Chapter 129 Your goal is to seal the Dragon Card? 【1 more】!!


The male brother was slightly stunned.

But soon he nodded and smiled, “Ahahaha……… Yeah, yeah, so unexpected, this vincent turned out to be a demonic magician, we didn’t know, we were quite surprised that you came so early. ”

Hugh: “Came so early?” ”

Xia Yu instantly covered Brother Xiong’s mouth.

The male brother was slightly stunned.

The male brother couldn’t turn his head for a while.

After all

According to the shadow in front of the high platform, Xiu should not have come at this moment.


It’s a lie! But……… vincent。

Is it really the Demonic Walker?

She was originally suspicious, but the identity of the current cultivator was real, and the words she said might also be true, but she couldn’t believe it, after all, the vincent who had been with her for a while could be a demonic magician?

Brother Xiong knocked off Xia Yu’s hand, smiled and groaned, and said, “It’s all right, mainly…”

“Are you sure this vincent is a demonized Stranger?”

“Do you have anything to prove?”

She wanted a concrete proof.

Hugh: “… Fix your head and spin. But it does…… Nothing proves it. Can’t say it at all. ”

There is a storyteller who says that Vincent is a demonic magician who can predict the future.

He believes.

If he really said this, the Xia family would probably drive him out directly.

Half ring.

He said, “That…”

“We have no substantial evidence yet.”

“I need your help to confirm it.”

“Me and Dongcheng Wei will arrange it around the Xia family tomorrow, and then we need Brother Xiong’s help to figure out his identity.”

Xiu Shi couldn’t find any good excuses, so he could only open his mouth hard.

But he felt……

Brother Xiong’s question just now is that he doesn’t believe his words, and now he wants Brother Xiong to help confirm… Well, it’s good not to be swept out of the house.

Brother Xiong: “? ”

“That, Hugh, do you know me?”

She remembered that she hadn’t opened her mouth yet.

It’s called~

Most people don’t call her brother a male brother! Xiu blinked.


“We still know the contemporary head of the Charan Lyde family.”

Brother Xiong, Grandpa Xia Liu, and the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family stared at Xiu closely.

Well……… Fix weird.

But “Good. ”

Brother Xiong nodded.

She had wanted to prove it, but the problem was, this vincent’s

If the origin is really as the shadow on the high platform says, it must not be simple, if it is true! Boldly exposing his identity, Grandpa Xia Liu may not be able to keep this vincent, Brother Xiong was already in distress, but Xiu and Dongcheng Wei were out

Now, let her see the opportunity in an instant.


She agreed without hesitation.

Xiu nodded, “I know you probably won’t agree… Yes? ”

He also thought that the male brother would not agree.

Xiu looked up, always feeling strange.

Brother Xiong, Grandpa Xia Liu, and the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family were also staring at Xiu, and they also felt very strange.

Five. Strange gaze.

At last.

They all silently withdrew their eyes.

Xiu: “Cough cough…”

“Well, if that’s the case, you’re going to be in trouble.”

Suddenly disturbing the Xia family, suddenly saying that Vincent is a demonic magic

Even letting Brother Xiong help to test is indeed quite troublesome, but for the safety of the Xia family, there is no way.

Brother Xiong smiled slightly: “No, no, I am bothering you.” ”

I was going to test vincent, but I never found a good chance

Will and method, now that Dongcheng Wei has appeared, it just helps a big favor, but it is to trouble Dongcheng Wei.

Both were laughing.

Xiu soon couldn’t stand this strange feeling and left the Xia family, waiting for tomorrow’s arrival.

Wait for Xiu to leave later

Xia Yu said, “This is weird, I’ve just been watching Summer.” ”

“Do you perceive that Summer has the potential to become the ultimate Tekken?”

“But we’re acting strangely, please, brother, can’t you pretend you don’t know Nahu?”

Xia Yu was helpless.

“It seems strange to fix it too.”

Xia Yu looked at Xiu’s back as he left and muttered, “You say, does this Xiu also know about that shadow?” ”

But this possibility.

It was soon vetoed by Brother Xiong and others.

Brother Xiong: “All right, don’t think about it.” ”

“What the shadow says isn’t necessarily true.”

“This vincent doesn’t have to be a demonic walker, summer isn’t necessarily the ultimate Tekker, and, summer, if you want to practice guitar steadily, don’t want to see the guitar play with magic.” 」

“I don’t want you to be the ultimate Iron Man, it’s good to be a normal person quietly, of course, if you really want to be, I won’t stop you.” 」

Brother Xiong said some inner words.


She picked up the phone.


“Tomorrow I want to ask you to come to my house.”

She said shyly into the other end of the phone.


In dark space.

Vincent was happy.

“The host!”

“The plan worked!”

“This male brother invited me to her house, and I took this opportunity to find the whereabouts of Feng Longka.”

Vincent was very excited.

“I really relied on my charm to make this male brother completely believe in me.”


“My plan will be executed successfully!”

“Seal the Dragon Card.”

“You’ll be able to bring it to your master soon!”

Vinct was very proud, thinking that Brother Xiong completely trusted himself and invited himself to the Xia family, and then his plan could be implemented more perfectly.

I really didn’t expect it………

The plan went so smoothly shortly after it began.


The next day.

Old ass pub.” What the? ”

“This bastard…”

“How dare you go to my house?”

In front of the bar.

Ye Siren heard the discussion on the other end of the phone, and was instantly enraged, this vincent, how dare he go to Brother Xiong’s house?

If not stopped…… Well………

The more Ye Siren thought about it, the more angry he became, and he directly let the waiter see the shop, and he rushed directly to the Xia family, bound to drive away the vincent, don’t let the vincent succeed! Be sure to kick that guy out of the Xia family! Xia family.

Vinct was sitting on the couch watching TV.

The three brothers and sisters of the Xia family were sitting not far from him, watching him closely.

Although it is known that the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family have opinions about him, but vincent root

Ben didn’t care, as long as he gave him time, he could slowly make the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family accept him, and then completely convince Brother Xiong of him.

And today!

It’s a good start!



Vincent looked across the couch, and Nagarua looked straight at him, staring at him with some hair.

“What’s the matter?”

He was curious.

Always feel the ambience around is weird.

But he didn’t think much of it!

Being able to come to the Xia family today is a good start, and his plan can already be slowly implemented.


Brother Xiong came out of the kitchen, brought out a pot of cut fruit, and put it on the coffee table.

She smiled and groaned as she sat down and sat down on the opposite side of Vincent.

Vincent instantly looked at the male brother tenderly and tenderly: “Xiong, I am very happy with you…”

He wanted to say something about love in order to enhance his feelings and make the plan work better.


The male brother on the other end of the sofa, but looked closely at Vincent, and slowly said: “Vincent…”

“Your goal—”

“Is it a Dragon Seal?”

vincent:“……?!! ”

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