Chapter 121 Time and Space Penetration, Projection Appears in the Summer Family Living Room? 【7 more】!!

“He he he he he……”

“He transformed?!”

A bastard exclaimed.

In the picture

Summer “stood there coldly, and before the weakness, just in the summer is not a look at all, obviously it is exactly the same face, but the ‘summer’ at this moment gives people a feeling that no one is allowed to enter, and at the same time has an indescribable sense of evil charm!

Ren Chenwen fell to the side, seeing this scene, very happy: “My brother ~ ”

“Oh no…”

“Ghost Dragon, you have finally appeared!”

Ren Chenwen was very excited! Party in the picture—time! ”

The corner of the ghost dragon’s mouth was very evil and domineering, and that face was full of untamed smiles!


The mixed word generation also heard Ren Chenwen’s name!

“Isn’t it summer?”

“How did you become a ghost dragon?”

“Isn’t this person who appears summer?”

The bastards were dumbfounded.

“Wait a minute…”

“How can he speak with an accent, exactly like the Black Dragon Demon King!”

“Is he one of the seven dragons of the Judgment of Force?” Ghost dragons? ”

Some speculated.

“Please! That’s Iron Spacetime! Where did the force of judgment come from? ”

“But this ‘summer’ is also too handsome!” Speak with an accent! ”

Some mixed characters looked at the summer outfit on the stage, and for a while they actually felt a sense of domineering!

On the screen!

Scar Jason was also stunned.

“Little devil?”

“You’re going to dress up too fast, aren’t you?!”

He couldn’t believe it! Next second! The screen flashed!

Scar Jason and the Mafia members all fell to the ground.

When Ren Chenwen saw this scene, he directly looked pale: “It’s bad, it’s bad…”

“The ghost dragon has run out, and something big is going to happen.”

Ren Chenwen muttered to himself, seemingly uneasy.

“Isn’t it……”

“This is what Mr. Su said about the terrible existence contained in Summer’s body?”

Some of the mixed characters thought of what Su Yu had just said.

“Mr. Su……”

“What the hell is going on with this ghost dragon and summer?”

When the bastards saw this scene, they could no longer bear to ask.

Su Yu smiled slightly on the stage.

“Ghost Dragon—”

“It is the spirit body in the summer body, which coexists in the summer, but the personality is biased towards the evil side.”

“The sealing dragon sticker on Summer’s neck is used to seal the spirit body, and once the sealed dragon sticker is torn off, the spirit body will appear and occupy the summer body.”

Su Yu’s words made the people in the audience understand a little.

“But why are there spirits?”

“Yeah, Natsumi seems to have something to do too.”

“How can there still be spiritual beings in their bodies?”

The people below are very curious.

Two spirits in one! It’s just curious!

“Do all those who have the ability to do so have spiritual bodies?”

Some asked curiously.

“What the hell is going on with this spirit?”

“After the transformation, it is too dead!”

“It’s a handsome man!”

“The contrast……”

“It’s too big, isn’t it?”

Everyone looked at the ghost dragon in the picture, and for a while, they couldn’t imagine it together with Summer! Who would have thought that in such a silly summer, there would be such a domineering and untamed existence in the body! Directly subverted their previous perception and concept of summer!

“It can’t be that all Extraordinary Practitioners have spiritual bodies, none of them who cultivate this super powerful Extraordinary Ability, nor does Dongcheng Wei, it seems that only Summer and Natsumi have.”

“What the hell is going on with this spirit, and why do they have it?”

The people below all looked at Su Yu curiously, waiting for Su Yu’s answer.


Hugh was also a little curious.

He knew about the sealing of the dragon sticker, but the specific reason, he did not know, this Mr. Su……… You know?


Su Yu took a sip of tea and looked at the expectant eyes of the audience, and he smiled.

“The appearance of spirits……”

“It has a relationship with their father, Ye Siren.”

The in the audience were stunned!

“Wait… Wait, Mr. Su, aren’t this Ye Siren and Xia Yu Muggles of the Xia Lan Jingde family? ”

“How could their spiritual bodies possibly have anything to do with Ye Siren?”

“Isn’t it…”

“What other hidden identity does this Ye Siren have?”

The mixed word generation instantly imagined.

“The identity of the intestinal breaker in the golden time and space is not simple, this Ye Siren should be a clone of the intestinal breaker, does he have any amazing origins?”

“According to Mr. Su, the physique of the Extraordinary Walker is inherited, and Xia Yu’s Muggle physique should be inherited to Ye Siren, and this Ye Siren should just be a Muggle?”

The mixed characters were very puzzled, and felt that this Ye Siren did not seem to be extraordinary, Xia Yu’s Muggle physique, wasn’t it Ye Siren?


Su Yu smiled slightly: “Ye Siren…”

“Xia Yu…”

“They’re not simple.”

Looking at the gradually curious and expectant eyes of the people in the audience, Su Yu shook the folding fan in his hand: “Just -”

“The story doesn’t go far yet.”

“When that moment comes, everything will be revealed.”

: “? ”

The bastards all showed a gloomy expression! Get!

Listened for half a day! It’s a pit!


“We’re officially moving on to the first story.”

“And our first story……”

“It is to start with the Xia Lan Jing De family, that is, the Xia family.”


Su Yu smiled slightly at the folding fan in his hand.

The previous pictures are just foreshadowing!

The next story……… That’s the beginning of digging the pit!

“The Charan Zeide family—”

“One of the several great Extraordinary Abilities of the White Path Orthodoxy of the Iron Time and Space Iron Alliance, and in the era of the Great War of the True Demons, he made great achievements, especially with the former family lord Xia Lan Shen Deliu, a master of special abilities, who in that year killed a lot of demonized Strange Ability Walkers, and was an extremely powerful Extraordinary Ability Walker.”

“And the contemporary master Xia Lanxing Dexiong, who has a vigorous style of doing things, belongs to the high-level Xenomorph practitioners of the Extraordinary Energy Realm.”

“And the first story……”

“It’s all about—”

“Dragon Card Unfolded.”

Su Yu smiled slightly: “The story must start from Brother Xiong’s new boyfriend!” Vincent began to talk. ”

“Dragon Seal?”

Xiu looked more and more wrong! Seal Dragon Card.

This is the secret of the whole iron space-time! Right now………

Actually appeared in the story?

And the first story, it turned out to be a sealed dragon card? Seal Dragon Card.

It is not too much to be the lifeblood of the White Path Stranger.

Right now………

Is there a dark force that wants to attack the Dragon Sealing Card?

With a solemn look, he continued to look at Na Su Yu, waiting for the story told by Su Yu.

Even if it’s him

At this moment, my heart is also full of nervous expectations, wanting to see the truth of the matter!

Iron space-time. Xia Family Mansion.

In the living room.

Brother Xiong put his hand in his waist, teaching Xia Bao, Summer, and Xia Mei three people.

“I’m really stuffy! I believe in you so much, that’s why I brought Vincent to meet you, and as a result, you actually helped your dead father and used his powers to scare Vincent away? ”


“Hard work to raise you so big!” The result? Raise me to kill myself! ”

The male brother’s eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a dangerous light looking at the three people.

She was depressed.

Recently, she met her new boyfriend, Vincent, but she did not expect that this Vincent was directly targeted by the whole family, and the male brother was the most angry

It was her ex-husband Ye Deadman who colluded with the three brothers and sisters to use their powers against Vincent together to scare Vincent away, and if it were not for the urgency she found, Vincent would probably be frightened of insanity! This made the male brother very unhappy!

Of course, the most unpleasant thing is that Ye Deadman actually colluded with the three brothers and sisters to use the special ability indiscriminately, can this special ability be used indiscriminately? Once discovered, they will be caught and stripped away!

“Old Mother Darling, I tell you, this vincent is not a good man… Natsumi stepped forward and wanted to say what she had discovered. ”

There was an attack in the Xia family before, a law enforcer brought back the lost grandfather, but did not expect that the law enforcer seemed to have a purpose, after they accidentally exposed the power, the grandfather wanted to use reversible memory to delete his memory, a guy wearing a black robe and wearing a mask appeared, and at that time Natsumi just saw that the masked man’s chin just had a mole exactly like vincent!

“Yes yes yes, only you are good people.”

The male brother glared at Natsumi breathlessly, thinking that it was just Natsumi’s prejudice against vinceng.

“Especially your dead father, it’s the best, isn’t it?”

She was very angry, and she was angry at the thought of Ye Dead!

Just as she was teaching her three brothers and sisters.



A strange wave appeared in the living room of the Naxia family mansion, floating behind Brother Xiong.

“Old, old, old mother Darling!”

Natsumi pointed behind Brother Xiong and exhaled.

In the summer, Xia Yu also found something wrong and looked at the back of Brother Xiong with a surprised look.

The male brother quickly turned back.


And she saw… In that living room.

A faint white mist condensed

A wisp of shadow, in the white mist, gradually appeared out of the illusion.

A scene.

Slowly floating in the living room of the Xia Family Mansion…

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