Chapter Ninety-Three The Fourth Story Ends! The disappearance of the Broken Gut Man and the Knife Mad Knife Ghost! 【5 more】!!

Golden Pencils.

Ji An.

Both were slightly stunned.


Jin Bike’s eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a look of disbelief.

“Iron Guest.”

The below don’t know but he knows!

But he knew what Mr. Nasu had described in the end! Other words.

The ‘one’ that has lost countless years, who has disappeared countless years, who has disappeared for countless years, will appear again in twelve time and space

Someone Achieves the Ultimate Tek?

Who is it?

Jin Bike’s eyes instantly looked at Su Yu, more and more shocked.

The mixed characters listened to Su Yu’s story.

A long-dormant identity.

A thing that has long been gone.

A war song that resounded through twelve times and spaces.

What is it?

Although I didn’t understand it.

Can be described in Nasuyu

In their minds, it was as if a figure had appeared, and in that vast and endless darkness, the figure was holding something that had disappeared for a long time, playing a war song that resounded through twelve time and space, and under that battle song, countless darkness receded, and countless strangers who survived under the darkness once again rushed to the demon world from the twelve time and space! Blow the attack horn of the counter-attack on the Demon Realm again!

It’s like a magnificent epic under the man’s playing!

Opened a corner of the story!

Just like Mr. Su said! The Story of Twelve Spaces.

It’s just getting started!

“Not true.”

At this time.

A jerk suddenly frowned.



“It’s a huge pit!”

He reacted suddenly! Those few simple words! But a huge pit!

In the picture formed in their minds, they developed a strong curiosity about the long-sleeping identity that had disappeared for a long time!

What an identity! What the hell is that!

It can resound through twelve times and spaces! Even let the twelve time and space blow the horn of counterattack!


Mr. Su was at that critical moment.


That’s it!

It’s like he dug a huge pit and said to the in the audience, “Oh, jump down.” ”

Then they just jumped down!


The mixed characters directly boiled, and their eyes were extremely unkind to look at Su Yu on the stage, of course, under the unkind eyes, there was more of a desire to cry without tears! A desire to fall into a pit without tears.

“You found that there was none,” Wang Dadong whispered.

“The principal looks into Mr. Su’s eyes.”


“It seems to be very uncommunicative.”


The Golden Penker also reacted.

He’s got tricked!

Although he knew the identity of the long-sleeping thing and what the long-lost thing was, Su Yu didn’t say who it was!

And he couldn’t figure it out.

He even unknowingly stepped into a huge pit!

“Mr. Su…”

The golden pen couldn’t help but open his mouth.

“When I first drew the golden pen and lit the dragon.”

“Do you know why I was chased and slashed by all the people in the martial forest?”


“I only like to draw half of it.”

He was eager to kidnap Su Yu and see what the ending of this story was, and there should always be a suspense. Su Yu smiled slightly.

You’re not called suspense! You call this a pit!

For the first time, Jin Bike realized why those martial artists were chasing after themselves to cut it, in addition to his prediction of the future that made them afraid, or maybe it was really that he did not finish the eighth episode?

“With the appearance of Dongcheng Wei…”

“The fourth story will also end.”

Su Yu tells the fourth story.

King Arthur noticed that something was getting wrong with his body.

The sword demon in the stone contained in the sword in the stone must appear.

The three of them began to repair the sword stone, but even the sword ghost of the weapon terminal could not repair it.

A series of stories began to appear, everyone seemed to have a picture in front of their eyes, these stories told by Su Yu, and the previous stories are more or less involved, of course, Su Yu also said less unnecessary content, all of which are developed according to the core of the plot, the story is very compact, even compact to make people breathless, and he is told by the house to take away.


There are mixed characters who have found it.

“The sword demon in the stone in King Arthur’s body…”

“I’m afraid that’s a key point.”

A bastard spoke, sensing something.

“Yes, I didn’t expect that the bottom card in King Arthur’s body was the deadliest one!”

“It’s a hole card, but it’s also a threat.”

Some sighed!

The sword demon in the stone is out of control.

Ji An shot, everyone blocked…

“And the end of the fourth story.”

“Wang Dadong is riding home.”

“But” on stage.

Su Yu shook the folding fan.

“But the man who broke the intestine called him and said goodbye.”


“The seventh episode of the Golden Pen Dianlong only talks about the person who broke the intestine and called Wang Dadong to say goodbye.”

“When Wang Dadong went to the stall of the person who broke the intestine, there was only a mobile phone left, and he answered the phone, and the voice of the black dragon came from the other end of the phone.”

Before the broken intestines of the people stall.

Wang Dadong answered the phone.

The other end of the phone

The Black Dragon asked him to go home and have a look.

Wang Dadong felt that his mind was in a mess, and a bad picture appeared in his mind.

When he returned home, he saw that the house was in a mess, and his parents were gone.

“The person with the broken intestine is missing.”

“Wang Dadong’s parents are missing.”

“The fourth story, that’s it.”


Su Yu smiled slightly and ended the fourth story.


The bastards were silent.

Waiting for them to come back to their senses, looking at Su Yu, they found that Su Yu did not speak, and suddenly their heads were full of question marks!


“Stuck here again?”

The eyes of the bastards were wide-eyed.

If they hadn’t been able to defeat Su Yu, they would have rushed to the stage.

The intestinal breaker is missing.

Wang Dadong’s parents knife crazy knife ghost missing. tale

Already close to the climax! Outcome!

Just stuck here?

There is also the ending about the twelve time and space above! The long-sleeping identity of the long-lost thing! Coupled with the countless mysteries of the crazy dragon of the golden list are in the hearts of all the mixed characters, it can be said that a lot of the content mentioned by Su Yu, no matter what

One content is enough to make the following stay up all night thinking of answers!

Right now

So much content! So many mysteries!

Countless feel that in these five days, they may not even have to sleep!


“This concludes the fourth story.”

Su Yu smiled slightly on the stage.

“At the same time, he said.”

“Starting in the next issue, there will be a column for you to review people, and each issue will comment on three people for you.”

“The evaluation of the character will be based on the character’s past, present, and future evaluation to prepare for the next story.”

Su Yu came up with a column to evaluate the characters.

The present life of the gold list is only the first step next.

Evaluate the characters, just for the back of the story is good.

Of course.

Most importantly

Each character has some foreshadowing on them, and some of the future storylines meet unexpectedly, which can deepen the sense of expectation of the mixed generation under the stage.

“If you know what will happen next, please listen to the next breakdown.”

Su Yu folded the fan in his hand, got up and left here.

But the in the audience all stayed on the ground to peek at each other.

The fourth story.

Gold list.

Crazy Dragon.

The fourth story ends, the long-sleeping identity. Twelve Time and Space East City Guard.

Pulling the Magic Island… The Demon Warrior Stone Sword Demon…

Golden Pencils

All of them together! Countless pieces of content were formed, and this moment exploded wildly in their minds! Countless information, countless secrets, countless stories, are circling in the mind, with Su Yu’s departure, all the information has exploded, they must digest and digest, in order to arrange, re-digest and organize the information in their minds.

Especially what is involved later, it is even more ruined their worldview!

Those new word, like the previous word, began to doubt life.

Bloating ~


Wang Dadong also fell into deep thinking.

Just as he was about to sort out what Mr. Su had said.


His phone rang.

Wang Dadong picked up the phone.

“Dongcheng Wei?”

[Yesterday’s update may only have six more, I owe you one or two more, about five or six o’clock in the evening to start today’s update, to everyone ten more! 】 】

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