Chapter 109 Endgame! Poached egg war? 【5 more】!!

“Good horror energy duel…”

“It should be the knife madness and the black dragon fighting again.”


Not far from the high platform, four figures emerged.

They were the East City Guard, and they also felt the energy fluctuations in the distance.

“Repair, do we want the Fa of the Season?”

Meditation asked.

Xiu shook his head, “The energy of their battle is too terrible, if the fluctuations are too strong, we will be affected by the shadow around us, wait for the end of the war.” ”


He looked at Su Yu on the stage.

“This Mr. Sue…”

“It’s a bit of a skill.”

Repair the deep voice opening.

“I just don’t know, what he foresaw, the first chapter he said, what is the end of the great war between good and evil in the golden time and space.”

They this time…

It was specially over to listen to Su Yu’s lectures.

And they also had all four copies of “Golden Time and Space – One Ultimate Class” already shelled, these books can be seen casually on the road, the four people were shocked to find that there are records about them on it, and they are really very clear! In order to know the end of the great war between good and evil, they planned to come and listen to this Mr. Su’s lecture.

But I didn’t think about it

It was so sudden that it would go into the pit and learn such shocking news! In that future

There will be such a terrible dark figure, if it is not prevented, I am afraid that the twelve time and space will be robbed, and according to the story told by Mr. Su on the stage, the future golden time and space seems to be very tragic, the death of the broken intestine has appeared again, and the fourth dragon in the golden list is sick and does not know what terrible things will appear.

Just three character comments have aroused the interest of Xiu and others.

“Follow Mr. Sue’s story.”

“Golden space-time will be the main battlefield of the future war between good and evil.”


Xiu’s eyes were somewhat silent.

“I don’t know what the battle between good and evil in our iron time and space will be, and what the future holds.”

He suddenly wondered if this Mr. Su could really talk about the great battle between good and evil in iron time and space.

Of course

What he wanted to know the most!

Is this Mr. Su, will he reveal some clues to the story of the next chapter of the twelve chapters of time and space after the story of the battle between good and evil! Even, there are clues about the ultimate Iron Man!


Countless people looked at the picture above in horror.

“Gut-breaking man.”

“Isn’t it dead?”

“Why did the final picture appear again?”

“What the hell is going on here?”

The below are feeling driven crazy! What’s going on here?

At this moment, they are very curious in their hearts, once the present life of the gold list, every character of the gold list is not simple, they are very curious, but now after today’s review of the characters, they found that the pit of the continuation of the gold list does not seem to be simple!

“This Mr. Su is also too much…”

“Even if you dig a pit, you still dig so many pits at the same time, now the war of good and evil is not over, the second chapter of the twelve time and space is not yet known which time and space, and a series of puzzles have not yet been solved, before this gold list is also a big pit, but now this pit has been dug up, I don’t know when it will be filled…”

“The most excessive thing is that one pit has not been filled, and another big pit has been dug and we have not stepped on that pit, and we have to step on another pit, so we can’t fill it first…”

The below are simply resentful.

But there is nothing to do.

There is a lot of key information revealed in it, but every time it is like a puzzle, Mr. Su’s story every time, every comment, is a fragment of a puzzle as long as the fragments are pieced together, it can be gradually unlocked, making people very eager to get the fragments of the next puzzle, so the following mixed characters are looking forward to what the next puzzle given by Su Xianniu is.


“The third reviewer.”


Su Yu smiled slightly, and did not sell Guanzi: “Wang Arthur.” ”

The underlings were slightly stunned! King arthur?

Arthur, the king of the audience, was even more stunned.

The third piece of the puzzle.

Is it yourself?

“Does this Arthur have anything to do with Mr. Sue’s future storyline?”

“Arthur Wang seems to have become the ultimate class of future class leaders?” However, according to Jin Baosan’s timeline, wasn’t the class director at that time Cai Yunhan? ”

“King Arthur also has something to do with the current war between good and evil, right?”

The bastards were very curious about what kind of role Arthur Wang played in it.

“Arthur King.”

“The existence of the third place in the KO list.”

“His past.”

Su Yu mentioned his past.

This past is part of his experience, including the more important growth experience, and the most important picture is the moment when his father the Ten Dragons gave him the sword in the stone.

“This sword in stone.”

“It became a key point in his life.”

On the stage, Su Yu shook the folding fan in his hand slightly: “And Wang Arthur’s now——”

“What follows will be told in the story of the end of the first chapter of the twelve time and space.”

Su Yu skipped the King Arthur’s now!

“And the future of Arthur King—”

The picture behind Su Yu slowly emerged.

In that picture.

Two figures are dueling!

But in that duel

Arthur Wang appeared handsome on a motorcycle, and with a blow of the sword in his hand, he shocked the two of them!

“From today on—”

“I’m the ultimate class leader.”

Arthur Wang announced that he would become the leader of the ultimate class.

Seeing the above Wang Arthur, who became a class guide, Wang Dadong smiled: “Narcissist, you are a prince of the Earth Dragon Gang, and you will actually become the class guide of the ultimate class. ”

He couldn’t help but make fun of it.

King Arthur’s face was a little dark, please, he was King Arthur, the prince of the Earth Dragon Gang would actually go back to teach the ultimate class?

This changes.

Strange too, right?

“Please, megalomaniac, maybe you’ll go back to the final class later.”

Arthur Wang looked at Wang Dadong helplessly.

“I won’t go back to being a class teacher, I can’t let me be like Jin Baosan, and I will go back to the ultimate class to study in the future, right?”


Wang Dadong smiled, “Do you think I can really be so blind?” ”

Wang Ya said without anger: “Megalomaniac, laugh when Mr. Su comments on you, I am afraid that you will not be able to laugh.” ”

Wang Dadong shrugged his shoulders and smiled: “Anyway, today’s review is over.” The two of them were fighting over that. ”

But on that high platform – the picture continues!

The picture turns!

Arthur Wang came to Jia Yong’s office, and he opened the twitch of Jia Yong’s office

Just when the bastards didn’t know what he was going to do! Suddenly!

That’s twitching!

The mask that the weird guy was wearing appeared! The remixers below looked at the picture with a slight shock!

“Is it?”

“What the gut-breaking man said is true?”

Arthur Wang and others also saw this picture.


Is what the gut-breaker is telling the truth?

According to what the person with the broken intestine said some time ago, he saw Jia Yong in the graduation photo and suspected that Jia Yong was the legendary crazy dragon!


Wang Dadong and others did not believe it at all! But the picture in front of you.

“It’s not over yet.”

Ding Xiaoyu shook his head.

Next second!

Jia Yong appeared from that picture, and Wang Arthur directly took the sword in the stone and slapped Jia

Yong’s neck wanted to ask him if he was a crazy dragon, but Jia Yong had always denied it!

The picture suddenly changes here!

Only to see that Jia Yong’s office is not far away

The blurred figure of Dao is talking to the person with the broken intestine.


“There are three principles for dealing with him.”


“Don’t believe what you see…”

“Second, don’t believe what you see.”

“Third, don’t believe what you see…”


When countless bastards saw this scene, they all frowned and were very puzzled.

Who is this vague figure?

And what does he mean by that?

But Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, and Rex seemed to be thinking.

The picture on the stage continues to appear until the end!

Everyone actually saw in the picture that King Arthur handed over the sword in the stone.


This is the end of the tunnel.


“That’s it?”

The people in the audience were stunned.

“No, who can make King Arthur hand over the Sword in the Stone?”

“What ghost wolf knife?” Sword in one? ”

The word mixers under the stage also captured some information on the screen.

Arthur Wang’s eyes were slightly sleepy: “Let me hand over the sword in the stone?” ”

Although he didn’t know why he would hand over the Sword in Stone in the future, the Sword in Stone was his weapon, and he absolutely could not hand it over.

“Ghost Wolf Knife…”

“What is it?”

“Sword in one?”

His brow furrowed, as if he were thinking of something.

In that picture, it seems to imply that the unity of swords and swords will be very terrifying.


Maybe find the trail of the ghost wolf knife?

King Arthur had a lot of thoughts in his mind, at least now he couldn’t hand over his weapons like in the future.

The below have a lot of questions, but for a while they don’t know where to start!

“It feels very strange that the character comments here should be filled in the pit of the last gold list, but the person who broke the intestine is obviously dead, why did it appear in the end?”

“What does it mean that the sword is one, the ghost wolf sword and the stone sword?” And why did Arthur Wang return to the ultimate class as a class leader? ”

“Could it be that the crazy dragon is Jia Yong, the director of discipline at Bale College?” But what does it mean that the picture appears without believing what is seen in the eyes? ”

The in the audience felt a big mystery in front of them.

Obviously the pit was filled.

But it seems that there is no pit filling.

“Commenting on People Column.”

“That’s it.”

On the stage, Su Yu smiled slightly, and did not tell too many stories about the future.


“What we want to tell is the fifth story of the ultimate class, and at the same time, it is also the end of the first chapter of the epic of the twelve time and space waves.”

“And the end of the Great War.”

“It’s called—”


Su Yu shook the folding fan in his hand slightly: “Poached egg war.” ”

The in the audience were all stunned.

Poached egg?


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