him… Why you want to meddle! But he

You can only meddle, or even too deeply, at most one more sentence and one key word at that critical moment!

The future of twelve spaces! Not something he could have predicted! Not all he could know! So

He’s here!

When he looked at Su Yu, he naturally wanted to know the end of those twelve time and space in this biggest decline!

“It feels so difficult… Twelve time and space and ten time and space have fallen, and the great war of good and evil in our golden time and space has just been said by Mr. Su, at the end of the fourth story, I am afraid that it will take a sharp turn, and the iron time and space are facing such a huge crisis, and it feels hopeless. ”

“Yeah, it’s desperate.”

“Isn’t it……”

“Twelve space-time without any hope?”

The mixed characters looked at Su Yu on the stage and waited for Su Yu’s answer.


Su Yu smiled slightly: “Under that darkness…”

“An identity that has been sleeping for countless years.”

“A handful of things that have disappeared for countless years.”

“They will all return from that darkness.”

“Play a war song that resounds through twelve times and spaces.”

“That’s it.”

“The counter-offensive horn of twelve time and space.”

“Officially ringing.”

Su Yu shook the folding fan in his hand slightly: “Everyone. ”

“The story of twelve time and space has just begun.”

“And we…”

“It will also end the fourth chapter of the story and go to the end.”

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