Chapter 122 The Shadow of the Summer Family’s Living Room! The beginning of the first story! 【1 more】!!

The three brothers and sisters of the Xia family and the male brothers all looked at the shadow field with a look of shock and uncertainty

Only to see the wisps of white mist filled up, as if above the fairyland, and above the white fog, an illusory high platform gradually emerged, and the white fog spread to the wall of the living room of the Xia family, covering the television, counter and other ranges, and the high platform in the white fog gradually appeared, and the shadow high platform on the white fog was like the fairyland coming to the world

When the white fog gradually dissipated, the shadow of the high platform scene was completely located in the living room of the Xia family.

And in this moment.

The three brothers and sisters of the Xia family, Brother Xiong, suddenly found that on the high platform, there seemed to be a discussion sitting together.

“Who’s pretending to be a ghost?”

“I tell you, I am the contemporary head of the Charan Zende family!”

The unicorn glove instantly appeared in the brother’s hand! Eyes looking ahead in disbelief!

Just no one responded to her.

The vague figure of the high platform gradually appeared, and he seemed to be sitting on the high platform, looking at a table in front of him.

Under the shocked and uncertain gaze of the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family, Brother Xiong.

The shadow of the high platform dissipated with the faint white mist, and finally people could barely see some of their faces

I saw that the shadow was wearing a black Tang costume and holding an ancient folding fan, just like a living Confucian.

“Who are you?”

Brother Xiong asked again.

It’s just that.

No one answered her question.

“Who’s the Demon~”

“Show up!”

“Look at my summer stream seventy-two changes!”

That’s when it happened.

On the coffee table in the living room, the coffee table was suddenly opened, and Xia Liu suddenly got up from there, played a few actions, and observed the shadow of the high platform in front of him.


Brother Xiong saw Grandpa Xia Liu and walked directly to him: “What is this?” ”

Xia Liu looked left and right, and then looked at Brother Xiong: “You ask me?” ”

Brother Xiong: “……… Yes, Dad! ”

Xia Liu shook her head, “I don’t know. ”

He looked very funny, but looking at the shadow platform in front of him, his eyes narrowed slightly: “It’s strange, there are no energy fluctuations, it’s like a kind of… Projection. ”

Brother Xiong wondered, “Projection? ”

Just when the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family, Brother Xiong, and Grandpa Xia Liu didn’t know what the shadow of the high platform in front of them really was.

Suddenly hum.

Some kind of weird wave emerges! With eerie fluctuations emerge

The shadow of the high platform in front of me seemed to be activated by something, and an intermittent voice came out, which was blurry at first, but gradually became clear in the end:

“Twelve Space-Time and Demon Duel…”

“The battle between good and evil…”

“The Story of Iron Time and Space.”


“We’re officially moving on to the first story.”

“And our first story……”

“It is to start with the Xia Lan Jing De family, that is, the Xia family.”

The voice was very vague and intermittent at first, but as it gradually became clear, the three brothers and sisters of the Xia Liu Grandfather, Brother Xiong, and the Xia Family all heard the words spoken by the figure of Gao Tai

Xia Liu’s grandfather, Brother Xiong, and the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family looked at each other.

Twelve Space-Time vs. Demons?

Iron space-time……… Tale? The first story?

Starting from the Xia Lan Jingde family, the Xia family?

“What kind of ghost is this, can’t it be someone who uses the power to make a fool of it?”

Xia Yu was very vigilant, “Will you come to cheat money?” ”

“It’s weird.”

Summer eyes look at the shadow platform, and the eyes are very simple.

“Is this what kind of demonic Xenopath has appeared again?” Just like the black-robed man who appeared before, it’s so scary! ”

Natsumi is full of fantasy power and is making guesses.


At this moment, the male brother signaled the three to be quiet.

The intermittent voice gradually became clear: “The Charan Zeide family-”

“One of the White Path Orthodox Eccentricities of the Iron Space Iron Alliance…”

“And the contemporary master Xia Lan Sheng De Xiong, who has a vigorous style of doing things, belongs to the high-level Xenomorph Walker of the Extraordinary Energy Realm.”

“And the first story……”

“It’s around ———”

“Dragon Card Unfolded.”


“Dragon Seal?!”

Brother Xiong looked suddenly wrong.

Even the cynical and funny-looking Grandpa Xia Liu, at the moment of hearing the Feng Long Card, his look gradually became solemn.

Seal Dragon Card

The secret of the Xia family! This is the secret that the Xia family has kept for generations!

What’s going on here?

Brother Xiong, Grandpa Xia Liu looked at the shadow of that high platform, and Grandpa Xia Liu also used the energy of the special energy to hit the front, but entering the high platform of the shadow was like falling into some kind of abyss vortex, and only a trace of strange fluctuations appeared, annihilating the special energy of the Xia Liu Gong.

Looking at the shadow of the high platform that suddenly appeared in front of them, Xia Liu and Brother Xiong could only observe it first, but at the same time, Brother Xiong had already let Xia Yu walk to the Tieke Janissary device, as long as there was anything wrong, immediately press the Tieke Janissary device and ask for the help of the Tieke Janissary.

“The story to be from the new boyfriend of the male brother! Vincent began to talk about…”

High platform shadow on.

The figure shook the folding fan in his hand slightly, and slowly opened his mouth.


The Xia family’s gaze was momentarily stunned.


All gathered on the male brother.

On a high platform.

Su Yu slowly began to speak: “Brother Xiong’s ex-husband, Ye Sishi—”

“The two used to be very close to each other, and even, Ye Siren gave up everything for his brother, was willing to enter the Xia family, and even created a side in the water for the brother, but after marriage……… Ye Siren likes to mess with flowers and grass, only wants to play music, but there is no way to make money, and he lives a cynical life all the time. ”

“Although the two have feelings, Brother Xiong hates Ye Siren’s cynicism and divorces Ye Siren.”

“After the divorce……”

“Brother Xiong found Vincent as a boyfriend and wanted to be angry with his ex-husband Ye Siren.”

“Just—” on the high platform. Su Yu’s voice faded slightly.

“What Brother Xiong doesn’t know is…”

“A conspiracy against the Fenglong Card, a conspiracy against the Xia family, is gradually unfolding.”

Xia family living room.

But when the shadow on the high platform mentioned that Brother Xiong and Ye Siren had passed by, Brother Xiong’s pupils contracted extremely fast!

Although the things said on that high platform are very quick to skip! But what is said is true!

But……… The only thing that is not true.

That’s the sentence.

Ye Siren gave up everything for the sake of Brother Xiong! Come on!

What can this Ye Siren give up?

Brother Xiong’s brow furrowed, and although the past between her and Ye Siren described by the shadow was not entirely true and not all of the team, most of them were almost right! Even the reason for the separation is correct!

Own housework………

How can it be known so clearly? even

Even his own purpose of finding Vincent to want to kill people was revealed!

Of course………

“Dragon Seal?”

“Conspiracy against the Xia family?”

The male brother frowned.


She was even more puzzled.

vincent……… What’s wrong?

Why mention vincent so many times?

Just when Brother Xiong, Grandpa Xia Liu, and the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family were confused, suddenly.

On the high platform of the shadow in front of it, there seemed to be a vague, intermittent sound.

“Sue… Mr. ”

“Why mention this vincent so many times?”

“Is he the key figure in the story?”

The intermittent voice asked the questions of Brother Xiong and the others.

On a high platform.

The shadow folded the fan in his hand and shook slightly, “Because…”

“The purpose of this vincent—”

“It’s to snatch the Dragon Seal.”

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