Chapter 123 Vincent Identity! Does Summer have the potential to become the ultimate Tekken? 【2 more】!!

The words of the shadow of the high platform fell.

Brother Xiong’s eyes turned his head momentarily and looked at the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family.

Summer: “…”

Xia Yu: “…”

Natsumi: “…”

The male brother’s eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a dangerous light.

Xia Yu waved his hand directly, “Brother Xiong, it’s not me, you know I’m a Muggle.” ”

Summer was even more innocent: “Mom, not me.” ”

Natsumi blinked, “Old Mother Darling, although Sadako can get out of the TV, it is certainly not my business.” ”


After the shadow on the high platform said that sentence, the first reaction of the male brother was the ghost of his own children! After all, Xia Yu, Xia, Xia Mei and the three of them are well known to be unhappy with Vincent, and they have used their powers to try to drive away Vincent! How can the male brother not doubt.

The male brother turned his head and wanted to observe who was playing the ghost.

But as soon as he turned his head, he saw his father, Grandpa Xia Liu, staring at her tightly, “Dad! ”

Brother Xiong was helpless: “Vincent, he’s not that kind of person!” ”

“He’s really good.”

“You wouldn’t really believe it, would you?” Father! ”

She was a little helpless.

How could it be believed?

The appearance of this high platform shadow is inexplicable, although it says a lot about her and Ye Deadman’s past, but the ghost knows if it is a ghost created by the demonic magician? Just when she had a headache

The intermittent sound under the high platform sounded again.


“This vincent purpose.”

“It’s to snatch the Dragon Seal.”

On a high platform.

Su Yu was after he finished speaking.

The mixed characters in the audience raised the question: “Mr. Su, what is the Fenglong Card?” ”


“Then why did Vincent snatch the Dragon Sealing Card?”


Su Yu smiled slightly: “Seal Dragon Card——”

“The secret guarded by the Charan Zende family for generations, inside the Dragon Card…… It is the position of all the families of the White Path Stranger, and once these positions fall into the hands of the Muggles of Iron Time and Space, or fall into the hands of the Demonic Stranger, the Demon Realm, it will have a devastating blow to all the families of the White Path Stranger. ”

“The difference between iron space-time and us is that the stranger must hide his identity, otherwise once it is leaked, he may be arrested and stripped away, and the tolerance of iron space-time for the alien walker is completely different, which also creates the tragic events behind the iron space-time…”

What happened? Afterward?

Some of the mixed characters keenly caught some words.


Su Yu did not say too much, but mentioned something about the Fenglong Card: “And the Fenglong Card…”

“It was hidden by Brother Xiong in the body of someone in the Xia family.”

“Vincent was instructed to launch a series of plots against the Xia family to snatch the Dragon Seal.”

“Behind his back…”

“It is a demon from the demon world, and he himself is a demonic magician.”

Su Yu shook the folding fan in his hand slightly.


“He is from the Huyan Jueluo family, and the Xiu of Dongcheng Wei comes from the same family, but the only difference is that he defected from the Huyan Jueluo family and was willing to become a slave of the demon and become a demonic magician.”


When Xiu Xiu heard the moment of the Huyan Jueluo Family, his expression changed slightly.


True! Don’t………

The traitors of the Huyan Jueluo family are already attacking the Fenglong Card? If it’s true……

Thinking of this, Xiu Xiu’s expression became more and more serious, although he was eager to rush to the Xia family now, he needed to know exactly what would happen in the first story, in order to understand the situation, distinguish the form, and solve the current crisis in the best way!

Xia family living room.

When Brother Xiong heard the Fenglong Card mentioned by the shadow of the high platform in front of him, and even mentioned the location of the Fenglong Card! Her look changed instantly!

“How can it be……”

She looked at the shadow of the high platform.



Or maybe

That high platform shadow, do you really know where that dragon card is hidden? But

This is the secret of the Charan Zende family, no one knows at all, the only thing that is known is that only she and her father Grandpa Xialiu, besides, she did not tell anyone at all, but the figure… Small. Seems to have guessed it?

The male brother was suddenly a little uncertain.

After all, there are many kinds of hiding places, but how can you guess someone by chance? And she did hide in Summer’s body.


“It must not be possible.”

She shook her head.

This must be false, and the shadow of this high platform is random guessing.

But at the moment.

When she looked at the shadow of the high platform again, she became more and more suspicious.


Su Yu continued: “Vincent’s plan is to get acquainted with Brother Xiong and become Brother Xiong’s boyfriend, when Brother Xiong completely trusts him, he will try to ask Brother Xiong the location of the Dragon Card, and during this time, the relationship between the two has gradually become trusted, but Brother Xiong has not mentioned anything about the Extraordinary Walker, even if Vinner deliberately mentions it, it has been ignored by Brother Xiong.” ”

“Vincent is constantly trying to do more to deepen trust—”


“He knows that Brother Xiong’s weakness is three children, so he is very good to the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family, trying to exchange the trust of the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family, but the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family… But he did not recognize his existence at all. ”

“In the hearts of the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family, there is only one father of the three – Ye Siren.”

“The distrust of the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family…”

“This has led to obstacles to Vincent’s plans.”

Su Yu spoke slowly.

In his narration

In exchange for trust, Vincent does almost everything, even dresses up

Play a good person, unfortunately, the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family do not appreciate it at all! This also put a major obstacle to Vincent’s plans!

“At the same time—”

“Dongcheng Wei also found Summer.”

“After experiencing the old ass pub incident, Xiu once again secretly observed Summer.”

In Su Yu’s narration

Xiu came to the school to find Summer and met Summer on the banks of the riverbank.

Wait until the evening

After Summer came, Xiu actually directly controlled Summer and tore off his Dragon Seal!

The Ghost Dragon directly transforms into the Descending!

“At the same time.”

“Hugh also found…”

“Summer has the potential to become the ultimate Tekk.”

Xia family.

Brother Xiong and the others were listening to the story of the shadow on the high platform.

But suddenly

The shadow of the high platform tells the story of Summer.

When the male brother heard that Summer had secretly learned guitar, her look was instantly wrong, especially when she heard that Summer had secretly gone to work on the old ass, just to save money to buy a guitar and wanted to play rock and roll, her face sank more and more.


When the high platform shadow said.

“Summer, is the potential to become the ultimate Tekker…… Za “Brother Xiong……


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