Chapter 127 The Xia Family… Still in the dark? 【6 more】!!

His words.

Let the mixed characters under the stage, the cultivators in the distance and others all be slightly stunned.



That seemingly silly, near-stupid persistence, a face of integrity and pure goodness, will be sacrificed in the darkness of the future against the demon world?

“Not right…”

“What did Mr. Su say———”

“Not him.”

“It’s them.”

A jerk reacted suddenly, as if thinking of something.

“Isn’t it……”

“Not just summer?”

“Who else?”

But no one answered him.

This question is suddenly too heavy! People don’t even dare to think about it! In particular, they have just come into contact with the first story, from the beginning of being shocked by the brain circuitry of summer, to the end of the first story, they involuntarily have a great view of that summer, and gradually like this looking a little stupid, a little silly, but very upright future ultimate Iron Man.

But hearing his future ending, I couldn’t help but feel a moment of silence.

“The future is not certain!”

“If he can know what Mr. Su is talking about, maybe he can change it!” Some mixed characters speculated that the future is not necessarily. ”

“Yes, the story Mr. Sue told, if they can know, maybe they can change!”

“I really want to go to Iron Time and Space to see it and tell them this story.”

Some mixed characters would like to travel through the time and space before 01 to the iron time and space to see the characters in the story.

“By the way, Mr. Su, when to rank the list of the ten strongest people in iron time and space!” We all want to know how strong the ten strongest people in Iron Time and Space really are, and we want to see if they are as strong as our Golden Time and Space are. ”

“I feel that the iron space-time Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, maybe it is really more powerful than our golden space-time!”

“I feel that our golden time and space are very powerful, and the strongest combat power index has 40,000 points, and this combat power index makes people dare not think about it.”

A mixed-up person asked, wanting to know when he would be able to rank the ten strongest people in the iron time and space.


Su Yu smiled slightly: “After the story reaches the third paragraph, the characters appear almost the same…”

“I will arrange for you the top ten beings in the list of the strongest iron space-time.”

“People will also start to rank after the list.”


Su Yu folded the fan in his hand: “I know what will happen later.” ”


“Listen to the next breakdown.”

He stood up, turned and left here.

With the disappearance of Su Yu, the Golden Pen Guest also disappeared in the same place, from the beginning, he was holding the pen to record something, as if recording the story Su Yu told.

After Su Yu left.

The bastards did not leave.

Tens of thousands of mixed characters are discussing the first story of iron time and space, after all, what is involved, whether it is the content, or the setting, or the plot inside, is very attractive, the family drama of the identity of the Xenomorph, the growth of the characters in the summer, the forgetful personality of the Xia Liu Gong, etc. This strange-looking family, but it makes people feel very real, and they can see some of their own shadows from the characters! especially

The thought of growing up to become the ultimate Iron Man, the summer of the twelve time and space saviors, is now like a small child, an ordinary person, and looks silly, especially like these high school students who are going to be nagged by their parents when they return home, it seems to be no different, but the more so, the more curious people are about his growth process! What kind of tribulations and experiences must be experienced in the end to grow into the savior of twelve time and space!


More people are talking about what is involved in the second story!

Various Strange Families! The whereabouts of the Great Young Master of the First Demonization Alien Family Yehenara Family! It even involves the heirloom of the Yehenara family! Coupled with the previous story, it feels like it will be closely related to the Charan Zeid family! The contents of this together make people very curious, and they want to know what kind of involvement will arise, and they can bring all these contents together!

And the ten strongest people in iron time and space, who is it!

All kinds of discussions are very intense, and they can’t wait to hear the second story, and some people are even speculating about the content of the second story, which has a feeling of doing their own food.


Su Yu sat in the hall.


He saw the data panel in front of him.

“Has it already begun to penetrate?”

When he was lecturing, he had a faint feeling, as if some kind of spatial fluctuation had formed in front of his eyes, which he could sense, but could not penetrate, it seemed that the condensation was not strong enough, and if he wanted to penetrate, he had to wait for it to be completed one after another.

“It just happened to be projected into the Charan Zeid family.”

“It seems……”

“Things got interesting.”

Su Yu smiled slightly, and saw that the location of the projection was exactly the Xia Mansion.

【Iron space-time infiltration progress:1.3%】

It will take a long time to penetrate in.

According to the system, once the penetration reaches a certain level, it can come in the form of a shadow, and even penetrate the energy, etc., and the penetration is completed, which will have a more powerful effect.


“I’m going to think about the next plot.”

Su Yu is conceiving, the next spoilers and plot, but now the sense of anticipation has been formed, as long as this story can be told well, then the popularity value of the harvest will not be lower than the golden time and space, after all, the iron time and space involves too many characters, and even involves twelve time and space.

“Ghost Wind…”

“Gun Spirit King.”


“The conspiracy of the old boss…”

Su Yu smiled slightly.

The gradual appearance of these characters

It is destined to make the story more and more climactic.



Xiu found Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, and Rex.

“Dadong, light rain…”

Correction to be opened.

“Repair, needless to say, I understand.”

“You want to use electrotherapy.”

“But it didn’t work.”

“So you’ve got to find my doppelganger, but my doppelganger summer actually…”

Wang Dadong patted his chest and said that he understood very well.

Repair: “…”

“The ultimate Tekk.”

Wang Dadong looked surprised: “Repair you…”

King Arthur helplessly spoke: “Please, megalomaniac, do you think Xiu is an idiot?” You have mentioned Mr. Su so many times, he will definitely listen to Mr. Su’s lectures. ”

Ding Xiaoyu and the others had already discovered that Xiu seemed to know everything.

Wang Dadong was a little disappointed: “Then I don’t have anyone to spoil to show off?” ”

Arthur King: “…”

Ding Xiaoyu: “…”

Rex: “…”

Repair: “………”

Wang Dadong patted Xiu’s shoulder 460: “That repair, it will trouble you.” ”

Xiu nodded and said, “Rest assured, I will find Xiao Yu and Arthur’s doppelgänger as soon as possible.” ”

“As for Summer’s doppelganger, although he has the potential to become the ultimate Tekker, but now he is still a Muggle, I will find him and teach him to practice guitar, and at the same time……… Teach him powers. ”

When mentioning the special ability, Xiu hesitated a little, as if he heard the future ending mentioned by Su Yu.

“Rex’s words…”

“I’m afraid there’s no way out.”

He looked at Rex with some apologies.

After all

Xia Yu is a pure Muggle, and there is no sealing dragon sticker, unlike Summer, “It’s okay.” ”

Rex smiled.

“Maybe there is another way.”

“If there’s no way, it’s good to be a Muggle.”

He was very calm.

Xiu nodded, “Next…”

“I’ll go to Xia’s house first and stop Vincent and Illusory Eye’s plans.”

“Now the Xia family is in crisis, they must still be hidden from them, I must go as soon as possible.”

He said goodbye to the four people and rushed to the Xia family as soon as possible to solve the current crisis of the Xia family.

After all………

The Xia family should still be kept in the dark, and this vincent is a time bomb that must be solved as soon as possible.

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