Chapter 105 Storytelling Day! The first commentator – Campbell Three! 【1 more】!!

The hunt in the face of the Black Dragon continued.

And the ultimate class

Recently, a storm has also been ushered in.

It was King Arthur who discovered the rupture of the Lock Sword Stone, and at the same time, his body also reacted.


KO.7 and KO.8 Caiyun Han, Cai Wuxiong transferred to the ultimate class as scheduled.


Since his identity was exposed, he had been staring at King Arthur, knowing that the stone sword demon in King Arthur’s body would erupt.

The sword demon in the stone in Wang Arthur’s body was already looming, Wang Dadong, Ding Xiaoyu Rex naturally would not let Ji An cut off Wang Arthur, so the situation in the final class also became more and more tense.

And the spread of the fourth book of “Golden Time and Space – An Ultimate Class” in the university world is fermenting, in just a few days, the spread of this fourth book has reached every place in the college and university circles of Golden Time and Space, and almost all colleges and universities are aware of the existence of this strange book At the same time, countless people are discussing the end of the great war of good and evil in Golden Time and Space!

“The intestinal breaker is missing…”

“Even the second knife madness of the gold list, the sixth knife ghost of the gold list are missing…”

“I feel that the hope of the golden time and space is not very great, what should I do about this?”

Some of the jerks feel desperate.

“But now that the strange book is in the world, the knife is crazy, and the knife ghosts already know that the black dragon will attack them, and the fourth story does not know whether it has happened or not.”

“It feels like the situation is not very clear, this black dragon is really disgusting!”

Some felt that things would not necessarily happen, after all, in the fourth life of the Golden Time and Space Pole Class, the black dragon was definitely not strong enough to be able to catch the knife madness and the knife ghost.

“Good looking forward to the ending, I hope Wang Dadong, King Arthur, and Ding Xiaoyu can defeat the Black Dragon.”

“Tomorrow Mr. Su will talk about the end of the first chapter of the twelve time and space, and we will soon know the ending!” I hope we don’t let us down. ”

“I hope that the people who break the intestines, the knife crazy, and the knife ghost are fine, otherwise even if the battle is won, my door will still face the demon world to read.”

“In fact, the Black Dragon is also a good gold list has mentioned, he has always cared about his brother’s, maybe he will be whitewashed in the end?”

“Don’t wash up, he is now the final boss, a big villain!” We can all be destroyed by him in time and space! ”

There are looking forward to the ending.

There are who are worried.

There are people who like the characters very much and are worried about accidents.

But more are very much looking forward to the arrival of the day of storytelling.

After all

The first chapter of the Twelve Heavens and Ages is coming to an end!

And at the same time.

Tianji Pavilion.

Once again, we ushered in the three people of knife madness, knife ghost, and dragon climbing.

“Again for the Black Dragon’s intelligence?”

Ding Xiu sat lazily in his chair and asked.

He just wanted to say something.

The knife madman immediately said, “I want to add money.” ”

Ding Xiu smiled, “That’s right! ”

He got up and walked into the darkness.

Ten minutes later.

He came out with a copy of the information.

“That’s right.”

He opened his mouth suddenly.

“This black dragon.”

“It’s not as simple as it used to be.”


“Be careful.”

He handed the information to the knife madman and looked at the knife madman’s heartache.

“Rest assured, this warm reminder does not charge money.”

Sword madness, knife ghost, Deng Long listened to Ding Xiu’s words, and his look was slightly black dragon.

It’s not as simple as before.

But isn’t the Black Dragon a sword demon in the body?

Knife madness opens the intelligence.

“It seems.”

“We won’t be here for tomorrow’s storytelling.”

He smiled.


“Playing the ending yourself should be good.”

Tomorrow is the day of storytelling

It is also the key story moment when the first chapter of the twelve time and space ends and the great appropriation of good and evil ends.


In order to fight the ending by hand, so this endgame, they are certainly not able to listen.

The fifth day passed in the blink of an eye.


In front of the high platform of the Storyteller!

Countless are gathered here! Waiting for Su Yu to tell the end of the first chapter of the twelve time and space! Countless people are looking forward to and worrying about whether the good and evil war in this golden time and space is to win or lose, which is related to the end of the story and the end of their realistic future! It even concerns the life and death of their favorite characters!

“Hopefully the first chapter will end well! Be sure to defeat the Black Dragon! ”

“I am looking forward to what the second chapter of the twelve time and space is talking about, and I am curious about the stories of other time and space.”

There are discussing the ending of the first chapter, while wondering what other time and space are doing.

“You say, which three people will Mr. Su’s assessors choose?”

Some mixed characters remembered the comment character column mentioned by Su Yu earlier, and Mr. Su would evaluate three characters, just like the gold list!

“The characters on the gold list have all been said, are there any other characters who can mention it?”

“I feel a little interested, either it is the intestinal breaker, or it is Wang Dadong and the three of them, Mr. Su should say Wang Dadong and the three of them, right?” After all, this is the main core combat force of the good and evil war. ”

“Yes, after all, the characters shown in the first chapter involve key characters, and there should be only these few people, right?”

There are mixed characters guessing.

The underlings are discussing fiercely

Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, Rex and the Ultimate Class also rushed over.

As soon as they arrived, they saw a sea of people in the storytelling cabinet, and the number of mixed characters this time far exceeded the time when the fourth story and the review gold list were made! At a glance, almost all of them were heads, and all of them gathered together, occupying the street, and even the rich directly bought the nearby high-rise buildings and listened to books on the high-rise buildings, which was very lively.

At a glance!

Almost no less than 10,000 people!

And Jin Baosan had already made preparations and found a good position for Wang Dadong and the Ultimate First Class.

“Narcissist, Little Rain, Rex, you say, what the hell is going to happen?”

Wang Dadong asked.

“Now my parents and Deng Long are hunting down the Black Dragon.”

“The ending of the first chapter should not be connected with reality, right?”

He felt that now that his parents were chasing and killing the Black Dragon, and the Black Dragon’s Armed Judgment House had also been breached, the martial corpse was missing, and even the Black Dragon had already entered the body with the sword, would the ending mentioned by Mr. Su have nothing to do with reality?

“Total feeling.”

“It shouldn’t be that simple.”

King Arthur shook his head.

“After all.”

“Whether it is the story told by Mr. Su or the golden pen and the dragon, we are all the protagonists of the great war between good and evil.”

“This great battle between good and evil, I feel, we are inevitable.”

He looked solemn, feeling that this great battle between good and evil was inevitable.

And the stone sword ‘demon’ Ding Xiaoyu in Arthur’s body said, “Maybe it’s not so simple.” ”

Ding Xiaoyu also felt that the end of this good and evil war was definitely not as simple as it appeared on the surface.


Under the attention of countless mixed characters.

The door of the storytelling cabinet opens.

Su Yu was dressed in a black Tang costume and an ancient folding fan, and slowly came forward.

He sat down at the table.

Wait for him to show up

A twisted wave appeared on the high platform, and after the fluctuations, the golden pen guest appeared on the high platform with a smile and groaned, sitting on a chair that had been prepared earlier.

With the advent of Su Yu and Jin Bike.

The whole lively and boiling storytelling cabinet was quiet for a while.


“Meet again.”

On the stage, Su Yu smiled slightly.


“Before saying the end of the first chapter of the battle between good and evil.”

“As is customary—”

“Let’s start with character reviews.”

The folding fan in his hand opened slightly.

The mixed characters below are all looking at Su Yu, waiting for Su Yu to open his mouth to see who the first person to evaluate is.

In the whole golden time and space, in the whole first story, who is qualified to enter the column of this commentator.


“The first person we reviewed.”

Su Yu’s voice paused slightly, and he said a name: “Jin Bao San.” ”


The in the audience were directly stunned! Boy

Do this at the beginning?

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