Chapter 117 The protagonist of the Ultimate Family – Is it Muggle? 【3 more】!!


As Xiu’s hands gradually lifted up, the exciting music resounded, the sky behind him was gloomy, and countless orange lights seemed to form a storm to condense around Naxiu’s body! An extremely terrifying expressive force directly stunned the in the audience! The screen continues!

Xiu crossed his hands in front of him, as if he was condensing some energy! Next second!

His hands jerked open and lifted! Under the stirring music, the orange energy storm on the body suddenly rose and penetrated into the cloud in an instant! Countless thunderbolts fluctuated in that orange light! Take a look at the repair of both hands!

The terrifying thunder and lightning actually came towards Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, and Ding Xiaoyu in an instant!

The bodies of the three people rose directly out of thin air, and their bodies were condensed by a terrifying storm of orange light energy, countless thunderbolts rolled around them, and huge bursting sounds continued to sound in the exciting music!

Countless bastards, seeing this scene, swallowed their throats uncomfortably

Even Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, Rex and others are the same.

“This… Is this the power of iron space-time? How does it feel so powerful? ”

“My God, how terrifying is this cultivation combat power index?” Such a terrifying expressive power, and it can also manipulate lightning to pour into the bodies of Wang Dadong’s three people! ”

“It feels like iron space-time is not simple… We simply can’t see this combat effectiveness. ”

“I feel that the combat strength index of this repair is at least 30,000 points, right?” Is he the strongest being in iron space-time? ”

When the people below saw this picture, they were immediately excited!

Especially with that exciting music, let people see the blood boiling, that powerful expression and destructive power, simply make people yearn! Who wouldn’t want to show such a terrifying combat power in the arms of Xiu Xiu!

“This iron space-time… It feels so mysterious! No wonder it is the key point of the reversal of the decline of the twelve space-time eh! ”

“This makes me even more curious, this story of iron time and space, it feels very not simple, very mysterious.”

“Yes, the power of this iron time and space is so powerful, it feels very simple, and what I am most curious about is who the protagonist of this iron time and space will be?”

After seeing this picture, the mixed characters felt more curious about the iron time and space.

In the eyes of all!

This is a new, unknown story, and this story even involves the Otherworld! The expressiveness of the power just shown by the special energy is directly fascinating!


The four Dongcheng guards appeared here.

“Xiu, do you want to use this method to get Wang Dadong to restore the combat strength index?”

Hades asked.

Repair: “………”

His serious look, a little wrinkled.


“I haven’t thought of it yet.”

“But now I think about it.”

He shook his head.

Meditation, ring, stirrups: “…”Xiu was a little helpless, he really hadn’t thought of it yet, but this method really made him feel bright, and it seemed to be a good choice!

But……… Is it useful?

He looked at the picture above and was a little surprised for a moment.

“This picture…”

“Just like television, this Mr. Su’s means are really heavenly.”

He also couldn’t help but sigh that Mr. Su’s means reached the heavens, especially the picture of the future, the picture that did not happen in the first place……… It was so embodied in front of them1 in front of countless people! Let countless people see the story of what happened in the future!

This means……… It’s against the sky! On the screen!

Countless mixed characters were very excited, waiting for the end of the lightning energy poured into the picture, wanting to see if Wang Dadong and others had recovered their combat strength index…

Even Wang Dadong and others are like this!

It’s just that.

What made people helpless was that even the special abilities used by Xiu in the picture could not even break through the sealed combat strength index in the body of Wang Dadong and others!

See this scene.

The Mixed Word Generation couldn’t help but get worried: “Even such a strong ability can’t unlock the combat strength index of Wang Dadong and the three of them, is it possible that Wang Dadong will never have a combat strength index?” ”

“What can I do about this? Wang Dadong, aren’t they the main combat force of Golden Time and Space? ”

Some are very worried.


Wang Dadong was also looking forward to it, but seeing that there was no way to do this, he couldn’t help but sigh.

“Although it failed, Wang Dadong felt that the cultivation was not simple, and such a terrifying ability was a martial arts path that they had never seen at all…”

“Under the questioning of Wang Dadong’s three people.”


“Finally revealed his identity to Wang Dadong and the three people——”

“He is a strange walker from iron time and space.”

On the stage, Su Yu shook the folding fan in his hand slightly, and slowly spoke.

Under his narration.

Xiu told Wang Dadong and the three of them about the twelve time and space, and told Wang Dadong that he was a stranger from the Iron Time and Space.

“It turns out that… By this time, Wang Dadong knew about the twelve time and space and the Extraordinary Walker. ”

“If it weren’t for Mr. Su, I’m afraid we wouldn’t have known the truth at all, and even if Wang Dadong did, we wouldn’t have known it.”

Some sighed.

“But… Didn’t you find out? ”

Some of the Mixed Characters found that something was wrong, and in the face of the doubts of the other Mixed Characters, he said, “The Extraordinary Walkers of Iron Time and Space were able to travel through our time and space, and still know so many things, if it were not for the cultivation of Iron Time and Space, Wang Dadong would probably not know the truth of the matter in the end, right?” ”

“And if it weren’t for Mr. Su, we wouldn’t have known the truth about the Twelve Space-Time and the Demon Realm, or even the Extraordinary Walker.”

“But this iron space-time…”

“But they know everything clearly, and even travel to our time and space to help us.”

“This iron time and space, I’m afraid, is not simple.”

Although when the mixed word generation saw that strange power, they all knew that the iron time and space were not simple, but the mixed word generation prompted, for a time, also let everyone feel the power of the iron time and space!

“Mr. Su, isn’t it possible that even the Iron Time and Space Strangers can’t help Wang Dadong restore the combat strength index?”

A bastard asked. Stage.

Su Yu smiled slightly:

“That’s exactly what I’m going to say next—”

“It is also the only way to restore Wang Dadong’s combat strength index.”


The bastards were slightly stunned! Is there really a way?

Wang Dadong was already desperate, but when he heard Su Yu’s words on the stage, he instantly became nervous.

It’s true………

Is there still a way? Stage.

Su Yu shook the folding fan in his hand slightly: “The key point of the only way——”

“It’s a doppelganger.”

The people in the audience were slightly stunned, looking at each other, and did not know what it meant.


Su Yu smiled, “Strangers, except for the time and space in which they were born.” ”

“There will also be an individual born in other time and space that is exactly the same as himself…”

“The individual is his own doppelganger, and he is the doppelgänger of the individual.”

“The only way to recover—”

“It is by passing through the boundary connecting the two time and space through the body to transmit the power with the Buddha-figures, and then the combat strength index can be restored.”


“If you are a Muggle, you can’t do it.”

Su Yu explained the origin of the doppelganger.


It also explained the method of Wang Dadong and others to restore the combat strength index.


“According to Xiu, Wang Dadong’s doppelgang, in Iron Time and Space, is a Muggle.”

“While the other space-time and demon’s decisive victory and defeat have been divided, and evil has temporarily triumphed over good, only the golden space-time is the iron space-time that has lost both the demons and the two defeats, and the iron space-time that has not yet been divided into victory and defeat, that is to say, the iron space-time is the only way for Wang Dadong to restore the combat strength index.”

On the stage, Su Yu continued to tell.

His words fell.

The bastards below were stunned!


“There’s no way around it?”

Wang Dadong was still looking forward to it, but when he heard that his doppelganger was a Muggle, and that other time and space had been occupied by demons, for a time, he fell directly from heaven to hell.

Other words

He could no longer recover the Combat Power Index.


Xiu sighed and said, “I have observed Dadong’s doppelgang, and he is a Muggle. ”

“That is……”

“This method will not work.”

“Dadong, there may really be no way to restore the combat power index.”

He looked serious, very dignified.

The people in the audience all felt very sorry.


Su Yu on the stage shook the folding fan in his hand slightly, and smiled: “But…”

“We iron time and space, the protagonist of the story of the ultimate family.”

“It’s Wang Dadong’s doppelganger—”


One word.

It made the in the audience stunned.

Iron Time and Space – the protagonist of the ultimate family.

Is it a Muggle?

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