Chapter 128 You… Isn’t that surprising? 【7 more】!!


Iron space-time.

In a huge dark space.

The phantom eye stands above the darkness, and below it stands vincent.

“Master, you can rest assured, I have now infiltrated into the Xia family, although the plan has just begun, but the progress is very smooth, this male brother has gradually trusted me, and yesterday he took me to anger her ex-husband.”

“Next, as long as I get the three children of the Xia family, I can completely gain the trust of Xia Lanjing De Xiong, and then I can find out the whereabouts of the Feng Long Card.”

“The idiots of the Xia family didn’t find out my identity at all.”

“Brother Xiong was even more deceived by his subordinates.”

Vincent is excited!

Although the plan has only just begun, he has already anticipated the scene when it is completed!

Under his crazy attack, this male brother has begun to trust him, next, as long as he gets the three children of the Xia family, he can gain the trust of the Xia family, and when the time comes, the position of sealing the dragon card, he can easily get!

“It was good.”

“As soon as possible.”

Huge phantom eyes stand in the darkness.

“This plan has been progressing for several months……”

“This seat is starting to run out of patience.”

Vinct heard this and hurriedly said, “Master, rest assured, I will soon get the Dragon Sealing Card, if these plans are not successful, I still have the final plan, but the only problem is the old monster of the Xia Lan Jing De Family Xia Liu, I still need a certain amount of time, even if the previous plan is not successful.” ”

“As long as I support the old monster of the Xia Lan Zede Family, I can carry out the final plan, imprison all the members of the Xia Family, and slowly force the question…”

Vincent’s eyes were cold and proud.

at all costs

The current plan is not successful! To the end!

He can also execute the final plan, but the only problem with the final plan is that the old monster of Shalan Jingde Liu, as long as the summer stream is opened, the final plan can also be implemented, no matter what, he will get the Dragon Sealing Card in his hand!


Now the plan has been very successful, and Brother Xiong already trusts him very much, as long as he is working harder.

He had already imagined the scene after getting the Dragon Sealing Card.

Xia family.

Xia family living room.

Summer, Xia Yu, Xia Mei sat there, staring at the Xia Liu Gong in front of him.

Xia Liu looked around and even took a magnifying glass, but did not find any energy residue, as if yesterday’s scene had never appeared at all, everything was just their hallucination.


The male brother walked down.

“Did you find anything?”

Xia Liu shook his head, “It’s strange, there is no energy residue at all…”

“That guy…”

“Who the hell is that?”

He was curious, the picture that was constructed, the story that was told, as if it were true! People can’t help but want to believe it, but as the Xia Lan Zede family, they have not seen anything, only think that this must be a prank of some guy, or a conspiracy to demonize the Stranger, although they don’t know what is going on, but it is clear that the Xia family has maintained a certain vigilance.

“I don’t know if it’s true or not, but the information this guy said…”

“A lot of it is true.”

Xia Liu muttered.

Ghost Dragons!

Ye Siren and Brother Xiong! Brother Xiong’s experience! Summer experiences and so on……… Almost all true!

Today, Grandpa Xia Liu took great pains to find a lot of items that were specially inspected by the Extraordinary Energy Realm, and he tried to find out what was different, but all of them failed.

“Anyway, the line of events here can’t be revealed, you can’t tell anyone, you know no.”

Brother Xiong said.

Things here are so weird.

And most importantly……

A lot of the information said by the shadow in front of the high platform is true, and if it is known by people with ulterior motives, it will be trouble, so the best way is to hide everything here, so Brother Xiong specially instructed Xia Yu, Xia, and Xia Mei to be three.

Just as the two were talking, suddenly.

The doorbell rings.

In the summer, Natsumi got up and walked to the door.



Summer opened the door and soon saw a figure standing at the door.

Hugh: “? ”

He looked at the summer in front of him, and his head did not turn for a moment.


“Know me?”

He remembered………

I guess I should have met Summer for the first time, right? After all, in order to save time, he has not yet held a concert on the old ass, but directly came to the door and wanted to solve the matter of vincent first.

Although he often saw Summer in that picture, the two seemed to be meeting for the first time.

Don’t……… Did he misremember? Summer is slightly stunned.

He didn’t know how to talk at once, and he didn’t want to lie, but if he didn’t…

“Oh my God!”

“So handsome!”

“Follow the painting…”

Natsumi exclaimed in surprise and said that she was as handsome as the picture.

But before he could finish speaking, Xia Yu, who came out from behind him, directly covered his mouth.

Xia Yu sensed that something was wrong, walked out, covered Xia Mei’s mouth, looked at Xiu at the door, he explained with a smile: “I saw you in the pictorial…”

“You Dongcheng Wei super fire eh.”

Xiu Wei was stunned.

“Is it?”

He always felt that the Xia family in front of him was a little strange.

“Who is it?”

Brother Xiong walked over, saw Xiu, and immediately said, “Yes… Huh? ”

Xia Yu supported his forehead.

Brother Xiong also realized that something was wrong, he should not have known Xiu yet, and quickly changed the topic: “Come and come, please come in and sit down.” ”

She was very enthusiastic to invite Xiu Xiu in and sit down.

Xiu Zong felt that the Xia family in front of him was strange, but remembering the purpose of this trip, he still walked in.

Sit on the couch.

Brother Xiong, Grandpa Xia Liu, and the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family all sat next to him and looked at him.

Repair: “…”

Being watched like this always made him uncomfortable.

“That’s right…”

He mentioned the purpose of the trip.

“I am a Janissary from the Tekke Alliance, the commander of the Chief Combat Regiment Dongcheng Guard, Huyan Jueluo Xiu.”

As he spoke, he observed the reaction of the Xia family in front of him.

But the reaction of the Xia family………

Seemed calm.

“You guys…”

“Don’t you think it’s strange?”

“Aren’t you surprised?”

Xiu was a little confused.

Well……… Logically.

When the average person hears this news, he will definitely have some doubts, even strangeness, or other reactions.

After all

The Iron Guard is not easy to move, coupled with his identity in the Muggle world, the Xia family in front of him should know his identity in the Muggle world, but he blew himself up as the Iron Janissaries, should……… Would you be surprised?

The Xia family looked at each other.

Then Brother Xiong quickly laughed and said, “My God, Xiu, you are actually an Iron Guard?” I was so surprised! Oh my goodness.”

Xia Yu nodded, “Yeah, Xiu, I didn’t expect it, I was so surprised.” ”

In the summer, Natsumi matched: “So surprised, super surprised!” ”

Hugh: “…? ”

He always felt…… Something seems wrong.

“I haven’t shown proof of identity yet……”

“You believe it?”

Xiu was a little puzzled.

Before he could show his identification, the Xia family in front of him believed it.

The Xia family was slightly stunned.

But then

Brother Xiong reacted the fastest, she stared at Xiu very seriously and said, “When we look at the aspect of Xiu Xiu, we feel very upright and trustworthy.” ”

Repair: “…”

“Cough cough…”

He cleared his throat, not intending to continue to struggle, he showed his identity certificate, and then opened his mouth again: “It is like this.” ”

“That is, I have received some information that there is a dark force coveting your Xia family, and that dark force may have sent demonized strangers to infiltrate your Xia family.”

“According to our investigation, the infiltrated Demonic Walker…”

“It’s your new boyfriend vincent.”

Repair very serious openings.

“Although this incident was a bit unexpected, but…”

“I need you to believe what I say and to make arrangements for this vincent.”

Xiu thought of a good excuse.

After all

Iron time and space do not have a story, it is too difficult to make Brother Xiong and others believe, it is better to find a good excuse to cut directly in, and let Brother Xiong and others believe in the fastest way.

You know, the current Xia family must still be in the dark, certainly not very willing to believe, so the current method, is the best way, of course, he also imagined the unexpected scene of Brother Xiong and others after knowing this news, but he was ready to deal with it.

It’s just that………


Brother Xiong, Xia Liu, and the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family nodded.

“You guys…”

“Isn’t that unexpected?”

Xiu was somewhat silent.

He always felt…… Xia family weird ah!

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