Chapter Ninety-Nine His knife is stronger than mine! Stop the water and appear! 【5 more】!!

All the key points of information come together!

is a core point! This black dragon’s Heavenly Demon Combination is about to break through!

The beginning and end of the fourth story are about to happen! If they don’t want the fourth story to happen, then they have to start first.

Sword Madman’s eyes narrowed slightly, “Red Dragon, Earth Dragon, do you know the specific location of the Force Judgment Office?” ”

In his intelligence network, there is no specific location of the force ruling office!

Although the Martial Judgment Institute belonged to the position of the ruler in the entire martial arts world, its location was very secretive, and even the branches of the Armed Judgment Institute were very few, and many martial artists who worked for the Armed Ruling Institute did not know the location of the Armed Ruling Institute!

The location!

In the whole martial forest, it is a secret!

Broken intestines, the earth dragon blinked: half a ring.

The severed intestine replied, “We…”

“I don’t know.”

The knife was slightly stunned, obviously not convinced.

The person with the broken intestine was very helpless to speak: “Since I left the martial law adjudication house since I abolished my martial arts, the armed adjudication institute has been hidden, and then I will return to the place where the armed adjudication house was once located, and people have already gone to the empty building, although my black dragon brother is crazy and crazy, and he is even more evil after becoming a demon, but he is very cautious in doing things, although he has a good face, he is definitely not stupid.” ”

“The kind of thing that happened in the original force ruling, plus his cultivation of magic skills, although he always thought that the world was the first, but he knew that in this world, there were still many people who could stop him, so he simply transferred the force verdict office.”

The person who broke the intestine was also helpless after speaking

The character of the Black Dragon is like this, crazy and crazy, but also very cautious, on the sinister and cunning, there is really no one who can compare with his crazy and crazy military ruling.

“Isn’t that impossible?”

The earth dragon was helpless.

“I can only wait for him to find the door.”

The earth dragon shrugged.

“If we wait for him to come to the door, what we have to face is the black dragon on the second layer of the Heavenly Demon Combination.”

The knife ghost spoke.

“The fourth book of “Golden Time and Space – The Ultimate Class” seems to have appeared, on the gold list, it has been – this world, and now the whole college community is circulating, the black dragon was driven away that day, but soon he will also get information, and he certainly does not dare to come out to find us.”

“Wait for him to come out…”

The meaning of the knife ghost is obvious.

That is

Once the Black Dragon came to the door, according to the Black Dragon’s personality, it was bound to cultivate to the second level of the Heavenly Demon Combination, and at that time, they would not necessarily be opponents.

“I want to find the location of the force ruling……”

The severed intestine’s eyes narrowed slightly, as if he thought of something.


“A place can help us.”

Knife madness, knife ghost, earth dragon: “Huh? ”

The person with the broken intestine smiled slightly: “Tianji Pavilion.” ”

Tianji Pavilion.

The figures of knife madness, knife ghosts, earth dragons, and broken intestines appear here.


“Isn’t that the original Black Dog Gang’s turf?”

The earth dragon recognized these places at once.

“It just hasn’t been a while since it got so big.”

“I feel so cold and depressed around me, I can’t breathe.”

He felt a wave of repression fill the air, as if he had stepped into the abyss of darkness at this moment.

“There’s a killing squad around you.”

“People around…”

“All of them are more terrifying beings than the top killers of my killer organization.”

The knife madman narrowed his eyes slightly, and opened his mouth.

With his experience experienced, he was naturally able to feel the killing array around him at a glance!


Every being in that killing squad was more terrifying than the top killers of his killer organization.

“You say this is where the Black Dog Gang was before?”

The bowel breaker asked.

“Yes, before the Black Dog Gang collapsed overnight, I thought it was a force ruling, scared me to death, I arranged a lot of gang members in the neighborhood, did not expect that it was another force, it is said that overnight, those disobedient gang members are all dead, in the shortest possible time, with absolute violence to take the Black Dog Gang territory, resources, real estate all contained.”

“This force is very evil.”

The earth dragon frowned.

“Even if it is a martial corpse sent by the force ruling, it is impossible to destroy such a large gang in an instant, but this force is like it appears out of thin air, whether it is the means or the skill, it is the top class.”

“I thought he would do it, so I made a lot of arrangements, but after the collapse of this black dog gang, this force stopped expanding, as far as I know, the original gang members of the black dog gang have become gang members of the new force, but the gang members can not involve the core, it seems to be arranged as an external force, led by a member of the internal force, in order to maintain resources, territory, real estate, etc.”

“And it is said that there is still a force inside that controls the whole new force.”

“I didn’t think about it…”

“It’s so horrible.”

Tulong sighed.

“Tianji Pavilion.”

He finally knew the name of this force.

Hearing that the knife madness had such a high evaluation of this Heavenly Machine Pavilion, the people who broke their intestines could not help but be secretly shocked in their hearts.


The four of them came to the Tianji Pavilion.

Look at the ancient characters of the dragon flying phoenix dance on the Tianji Pavilion – Tianji Pavilion.

The four of them stepped into the place.


Someone led the four to the trading office.

After coming out of the Tenki Pavilion.

In the hands of the knife madman, there was already an address.

But his look was very solemn.

“I didn’t expect that this Tianji Pavilion really knew.”

“But an address costs 10 million, which is too bad, right?”

Tulong complained.

“That guy has to add money…”

Thinking about the existence encountered inside, the earth dragon was very helpless.

Especially when his face is serious and he wants to add money

Tulong thought he had no choice.


That’s it?

“It’s really evil.”

The person with the broken intestine laughed helplessly.

“It’s really evil.”

The knife madman repeated a sentence, attracting the attention of the broken intestine man, the earth dragon.

“Don’t underestimate that person…”

“Don’t look at him cynical, Chen Xiao is untamed.”


“His knife.”

“Better than me.”

The knife opened its mouth in a frenzied voice.

“His combat strength index is unfathomable, and it is very likely that he will not be much different from me.”

“But his knife intention, it was an indescribable feeling, very domineering, very crazy, like it could split the sky.”

“Ding Xiu…”

The knife muttered madly.

Earth dragon, the broken intestines people’s eyes are slightly open, very surprised!

Who is Knife Maniac? The existence of the second place in the gold list!

How could he have such a high evaluation of a person, and even feel that he was inferior to Na Ding Xiu?

“And the most wicked… The knife’s crazy eyes narrowed slightly. ”

“He is not the master of the Heavenly Ji Pavilion.”

“The master of the Tenki Pavilion…”

“Someone else.”


This is Dao Mad’s evaluation of the Heavenly Ji Pavilion.


“It’s Mr. Sue.”

“Maybe not.”

“But the existence of this Heavenly Ji Pavilion is definitely the most evil gate and the most mysterious force in the twelve time and space, and may cause various shocks in the twelve time and space.”

The knife smiled madly and made a very high evaluation.

For the existence of the Tenki Pavilion

Especially what it knows!

Knife madness can come up with part of the future situation!

“Knife crazy brother, is it really so terrible?”

Tulong asked.

“An organization that controls all information, all intelligence……”

“It is enough to make a world collapse in an instant, and the information it holds and controls can make chaos wherever it wants, threaten whoever it wants, and control whomever it wants… You can control whom. ”

“Information, intelligence.”

“It’s power.”

“And this kind of power is far beyond what we know as the index of combat strength, the power.”

The knife opened its mouth in a frenzied voice.

“It’s like the king of the dark world, hiding in that dark side and controlling the whole world.”

“The verdict of force lies before it…”

“There’s not even a secret to speak of.”

The knife looked madly at the address in his hand.

This is the address of the Armed Judgment Institute

It even describes all the organs of the Armed Judgment Institute, etc.

“Let’s go.”

“Get ready, we’ll go meet this black dragon.”

The knife’s crazy eyes narrowed slightly.

“Brother, wait…”

“I want to find someone.”

At this time. The man with the broken intestine said suddenly. Meanwhile.

Water stop company.

Shizumi is sitting in the office working.


The secretary’s phone rang.

“The boss.”

“Someone wants to see you.”

Shuishui was slightly stunned: “Who?” ”

“He said he was now called the Broken Bowel Man.”


“It’s called the Red Dragon.”

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