Chapter 116 comes from the expressive power of iron space-time powers! Iron Time Story Begins! 【2 more】!!


Su Yu sat in the hall. In front of his eyes.

is the data panel.



【Combat Power Index:23000】

[Martial Arts: Yi Jian Jing, Northern Meditation Divine Gong Fragment x2, Chivalrous Divine Gong Fragment x3, Descending Dragon Eighteen Palms]

[Character Fragments: Ximen Chuixue x2, Ding Xiu x3, Lonely Seeking Defeat x1, Jinyi Wei x40]

[Items: Full records of the final series, Descending Dragon Eighteen Palm Cheats, Purple Xia Divine Skills, etc….]

His popularity value………

Has broken through 100W points!

And it is still growing at a terrifying rate! The circulation of “The Ultimate Class” has made his popularity soar madly, and at the same time, coupled with the sense of expectation laid out in front, so that those mixed characters can provide him with more popularity points! Most importantly, these “Ultimate Class” books can be passed on!

No matter how much time has passed, as long as this “Ultimate Class” exists, it can provide Su Yu with a steady stream of popularity!

[Detected that the host has reached 100W popularity value, whether to upgrade the system -]

【Consumption value:100W】


Su Yu opened his mouth calmly.

【System is being upgraded——】

【Upgrade Successfully ——】

【Activate new feature: Time Projection】

【Activate a new world where you can draw prizes: Level 1 Strange World】

“Space-time projection?”

Su Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly.

[Time and space projection: the host can choose to project the storytelling story to any of the twelve time and space, once projected, the host storytelling scene will be projected to time and space, the host storytelling scene, will penetrate into its time and space, will be projected into the dreams of different people, and even form a weak projection with a small probability, manifested in a certain place. 】

【Mark near and so on…】

[Current projectable space-time: gold, iron, silver…]

[Tip: The space-time that has just been projected will not have an immediate impact, after a certain period of time, the party will gradually penetrate, the longer the time, the number of people infiltrating into the dream will gradually increase, while increasing the probability of forming a projection, at the same time, if the target of infiltration comes to the host site, it can also greatly increase the progress of infiltration. 】

[Later, if the host wants to completely project other space-times, it needs the system to upgrade again——]

The explanation of the system is simple.

That is, the scene of Su Yu’s storytelling, there will be a chance to appear in other space-time dreams, and with a small probability of chance, a weak projection is formed, which is manifested somewhere, but the probability is very small, but over time, it can be enhanced.

“Projected into iron space-time.”

Su Yu directly chose to project into the iron space-time.

【Projection Complete——】

【Infiltration progress:0】

Su Yu looked at the new world, the first-level world of special energy.

[First-level special world: the world where the special ability exists, such as Marvel, DC and other famous worlds, but the reason for the classification, the selected ability, items, characters, are all lower-level characters, powerful powers, characters, need to upgrade before they can be drawn]

Su Yu thought about it a little.

Looking at the remaining [16W] popularity value, he decided to draw the [Silver] ten consecutive draws first!

“Silver ten consecutive draws—”

“The lottery world chooses the first-class world.”

【Draw -】

【Congratulations to the host to obtain: 500 Energy Index】

【Lightning first-level energy (control of lightning, generation of lightning energy, etc.) (can be extracted repeatedly)】

【500 Points Ability Index】

【Flame Level 1 Ability…】


【1000 points of energy index】

This time ten consecutive draws, Su Yu extracted 3000 points of the power index, flame, lightning, water, wind, and earth of the five first-level powers, the only pity is that Su Yu did not extract the character fragments, so that Su Yu originally wanted to open the Heavenly Machine Pavilion in the iron time and space The idea was shattered, and he could only wait for the next lottery.


“That’s pretty much it.”

According to the timeline of the story, the story of Iron Time and Space is almost the beginning.

His storytelling.

It’s time to get started.

Golden space-time.

A month passes in an instant.

In a month’s time, the story about the fifth book of “The Ultimate Class” has become more and more intense, especially at the end of the story, the iron time and space story involved, the ultimate Iron Man, the existence that appears with a mighty light under the endless darkness! Coupled with the twelve time and space that Su Yu originally mentioned from time to time, countless mixed characters were full of yearning and curiosity about other time and space, and wanted to see

This iron space-time………

What kind of story is told! What kind of existence!

Under that darkness, when the twelve time and space are desperate, play a war song that resounds through the twelve time and space, and blow the horn of the twelve time and space counterattack!


In front of the high platform.

At this moment, the high platform has reached the point of overcrowding, but after a month, many have found that the buildings and streets around the storytelling cabinet have all been leveled, leaving a huge open space that can accommodate more people, but even so, the entire storytelling cabinet is still crowded, there is almost no empty space, and now it just happens to be the time of rest, countless college and university, students are coming from other regional universities

Just to listen to the second chapter of these twelve time and space!

The students of the Ultimate Class naturally knew the popularity of the Storyteller, so they directly occupied this position very early, divided a part of the territory, and no one dared to grab it, and Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, Rex, as well as Tian Xin, Tian Hongguang, the Broken Intestine Man, the Knife Madness, the Knife Ghost, and even the Stop Water all rushed over, all sitting here, waiting for the beginning of the Iron Time and Space Story!

And the surrounding mixed word generation, almost the front position, are occupied by the KO list masters, the college bosses, some have no position, and even other mixed words

The generations fought, but they did not dare to be brazen in front of the storyteller, they all fought in private, and the loser handed over the position of listening to the book!

“Finally, at the beginning of the second chapter of the twelve time and space, I have been insomnia for a month!”

“What are the stories of other time and space, what are the other time and space?” Who will the protagonist be? ”

“I’m curious about what the other space-time strongest lists are, and whether we are all space-time strong!”

“What is the identity of the Ultimate Iron Man, and why does it feel so good?”

The in the audience were discussing, very curious, full of anticipation.

After the end of the story of “The Ultimate Class”, although there is still discussion, it is the end of the matter, and many people are full of great curiosity about the future, for other unknown time and space, unknown stories, and the stories of the twelve time and space and the demon world! All want to hear stories from other time and space! Who are the other protagonists of time and space!


The giant shadow behind Mr. Su can make them see the picture, which makes people look forward to it even more, and wants to see what other time and space are like!

Countless people looked at the high platform.

On a high platform.

The golden writer had actually sat there early, waiting for Su Yu’s lecture.

Soon! In full view!

The door of the Storyteller opens…

Su Yu, dressed in a black Tang costume and holding a folding fan, walked out of the gate.

After he sat down.

The endless white mist behind him rolled, and the shadows of the courtiers appeared, “Everyone. ”

“Long time no see.”

Su Yu smiled slightly, and Qingxiu’s face was calm and quiet: “The end of the story of “Golden Time and Space – The Ultimate Class”, but the twelve time and space hostilities… It’s just getting started. ”

“The first chapter of this magnificent epic story ends with both sides lost…”

“The key point in the battle between good and evil—”

“Came to the main time and space of the story we are going to tell today…”

Su Yu opened the folding fan in his hand, and the ink revealed: “Iron time and space.” ”

“At the same time—”

“It’s also the story of the ultimate family.”

“And this story of the great war of good and evil in iron time and space is the key point to reverse the decline of the twelve time and space, the imbalance between good and evil, and to save the decline of the twelve time and space, and it is also from this story that it begins……… The twelve time and space finally had a duel with the devil. ”


Su Yu’s voice paused slightly, and the folding fan in his hand shook: “And the beginning of the story…”

“It is to pick up the story of “The Ultimate Class”, starting from the loss of combat strength index of Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, and Ding Xiaoyu.”

Su Yu folded a fan in his hand and pointed slightly! Airplanes!

The shadow of the giant screen behind him instantly appeared a picture.

In that picture

Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, and Ding Xiaoyu were standing on the roof.

The three-person combat power index is blocked, and it is necessary to use the power of repair to lift one down.

When Wang Dadong and the others saw this scene, they were all shocked.


Before the repair said to find a way, but now there is no news, is this, is this the way to repair?


“Have a chance to restore the Combat Power Index?”

Wang Dadong was a little excited.

The off-stage mixed characters also saw the above picture.

When he saw the picture, when Arthur Wang mentioned that Xiu was going to use the energy of thunder and lightning to pour into the three people’s bodies, they all exclaimed.

“The energy of lightning?”

“This Xiu seems to be the commander of the Chief Combat Regiment of the Iron Guard of the Iron Time and Space of the Union of Irons, right?” How could he manipulate the energy of lightning? ”

“That’s horrible, isn’t it?”

The bastards below all exclaimed! Especially the KO list masters!

They fight, they all rely on their hands, even if they know the moves, but there is no one……… Uses the energy of Thunderbolt!

“Remember what Mr. Su mentioned that the warriors of Iron Time and Space are also called Strangers!”

“That is……”

“Is this a power?”

“Iron space-time actually uses special powers?”

“Will it be any different from us?”

The mixed characters below are looking at the picture with great anticipation! Twenty A paintings

Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, and Ding Xiaoyu slowly turned around, and the three of them waited in a strict line, with a serious look!


A solemn face stood behind them.

As the three turned around, a stirring music sounded, very dynamic and rhythmic.

I haven’t waited for the word bastards to react! Airplanes!


Xiu slowly raised his hands, countless energies condensed, condensed momentarily, only to see that the heavenly dome behind him was suddenly gloomy, and orange light surged around him! As he raised his hands completely, his orange energy surged through! Accompanied by exciting music, it forms a terrifying expressiveness!

Countless people of mixed characters saw this scene, even Wang Dadong and others, they were a little stunned!

The power of iron space-time……… Is it so powerful?

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