Chapter 124 There is a beautiful person, on the side of the water [3 more]!!

Xia family living room.

When the shadow of the high platform mentions the old ass pub thing and the guitar thing, Summer’s face is a little flustered.

Natsumi covered her mouth and exclaimed, “How would he know…”

But that’s not all.

He immediately saw the face of the male brother sinking down and immediately shut up.

Brother Xiong naturally heard Xia Mei’s exclamation, and it was obvious that what the Shadow Artemisia Tai said was true!


When the shadow of the high platform said the ultimate Iron Man, the look of the male brother was obviously a little faint.

Brother Xiong looked at Summer: “Summer. ”

Summer was a little confused: “Mom, I…”

Brother Xiong stared at Summer solemnly, “Is that true?” ”

Being stared at like this by the male brother, Summer suddenly lowered her head: “Yes… It’s true. ”

When Brother Xiong heard this, he opened his mouth very angrily: “Didn’t I tell you not to learn your dead father’s rock and roll?” Did you know that your dead dad played rock and rolled, and the whole family was rocked? ”

“You’ve never lied, and now you’re lying to me about going to a gas station to work for rock ‘n’ roll, and actually going to work at your dead father’s rotten pub and asking him to buy you a guitar!”

“Me, me, I’ll drive my truck to crash your dad’s rotten pub later!”

The more the male brother talked, the angrier he became!

Ye Siren played rock and roll, wasting countless money, the whole family’s responsibility was on her, and now he has lost the whole family and let Summer learn rock! It’s maddening!

It’s just that……… The Ultimate Tek?

The male brother looked at Summer with a complicated face, she was originally very angry, of course, now she is also very angry! However, I just asked Summer a question to confirm whether what the shadow on the high platform said was true!

But the reaction just summer seems……… It’s true? It’s just that

How did the shadow know? If it’s true……

Doesn’t that summer really have the potential to become the ultimate Iron Man? But soon.

The male brother shook his head again! No way!

What the hell was I thinking? How could it be true?

I didn’t know what the situation of this high-level shadow was, maybe some demonic magicians had specially come out to deal with their Shalan Jingde family, and they even had to believe his words?

“I’ll settle the account with you later!”

The male brother glanced at Summer, no matter what, she didn’t want Summer to play rock and roll.

“Old Mother Darling, you see…”

“There seems to be some picture there?”

Natsumi pointed to the shadow on the high platform of the living room.

Only to see that behind the shadow sitting on the high platform, there seemed to be a huge screen appearing, as if playing on some high platform.

There are pictures of the story constantly playing and passing over the bank of the riverbank.

Xiu found Summer, and under the attention of countless mixed characters, he saw that Na Xiu suddenly cast a special ability: “Mind Catching Technique——”



He opened his mouth directly and let Summer tear off the sealed dragon sticker, and under the shocked look of countless mixed characters, that summer actually directly tore open the sealed dragon sticker! Unleash the Ghost Dragon!

When the in the audience saw this scene, they all boiled up!

“Oh my God! This cultivation power is so powerful! Heartbeat Ulabah. ”

“It’s also too powerful to be able to manipulate others, right?” I want to have that kind of power too! ”

“Strange Ability Walker Iron Man, it seems that there are not many Extraordinary Walkers in this iron time and space, it feels like they don’t know each other, if they don’t explode the Ability Index and Extraordinary Energy, I’m afraid they won’t be able to recognize each other, right?”

“This seems to be a world of power, completely different from us!” I’m really curious about how this summer ended up becoming the ultimate Tek. ”

The mixed word generation all had a fierce discussion, and many mixed word generations were very envious of Xiu’s special ability!

Even some of the mixed characters have learned to cultivate a Ulabaha to the people next to them, even if they are KO masters, they can’t help but want to try, but unfortunately, what they know is not a real spell at all, plus their own energy itself is not the energy of the power, naturally it is difficult to perform.

“I feel that the story of this iron time and space is quite warm, especially the dishes made by the male brother, it is almost like my mother, and the intestinal index is super terrible.”

“But the summer is too bad now, right?” And there is also vincent in trouble, I feel that this vincent is about to attack the Xia family! Brother Xiong hadn’t even reacted yet, but fortunately, the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family were defensive enough about him. ”

“It feels so real, iron time and space, the ultimate family, is it the Charan Zeid family?” It feels like the strange walkers of iron time and space are completely different from us, and they all live the lives of ordinary people, as if they are no different. ”

“I don’t know what will happen to Ye Siren and Brother Xiong, if Brother Xiong knew that he would learn guitar in the summer, wouldn’t he be in trouble?”

Su Yu’s narration is that while speaking words, he plays the picture.

In that picture —

What is often played is the noisy and noisy of the Xia family, plus a faint sense of contradiction and conflict, and the strongest sense of conflict is that Brother Xiong and Ye Siren are obviously here to listen to the story, but on the contrary, the mixed characters below are attracted by the family’s sense of family and want to see more stories of this family.

The screen continues

After Xiu released the ghost dragon, he decided to teach Summer to practice the special ability and the guitar, but Summer did not want to cultivate the special ability, he wanted to practice the guitar well, Xiu did not say anything, but agreed to it, promised to teach him to practice the guitar first.


After Vincent came to the house and met with the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family, the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family directly called Ye Siren to come and mess up in order to drive away Vincent, and the angry brother asked Vincent to go back first, and then directly came up to Ye Siren to settle the account!

But what I didn’t expect was that

Summer stole to learn guitar, went to the old ass to work was discovered, Brother Xiong was very angry, directly threw Ye Siren out of the house, and at the same time smashed Summer’s guitar to the ground, and directly opened his mouth, if you want to learn guitar, don’t stay in this home! Watching the guitar being smashed on the ground in the summer, sadly ran out of this home and ran to the old ass PUB.

Seeing this scene, the mixed generations were somewhat silent, and this fierce conflict was like what had happened to their family.

“What happens next?” This male brother really hated learning guitar in the summer and smashed the guitar directly. ”

“Now that they’ve kicked Summer out of the house, what should we do now?”

“How do I feel we’re going to watch it as a family ethics drama?” But they feel so attractive, I want to know their story, especially if Summer is still so inferior, how will they grow into the ultimate Iron Man in the future? ”

“It feels like everyone in it is not simple, one is the contemporary head of the contemporary Xenomorph family, the other is the Muggle who will become the ultimate Tekken in the future, listen to Mr. Su, Xia Yu and Ye Siren are not simple, Xia Liu Agong is a master of the Xeno Realm, although I feel that I have to face the crisis of the twelve time and space and the demon world, but it contains a lot of growth, the truth let people see how they became the ultimate Tekken in the summer, how they grew up.”

The mixed characters looked at the picture on the stage, and the story in that picture was like watching a family drama, but the content contained in it was very much!

Growth and responsibility.

Just like Mr. Su mentioned the ultimate family!

And it is under such a story that Summer has gradually grown into the ultimate Iron Man and become the hope of twelve time and space, which is the direction and combination of this story that makes people feel very real, making people want to see what the story will be like in the end, Summer is driven out of the house, the vincent crisis exists, and the conflict between Ye Siren and Brother Xiong

Especially in Summer, from the silliness at the beginning to the gradual progress of the story, many have discovered the persistence, pure goodness, and positive character of Summer, especially the reason why he does not want to become the ultimate Iron Man is the ghost dragon mentioned at the beginning of Xiu, and the reason why Xiu thinks that Summer can become the ultimate Iron Man is because there is a powerful spirit body of the Ghost Dragon in his body!

However, Summer was unwilling, he did not want to become the ghost dragon this fan, that was not the result of his efforts, he wanted to rely on his own efforts, to seriously accomplish something, and this kind of close to stupid tenacity also made Xiu look at Summer more and more.


It also allows the mixed generation to see the difference between the summer, that is, the summer has a kind of resilience and positive value that is close to stupidity, which also makes people more and more expectant, it is such a summer, what kind of tribulations and what kind of experience will be experienced, and finally become the ultimate Iron Man.

In that picture!

Ye Siren went to Xiongge to apologize for the summer, the male brother was emotionally broken, told the truth, what she hated was not rock music, what she hated was Ye Siren, a lot of age, carrying a guitar to cheat to eat and drink, there was no responsibility at all, and even taught Summer to lie, you know, Summer will not lie if he robbed, and now for him, he has lied to himself for so long………

Therefore, she would rather go with Ye Siren in the summer.

The picture in the back.

It is Xiu who comes to the old ass, but finds that Summer is absent-minded, so he asks him to solve the current matter first, whether it is practicing guitar or cultivating special abilities, he needs to be distracted.

The reason why Summer was worried was naturally because he bumped into Brother Xiong and was kicked out of the house by Brother Xiong, but he didn’t want this, he thought… He came home hoping that Brother Xiong would forgive him, but Brother Xiong didn’t pay any attention to it and let him get out!


In that picture.

In the summer, I knelt at the door of the Xiamen Mansion. If the male brother does not agree, he will not leave.


Suddenly it goes down. Lightning.

Rain cats and dogs.

Summer knelt outside the Naxia mansion, persistently not leaving, letting the rain hit him and wet his whole body.

To the end

Ye Siren also rushed over, looking at his son, he was extremely distressed, this time Summer for him, the first time he and Brother Xiong talked back, he had a deep guilt, and he knelt in front of the Xia Mansion with Summer.

The who saw this scene were uncomfortable with tension and silence in their hearts.

“What will happen in the end, will Brother Xiong forgive Summer?”

“This summer is also too persistent, and that Ye Siren even accompanied Summer…”

“It’s too heart-wrenching, what will happen to the ending?”

The bastards looked at the picture with dead eyes.

Rain. Getting bigger.

Time into the night.

Under the heavy rain, the male brother sat in the room, but he heard a weak song from outside: “The grass is green, the white fog is vast…”

“There’s a beautiful guy on the water side…”

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