Chapter 106 Jin Bao San and the Immortals… There is involvement! 【2 more】!!

The bastards below were stunned!

They already have a great psychological defense, thinking that this Mr. Su will definitely not play cards according to common sense, after all, this Mr. Su will definitely dig a big pit, and then let the curiosity jump down, but they do not think about how this pit will be dug, so more or less have psychological defenses! I don’t think I’ll be so easily shocked!


When Su Yu said the name Jin Baosan! The below didn’t expect it at all!

Not Wang Dadong, not Ding Xiaoyu, not Rex, not Wang Arthur! But………

Campbell III?!


“Campbell Three?”

There were mixed words who froze, reacted, and opened their mouths in disbelief.

“How could it be Campbell Three?”

“Is this Mr. Su just selling a boo?” While it’s hard to believe at first, if this Campbell Three doesn’t have a story… Then this comment character column has no meaning at all, and I thought that Mr. Su would start to make a king explode. ”

“What is the story of this Campbell Three?” Mr. Su probably didn’t bother to do this comment character column at all, right? ”

Some mixed characters think that Su Yu is just selling a boo, in the shock, after the shock is disappointed, think that this Jin Baosan will not have any story at all, Su Yu did this, but let everyone feel disappointed in this review character column.

“A little disappointed, it is better to tell the story of the first chapter, or choose a few better characters to comment on, Wang Dadong, how interesting they are.”

“Mr. Su should not be able to finish Jiang Lang, right?”

Some mixed characters feel very disappointed, thinking that the first commenting character selected by Su Yu has no meaning at all, it is better to say the end story of the first chapter, or choose a character that interests them to comment!


The ultimate class, when Jin Baosan heard his name from Su Yu’s mouth, was unbelievable!

He didn’t expect that!

He was even able to make a list of commentators!

“I knew I was not easy!”

Campbell III is very excited!

The Ultimate Class of Students on the side all rolled their eyes.

Even Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, and Rex couldn’t help but look sideways at Jin Baosan, and their eyes were very surprised.


“What medicine is this Mr. Su selling in the gourd?”

“How can you say Campbell Three?”

King Arthur had some puzzled openings.

“I don’t know.”

Ding Xiaoyu shook his head.


“I know we’re going to be ready for the next step.”

Ding Xiaoyu opened his mouth very calmly.


Wang Arthur, Wang Dadong, and Rex all looked at Ding Xiaoyu puzzled.

“You think…”

“Mr. Su digs a pit, will he pit himself?”

Ding Xiaoyu opened his mouth very calmly.

“He wanted to kick us all into the pit and never get up again.”


“Be careful.”

Ding Xiaoyu’s words instantly made Wang Arthur and others wake up! That’s right!

This Mr. Su’s digging technique is absolutely superb! Mention Campbell Three!


“So, this Campbell Three, has a story?”

Wang Dadong thought thoughtfully.

“Who the hell is this Campbell Three?”

There are mixed characters from afar, and they don’t understand who Jin Baosan really is.


Someone answered him.

“Jin Baosan is the class leader of the ultimate class, once the existence of the top ten in the KO list, and then was beaten into internal injuries by Wang Dadong, fell to the 135th place in the KO list, and this guy bullied the soft and afraid of hard, the most famous is to fight with the 150th national primary school student on the KO list, and the result was defeated.”

All at once, all of them exposed the old bottom of Jin Baosan.


Countless couldn’t help but laugh.

After laughing

It’s just deeply puzzled.

“If that’s the case, how could Mr. Su choose to talk about him?” This doesn’t ruin our sense of anticipation of the review column! ”

“It’s better to talk about Jimbo San than about my idol Broken Intestines, I feel that he is definitely not so simple!”

“Why don’t you talk about Wang Dadong!” He is the protagonist of the war between good and evil! ”

The mixed generations are very puzzled.


“Isn’t Campbell Three simple?”

“This Mr. Su would certainly not be so kind as not to dig a pit for us.”

Some mixed characters are very vigilant about Su Yu, and they feel that Su Yu will definitely dig a pit, and they should be careful to avoid waiting too much shock.

His words have also aroused the approval of some mixed-word generations! meantime

Although he was puzzled that Su Yu chose the character of Jin Baosan.

But after I don’t understand.

It’s deep curiosity! Mr. Sue……… Why did you choose him?


Countless people looked at Su Yu on the stage.

“Mr. Su, what is the magic of this Jin Baosan?”

Some couldn’t help but ask.


Su Yu smiled, and he folded his hand slightly and shook slightly! In an instant.

Airplanes! Behind him!

A white light condensed, and after that condensation, it turned into a faint white mist and spread around it! As the white mist filled the air, a huge shadow curtain appeared behind him, covering the entire high platform!

That scene slowly appeared the appearance of Jin Baosan’s! Below!

Countless were shocked by this hand and made an uproar!

The picture condensed behind Nasu Yu, as if a movie was playing on a huge curtain, and in the illusory picture, there was a real voice, and even the voice of Jin Bao’s three lowly people could be heard there…

“Campbell Three—”

Su Yu shook the folding fan in his hand: “He is called the oldest high school student in history.” ”

“At the same time—”

“It’s also what I mentioned last time…”

“The last key figure in the final class.”

Su Yu’s words.

In an instant, the below were momentarily stunned!

Wang Arthur sat up straight, looking at Su Yu on the stage in disbelief!

He remembered the words he had said earlier, “It can’t be Campbell, can it?” ”

Ding Xiaoyu, Rex, and Wang Dadong all looked at Wang Arthur! When King Arthur said this earlier

The three of them naturally listened!


Arthur felt for an instant that his mouth must have opened up.

And the generation below!

Instantly boiled up! Startled! Unbelievable! Indissoluble!

“I remember that Mr. Su mentioned it once…”

“The Ultimate Class has a key character!”

“And this character…”

“Involved with the Golden Penker?”

Countless eyes were on the golden pen on the high platform.

That’s a golden pencil!

Thirty years ago! Disturbing the entire martial forest is likened to the existence of the Immortal God! Campbell III……

Actually 0.0 involved with him? This………

How could that be?! Stage.

Su Yu smiled slightly and continued, “Jin Baosan’s past…”

The picture behind him appeared as Jin Baosan’s former picture

Top 10 KO masters! The boss of the ultimate class! But after the appearance of Wang Dadong was defeated, he became the 135th existence of the KO list………

Campbell’s once………

The present of Campbell III………

The picture flashes by, and all that is played is a part of the unimportant content, which is basically the picture and lens of the three fairies of Campbell, and the voice of the three untouchables………

“And the future of Campbell III……”

On the stage, Su Yu folded his hands and shook slightly: “It is related to the immortals.” ”


Jin Bike’s eyes instantly looked at Su Yu.


His eyes were full of anger! This………

But the secret of the golden pen! Su Yu……… Know?

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