Chapter 107 The only one who can fight against the darkness is you, Jin Bao San! 【3 more】!!


“Actually involved the Immortals again?”

The underlings were very uproaring.

But after the word appeared many times, they did not have the original shock, but more of a curiosity!

“This golden space-time… Do immortals really exist? ”

“If they exist, why don’t they appear, even in the battle of good and evil?”

“That’s weird, isn’t it?” I always feel that there are too many secrets of golden time and space. ”

Many have a deeper curiosity about the secrets of golden space-time!

Do immortals really exist?

“The future of Campbell III……”

Su Yu shook the folding fan in his hand slightly, “Everyone…”

“Please see.”

The shadow of the giant curtain behind him gradually appeared the future appearance of Jin Baosan! Countless mixed characters looked curiously at the giant shadow behind Su Yu, very curious about Su Yu’s means, which could make the picture appear out of thin air, and even the sound!

“This Mr. Su is also amazing……”

“I could make the picture appear out of thin air…”

“It’s almost like watching TV!”

The Mixed Word Generation below looked in amazement at the huge shadow curtain on the high platform, which contained information about the picture of Jin Baosan!

The picture keeps swiping through quickly!

The mixed word generation’s eyes suddenly looked dead at a picture!

In the picture: only to see that Campbell three sitting in the classroom, the classroom around the very new, whether it is the desk, or the building, there is a sense of novelty different from this era, and Campbell three is wearing a black school uniform, wearing flip-flops, eating hot pot in the classroom!

“Bao San squad leader……”

“I heard that a new class instructor is going to be transferred in today.”

One of his followers said.

After the voice drops

Only to see the classroom door kicked open in an instant! Cai Yunhan, dressed in professional clothes, wearing glasses and holding a book, walked in instantly on it.

The picture ended in the shocked eyes of that Jin Baosan! Below

When the mixed word generation saw this picture, they were all slightly stunned!

Then he opened his mouth in disbelief: “The school uniform he wears…”

“It seems to be from Bale University?”

“That is……”

“In the future, Jimbo San is still studying at Bale College?!”

The bastards were stunned!

I was not shocked by what Su Yu said, but by Jin Baosan who was still studying at Bale College in the future, or even high school!

“And you see no!”

“The class guide who just walked in seems to be the KO.7 Cai Yunhan who recently transferred to the ultimate class!”

“So say…”

“In the future, Cai Yunhan will go to the Ultimate Class as a class guide, and Jin Baosan will even study in the Ultimate First Class!”

The bastards below couldn’t stop laughing! Jin Baosan’s face went straight black.

Say good life highlight moments

Is it that he is still studying at Bale University in the future? And now classmate Cai Yunhan……… Actually became his class teacher?


Cai Yunhan sat like an iceberg beauty, but when she saw the scene above, her cold expression could not stop, and she was slightly stunned, and at the same time, she looked at Su Yu in front of the shadow giant screen with more curiosity!

The screen continues to flash

The picture that appears in the future is very short, and it is very fast!

But many have also found some clues!

“It seems……”

“Campbell III is still in the Ultimate Class in the future?”

“And the boss of the ultimate class in the future is actually a woman?”

“What’s KING?”

Someone has found information about the future ultimate class! Captured some key cores!

But the picture flashed too fast for the specific information to be fully captured! The picture continues to flash suddenly! Airplanes!

The foundation of the river of painting, the habit.

“She was invaded and controlled by a dark force…”

“And the person who controls her not only wants to get the Qiu Qiu, but also wants to get the twelve time and space.”

“His terrible evil…”

“The only one who can compete with him at the moment.”

“It’s just you…”

The sound gradually blurred, making people gradually inaudible!

Everyone could only see that Jin Bao’s three bodies were wearing black Ballet college clothes, and next to him stood a figure wearing a white shirt, but the figure was very blurry, could not see his face clearly, and could only hear his intermittent voice.

Just after that sound fell! Airplanes!


Jin Baosan and the figure seemed to be frozen by something terrible! Next second!

A figure dressed in a red ancient robe appeared, he carried a green eerie mask, like a ghost, a pair of eyes calmly and indifferently stared at the figure, the mask appeared a strange smile.

“Fat man…”

He opened his mouth to Jin Baosan.

“You’re really important…”

“But you have to talk to the right people… It is…”

It’s intermittent sound again!

“Got angry with this…”


“There’s no future.”


The picture gradually blurs! The eerie figure let out a cold laugh and disappeared in an instant!


Countless people who saw this picture were all shocked by a cold look! A chill swells up behind you!

Even the golden pen guests, their eyes are a little solemn.



The bastards all swallowed their throats.

“Who is this guy?” Even the gods are not afraid? ”

“That’s horrible, isn’t it?” In the end, Jimbo San turned out to be the key person? ”

“What’s going on?”

Countless were shocked to see this scene.

The information contained above

It’s horrible! It’s too complicated!

Totally beyond their understanding!

In that future, there will be an evil being that wants to control the entire twelve time and space! And at that time, the only one who could resist was Jin Baosan? This news is simply destroying everyone’s worldview! All the bastards were silent!


“It’s the future of Campbell.”

Su Yu slowly spoke: “Whether it is past, present, future…”

“His fate is already closely related to the golden time and space.”

“Or rather…”

“It’s all about the whole ultimate class.”

Su Yu’s voice echoed throughout the silent scene.


“Didn’t think so!”

“I am indeed indispensable!”

“I knew I was the core of the ultimate class!”


In that silence, the three despicables of Campbell, triumphantly laughed and reverberated throughout the high platform.

Countless bastards looked at Jin Baosan.

See what Campbell Three looks like………

It’s completely hard to connect with the only key person.

“To be honest……”

“I kind of 213 want to beat him up, it’s too bad.”

There are mixed words to open their mouths.

“I think it’s quite interesting, the story is funny.”

Some mixed characters think that Campbell is very interesting.

Jin Baosan’s opening broke the silence of the scene, making everyone less uneasy about the figure that had just appeared in the picture.

“That is……”

“The Future of Golden Space-time—”

“How could there be immortals?”

“Who the hell is that weird guy?”

“And that guy, it seems to be going to fight the immortals?”

Some of the remixers discovered the core of the picture.

“The Future of Golden Spacetime…”

“What the hell is going to happen?”

“It’s very curious!”

The are very curious about what will happen to the future of the golden space-time!


Su Yu smiled slightly.

“This concludes with Campbell’s comments.”

“The next person to review……”

“Gut-breaking people.”

“That is, the arbiter of the armed ruling, the Red Dragon.”

Su Yu shook the folding fan in his hand slightly.

“And he.”

“It is closely related to the future of Campbell.”

I didn’t wait for the crowd to react!

Su Yu once again exploded a bombshell! Broken intestines!

A mysterious figure! And most importantly!

What Mr. Su mentioned turned out to be that the intestinal breaker and the future of Jin Baosan were closely related!

Other words………

Will the future of the gut-breaker be connected with the picture of Jin Baosan? Future………

What the hell is going on?

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