Chapter 108 The funeral of the man with the broken intestine, the battle between good and evil begins? 【4 more】!!


What exactly will happen?

Countless are full of curiosity and uneasiness!

The great war of good and evil is not over now, but even more terrible things will happen in the future, that is, there will be a statue in the golden time and space that wants twelve time and space!

It’s just that

They could only look at Su Yu with resentment, and it was obvious that this comment column was a big pit from the beginning! Everyone thought that this Campbell Three was just a small person of no importance! However, no one expected that in that future, this Jin Bao San would actually become one of the key figures in the fight against darkness! And what will happen in the future has become a big mystery!


Mr. Su on this stage……… Only reveal a little bit each time! If you want to know the specifics!

Maybe only some can be guessed from the future of the gut-breaker!

“The past of the intestinal breaker…”

“He was one of the adjudicators of the former Armed Judgment Institute.”

Red Dragon

The arbiter of the former Armed Judgment Institute, the combat power index was definitely a very powerful existence in that year!

However, with the demonization of the Black Dragon, he abolished his martial arts and abolished all the combat strength indexes of that body, and then became a person with broken intestines.

“And the present of the man with the broken intestine……”

“The key to this great battle of good and evil is closely related to him, although the person who was once the adjudicator of the martial arts, although he was abolished of martial arts, but when the darkness came, he found Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, and Ding Xiaoyu, and tried to protect the three of them with a thin force, and bought a little time for the three to fight against his elder brother Black Dragon, the biggest boss in the Dark World now! Directions for the three of them. ”

With Su Yu’s narration, the person with the broken intestine gradually appeared in the picture, he was always a mysterious face, and he looked full of mysterious light! I know a lot, but I can remind Wang Dadong and others at a critical moment!

“And the future of the gut-breaker……”

Su Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he folded the fan in his hand and shook it: “His future is even more closely related to a disaster.” ”

He folded a finger in his hand.

In an instant

The crowd then looked at the shadow of the giant curtain behind him.

In the shadow of that great curtain

It was a room.

“This is the day the ruling expires today……”

The man with the broken intestine sat there decadently, and another middle-aged man in a flower-colored suit sat next to him, his face full of sorrow and his hair even grayer.

Wang Dadong below looked at the picture and quickly saw that it was actually Denglong! Unlike the current spirited dragon climber, the future dragon is like a few decades old! A sad face.

Just then there was a knock at the door. The person with the broken intestine opens the door.


He showed a very frightened and shocked look, and Denglong in the room stood up and looked at the door of the room with a look of fear, and then he directly covered his head as if he couldn’t bear it, left here in pain, went crazy, ran to the street, and shouted at the pedestrians: “Save me…”

“Save me…”

“He’s back…”

“He’s back!”

“Mad Dragon……”

“Here it comes!”

The picture is elongated, and finally, only the scene of the broken intestine person falling there.

When countless people saw this scene, they instantly felt their scalps tingle, and everyone’s eyes were wide open, especially Wang Dadong and others, who were even more shocked!


“Gut-breaking man!”

Wang Dadong and the others watched the person with the broken intestine fall, and his eyes were red!

With the people who broke their intestines during this time, although this people with broken intestines were mysterious and mysterious, although they were also shocked by them, the mystery was no longer there, but many things were also told to them from the people with broken intestines, and the people who broke their intestines were even more to deal with the black dragon, regardless of the danger of life to find them, to face this darkness with them, and now seeing this broken intestine people falling, the four people said that it was impossible not to feel uncomfortable.

And the most frightening one

It was that word that the dragon said! He’s back!

Crazy Dragon! Coming back!

“It’s the number one crazy dragon on the gold list…”

“Isn’t it—”

Rex seemed to have thought of something.

“Could it be that he’s the guy who wants to control the whole twelve time and space?”

His conjecture, many also guessed.

“Isn’t it……”

“The black dragon that is the first in the gold list is actually a dark existence in the future?”

“It’s also horrible! Even the people with broken intestines died, and the crazy one should be a crazy dragon, right? ”

The bastards looked solemn.

The last time the Golden List appeared, although Su Yu mentioned the mad dragon, but the introduction was very simple, even the future is very simple, just to say that he will appear in the future, but everyone never thought that the future mad dragon would appear in their cognition in such a situation!

“This should be filling the pit last time…”

“But I feel that this pit is better not to fill, watching it is simply addictive, I want to know the plot and story behind!” 」

The following want to cry without tears!

This character column is obviously to fill the pit of the first crazy dragon in the gold list and the fourth dragon in the gold list! But this pit…… How to fill in the more and more pits?


“The future people on the gold list should all be closely related.”

“Mr. Su’s character column may be in preparation for future stories…”

“Mr. Su, please be a person, tell the story quickly, we want to know the story of the future…”

The following mixed word generation is simply grumbling to the extreme, but there is no way to pay Su Yu, can only think of Su Yu to tell the story quickly, eager to tell a dozen days at a time, the story of the twelve time and space chapters are all told one by one!


Jin Bike looked thoughtfully at Su Yu.

Half ring.

He seemed to understand something.


He remembered that Su Yu had mentioned two words—variables.

And this mad dragon in the human body.

It’s a variable! Take advantage of it!

He’s the killer! It’s the hole card! Not good to use!

He’ll regurgitate! Even as the picture shows, control the entire twelve time and space!

This Mr. Su has mentioned the existence of the mad dragon many times, which has made this mad dragon slightly awaken, and the future of that picture, the golden pen is expected, I am afraid that there will be many disasters, and the existence of the person who broke the intestines seems to be a variable, a variable in this disaster.

The picture continues in that picture.

It was a funeral, and at the funeral, it was naturally a picture of a person with a broken intestine.

And the funeral was presided over by King Arthur!

The images of the funeral flashed by, and these could not capture the specific information.


The moment the last picture appeared, everyone’s brows furrowed.

Only to see in that blurry picture.

It was pitch black, cell-like place.

A figure sat there silently, and it turned out to be a person with a broken intestine.

He looked ahead.


Took out a pill.

“One is not poisonous……”

“One is poisonous.”

“Which one do you want?”

The picture stops here! There was silence below.

Broken intestines people……… Isn’t it dead? Why is this screen here?

Originally everyone thought it was a black dragon……… But.

This is the future of the intestinal breaker, how can the black dragon appear? Below.

Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, and Rex were very puzzled.

At this time.

Ding Xiaoyu seemed thoughtful.


He shook his head.

“What’s wrong, light rain?”

Wang Dadong asked.

“Do you remember when the Black Dragon appeared at the Broken Bowel Man stall that day?”

Ding Xiaoyu asked, “At that time, Dadong’s parents said that this black dragon had already entered the body with a sword demon, and it was reasonable to say that this sword demon wanted to kill the person with broken intestines to complete the third layer of the Heavenly Demon Combination, but the person with broken intestines did not die.” ”

“On the contrary……”

“When we came, the black dragon’s state was strangely gone.”

“It’s like—”

Ding Xiaoyu looked at the picture above.

“Like a dragon.”

One word.

In an instant, Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, and Rex were shocked.

That day.

What the hell is going on?


“Will the Black Dragon know?”

King Arthur spoke.

Rex glanced at the phone.

“The gut breaker just messaged us.”

“Uncle and aunt, and Denglong…”

“The Black Dragon has been found.”

His words made Wang Dadong and the others slightly stunned.

Other words………

Is the final battle between good and evil about to begin? Stage.

Su Yu and Jin Bike seemed to sense something, and their eyes looked slightly into the distance

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