Chapter Ninety-Eight: The Gathering of the Broken Intestines! 【4 more】!!

“Mad Dragon……”

“Mad Dragon……”

“Who the hell is that?!”

Armed Judgment Institute.

The black dragon’s eyes looked at the front coldly, he stood in front of the table, in front of the table were documents, on which there were records about the martial forest, but on there, there was no information about the mad dragon at all!

This made the Black Dragon very irritable!

“Is this guy trying to get people?”

The black dragon’s face was gloomy, and he felt that Nasuyu was in the pit man!

When he returned to the Armed Judgment House, he originally wanted to heal his injuries, but he didn’t know why the two words of the mad dragon appeared in his mind, so he went crazy and looked for all the records and materials of the martial arts in that year, looking for information about the mad dragon! But even so, he didn’t find any news about the mad dragon!

Look at this martial forest for decades! That crazy dragon two words………

As if it had never appeared!

Therefore, the Black Dragon was suspicious, thinking that it was just Na Su Yu who was in Kuang Ren! But

In his mind, the two words of the crazy dragon seemed to be constantly circling, and in the deepest part of that memory, a figure seemed to be in the darkness, looming from time to time, appearing in that mind from time to time, quietly staring at him, as if laughing at something, making him shudder suddenly.

He seemed to have thought of something.

“Graduation photo…”

The Black Dragon seemed to think of something.

But then.

He seemed to think of something again, and his eyes looked fiercely into the darkness: “Is it updated?” ”

The fourth book of “Golden Time and Space – The Ultimate Class”! The fourth story!

In the darkness, someone said, “Not yet.” ”

Black Dragon’s brow furrowed, his eyes cold, “Damn Su Yu, damn storyteller!” Wait for my heavenly demons to merge into a big one……… I will surely take revenge! ”

He hated it so much that his teeth itched! unfortunately

Now he has no choice!

Although it was said that the Heavenly Demon Unity Dacheng would take revenge, the Black Dragon was obviously insufficient, and there was an inexplicable sense of fear for Nasu Yu, and everything that seemed to be seen through made him feel more and more unfathomable about Na Su Yu!

But who is he? He’s a black dragon eh! Is he afraid?

He must not be afraid, so the harsh words must be released!

“Let you go for the time being…”

“Let you talk about the book first.”

Black dragon’s eyes were cold.

“Graduation photo…”

“Graduation photo.”

He muttered, and the figure disappeared into the darkness.


The day after the storytelling.

A piece of news began to circulate in the university community——— the gold list is now alive! The second ——— knife crazy knife ghost! The third ——— the Golden Pen Guest! The fourth – technical security!

Fifth, the East City Guard from Iron Time and Space! Sixth, the black dragon who ruled by force!

These news came out from everywhere, and many college and university circles did not listen to the book in person, but on the contrary, these news were spread very terrifyingly, and it was spreading at an extremely terrifying speed!


The news of the Black Dragon, the news about the Armed Judgment House, is of great interest to countless bastards!

When the fourth story circulated in the university circles, there was a discussion about Mr. Nasu, and the discussion of the plot from the first paragraph to the fourth paragraph gradually increased! Although many mixed characters did not go to the scene to listen to it in person, the three books of “Golden Time and Space – The Ultimate Class” have been circulated in the university circles, and countless people are waiting for the update of the fourth bookWhen the fourth story and the gold list are circulated in the university circles, those who did not go to the scene and want to see the fourth book are almost going to the newspapers and periodicals.

“Is it updated?”

“Not updated yet?”

“How can it be so slow?”

“Why aren’t there newspapers of the day?”

“I knew we were going to the scene!”

Many are very dissatisfied!

Those who once couldn’t enter the bookstore are now going to set foot on the newspapers and bookstores of colleges and universities!

Of course.

More are very sorry for not going to the scene.

“I heard that the Black Dragon actually shot at Mr. Su, who was telling the story……”

“But Mr. Nasu’s guards easily beat the black dragon away, and Mr. Nasu’s origin is very amazing!”

“The story that Mr. Su told is so good, and Mr. Su’s story in reality… It seems to be legendary. ”

Some people think that Su Yu’s “Golden Time and Space – The Ultimate Class” story is very good and interesting, but they also feel that the existence of Su Yu and the real story of Su Yu are very legendary! So much is involved!

Of course.

Some people think that this story will happen in the future, and some people just look at it as a story, but for the mixed characters who have experienced it in the scene, they are convinced that the story is a prediction of the future!

The entire college and university community set off a frenzy of discussion about “Golden Time and Space One Ultimate Class” in an instant, some people argued about the truth of the story, some people wondered whether the information in the story was true, some people discussed the plot in the story, some people wanted to see the characters in the story, and the characters in the story were idols………

Countless are waiting for the fourth book to be updated!

Some even saw that there was no update, so they went to find those who had heard the book.


Extremely strange images have emerged in the university world.

Many get together, not to fight, but to discuss the plot, of course, some to discuss the plot, debate the strength of the characters in the story

Weak, the direction of the story, and even the difference in the speculation of the story, it is a big fight, very crazy!

The storytelling frenzy swept through the entire college world of golden time and space.

Whether it is a mixed word generation, or a student, more or less understand.

Some people believe it, some people doubt it, but they can’t stop the “Golden Time and Space.”

The popularity of “Ban Yi Class”, and “Golden Time and Space – The Ultimate Class” is also spreading in a very terrifying way, and the mixed characters in the Golden Time and Space University circles are waiting for the update of the fourth book.


Knife madness, knife ghosts, earth dragons, and intestinal breakers gathered together.

The four of them are gathered together through Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, and Rex, and according to Mr. Su’s story, they are all……… They will be captured by the Black Dragon! Although it is not mentioned in the story, the end of the fourth story, the beginning of the fourth story, all four people become the beginning and the end.

After the showdown between Wang Dadong and Wang Arthur, the identities have been exposed one after another, knife madness and knife ghosts, and Tulong is not hiding his identity, but intends to personally end up in that good and evil war!

“That is……”

“In the future story that Mr. Su said, there are many keys, but the most critical message is that he finally…… will take us away. ”

The earth dragon spoke.

“And the most critical information in this…”

“It’s his strength that can surpass the knife crazy brother you.”

Tulong looked at the sword madness, he had not seen the sword madness, but he did not expect that the legendary sword madness, the sword madness with the blood of countless people in the martial forest on his hands, would eventually become a priest.


The person who broke the intestine opened his mouth.

“The message given to us by the fourth story told by Mr. Su is——”

“My Black Dragon Brother, it is very likely that he will soon break through the second generation of the Heavenly Demon Combination!”

“Once the breakthrough……”

“I’m afraid it’s time for the fourth story to happen.”

The person with the broken intestine looked solemn.

The knife madly nodded.

He sorted it all out yesterday.

The fourth story contains, the content, the hidden identity, the hidden secrets are many, but for the knife madman and others, a lot of things are known to them, they just want to grab the key information inside

And that key message is him!

The Black Dragon is very likely to tame the Sword Demon in the Stone and break through to the second stage of the Heavenly Demon Combination! Then take the opportunity to break through the third percent!

And break through the second generation of the Black Dragon!

It’s already a huge hassle! Because once he breaks through!

It’s time to take four people away! So………

Must start first to be strong!

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