Chapter 126 Their final ending died in the last chapter. 【5 more】!!

Xia family living room.

“The Yehenara family?”

“The Han Karama family?”

“Huyan Jueluo family?”


“And the whereabouts of the Great Young Master of the Yehenara Family?”

Brother Xiong, Grandpa Xia Liu, and the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family listened to the information said on the high platform, which was very shocking!

Especially Grandpa Xialiu.

“The Great Young Master of the Yehenara Family?”

“I remember……”

“He disappeared a long time ago, and he still has no whereabouts, is he going to appear?”

Xia Liu’s grandfather looked very solemn, as if he was thinking back to something.

They looked at the shadow in front of them and wanted to listen, but after those words fell, the high platform began to blur gradually, and the shadow gradually dissipated, and after only a few seconds, it disappeared without a trace.

Living room in front of you

It was back to its original form.


Just then all that was just their hallucination.

Xia Yu stepped forward and waved, but found that his eyes were empty and had returned to his original appearance.

“Yehenara Family, isn’t that the biggest Demonic Alien Family?”

“Is their eldest young master missing?”

Natsumi was surprised and gossipy.

Xia Liu nodded, “At the time of the Great War, the Great Young Master of the Yehenara Family was missing, and his Extraordinary Ability Index was a super high-level combat power among the Demonized Alien Walkers, fortunately, when he disappeared, we saved the decline and could fight with the Demonized Alien Walkers.” ”

“According to the assessment of the situation at that time, some people said that once the young master of the Nayehenara family made a move, we might lose.”

“How can a person who has disappeared for more than ten or twenty years suddenly appear?” Grandpa Xia Liu was thinking. ”

Go back.

But he saw Summer, Xia Mei, Xia Yu, and Xiong Ge’s stunned eyes.

Natsumi: “Grandpa, aren’t you Alzheimer’s?” ”

Xia Liu blinked, “Really? I don’t remember having Alzheimer’s disease. ”

The three brothers and sisters of the Xia family: “………”

Brother Xiong: “…”

“As far as… Just disappeared? ”

“Why don’t you finish telling the story, and halfway through the story, you won’t have to charge a fee at the end?”

Xia Yu was very upset.

The main thing is to listen to the story with relish, although the protagonists of this story are them, but it also feels quite interesting.

“Brother, vincent.”

Xia Yu’s eyes looked at Brother Xiong.

The male brother winced slightly.


Is it really as the shadow of the high platform said, is it the Demonic Alien Walker, who came to seal the Dragon Card?

Maybe it’s time to try it out? Golden space-time.

In front of the high platform.

After Su Yu finished speaking, the mixed characters in the audience all cried out.

But thankfully

The end of Su Yu has ten minutes of question-and-answer time.

The in the audience asked, “Mr. Su, what is the Yehenara family?” ”

“What is the Han Karama family?”

“What is the Soul Wash song?”

Their heads are filled with big question marks.

Su Yu on the stage is slowly answering.

“The Yehenara family…… The largest demonization of the Strange Walker Family in Iron Time and Space, the treasure of the family’s town clan, is the Soul Wash Soul, the Soul Search Song, the Town Soul Music…”

The Han Karama family……… Requiem…

Su Yu revealed a little.

“Oh my God!”

“If that’s the case, isn’t the Great Young Master of the Yehenara Family very powerful?”

“Why did he disappear?”

Some marveled at the strength of the Yehenara Family, after all, this was the first demonized family of Iron Time and Space! At the same time, I was also curious, how could the successor of the first demonized Alien Walker, the super-high-level existence of the Demonized Alien Walker, disappear?

According to Mr. Su’s introduction, this great young master of the Yehenara family was definitely standing at the peak of his existence in the entire demonization world.

Countless looked at Su Yu expectantly.


Su Yu smiled slightly: “Guys, are you sure you want to listen to the answer?” ”

The in the audience all nodded their heads with chickens pecking rice.

It’s just that

Looking at the smile on Su Yu’s beautiful cheeks, the mixed word generation had a premonition.


Su Yu shook the folding fan in his hand: “Because.” ”


The in the audience continued to look at Su Yu expectantly.


Su Yu did not speak again.

: “…!!! ”

Worthy of Mr. Sue! Good pit! Good pit!

“Mr. Su, can we finish talking at once?” You dug a pit for us, and you have to fill it for us! You better not fill this pit! ”

The bastards want to cry without tears.

Mr. Su’s answer, it is better not to answer, just came out of this pit, just found the fragments of the puzzle, only to find that there are more pits, the puzzle has become larger! It seems to be getting harder and harder to fill up!

“But it’s all right, anyway, the second story of the Great Young Master of the Yehenara Family appears, and Mr. Su is definitely laying the groundwork now!”

“We’ll know then!”

Many mixed characters have understood Su Yu’s habits and know that Su Yu must be laying the groundwork in the pit!

“But I’m really curious about what kind of identity this Yehenara Family Grand Young Master will appear in!”

There are mixed words who are very curious…

“The feeling might have something to do with the Relaem?”

“I feel that it may have something to do with the content that Mr. Su mentioned, but I don’t know how those contents will be implicated, but it involves so many families, and even Xiu is involved in it!”

“The second story… It feels so exciting! ”

There are mixed characters who are speculating, and at the same time feel that everything Mr. Su said will be implicated, but they don’t know what kind of content will be implicated, the more they think about it, the more curious they are, and the more they look forward to the next story.


What kind of identity will this Yehenara Family Grand Young Master, a super high-ranking strong man who once demonized the Strange Walker, appear in the end, and will it involve the events of that year?

“I feel that this Xia Lan Jingde family is so warm, although that male brother is indeed very fierce, but when she cries and complains to Ye Siren, she is really thinking about the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family, especially she is most worried about the summer, the summer is too honest, it is the right time, really curious about the next story.”

“Yes! And this is the ultimate family, I feel that even if it is the second story, it may be related to the Charan Zeide family, I don’t know what will happen, I really look forward to it. ”

“In fact, what I’m more curious about is that when Summer becomes the ultimate Iron Man, what is his ending, can he lead us to defeat the Demon Realm in twelve time and space?”

The mixed generations are talking about it and are getting more and more interested in the next story! especially

This story of iron time and space is the ultimate one! What Mr. Su just said, will it have something to do with the Charan Zeide family?

“Mr. Su—”

“After Summer becomes the ultimate Iron Man, can he lead us to defeat the Demon Realm in twelve time and space?” What was his final outcome? ”

Some asked curiously.


Su Yu thought slightly.


He spoke very calmly: “Their final ending…”

Su Yu’s voice paused: “The last chapter of the epic story of those twelve time and space. ”

“They all died on the battlefield against darkness.”

“Sacrifice in the flames that reflect the darkness of twelve times and spaces…”

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