Chapter 130 Father, you won’t be a demonic magician, will you? 【2 more】!!

“Hello guys!”

That’s when it happened

Ye Siren suddenly rushed over, pushed open the door and walked in.


As soon as he pushed the door in, he heard Brother Xiong’s words.


He seemed to feel that something was wrong.


He pushed the door in, but no one paid any attention to him, but looked at the vincent on the couch.

Vincent would have laughed and groaned.

But at the moment when the male brother’s voice fell!

His eyes widened, his pupils contracted rapidly, and he looked at the male brother in disbelief!


How……… What’s going on? Violent……… Exposed? But! How is this possible?!

“Male, male brother, what do you say, I…”

Just as he was about to argue.

Brother Xiong looked at him with straight eyes and continued, “Are you a demonic magician?” ”

Vincent’s eyes widened.

vincent:“……!!! ”

Ye Siren looked at this scene, and the soles of his feet went soft: “!!!” ”

The vincent brain hasn’t turned around yet

Just as he was about to speak again.

Brother Xiong spoke again, “You are a traitor of the Huyan Jueluo Family, right?” ”

“Was it the Phantom Eye who sent us to snatch the Dragon Sealing Card?”

“You are close to our Xia family…”

“Is there an ulterior motive?”

Brother Xiong made a series of openings, and the problems behind it were explained, but in fact, Brother Xiong and others also knew.

She was not afraid of being discovered by Vincent, after all, if it was a misunderstanding, she could erase this memory with her powers.

vincent:“……?!! ”

Brother Xiong said every word.

His eyes widened once.

To the end

His eyes widened completely, and he looked at the male brother in front of him in disbelief.

A litany of questions!

A string of words!

Directly exposed his identity! His purpose was exposed! His real plans were exposed!


But……… How is this possible?!

He didn’t know what was happening, but a series of questions came one after another, and it was obvious that the male brother in front of him must have known the truth! But how is this exposed, how can it be discovered that he is clearly hiding so well?



Vincent couldn’t defend himself at the moment, he thought he had been discovered!

The first words may be temptations, but every sentence and every question in the back tells him that the male brother already knows the truth! Not a temptation! This is the question “How do you know?” ”

He looked incredulous.

“How do you know?”

He was shocked. Then his look.

Gradually it darkened!

“Since you have discovered it…”

“Then I’m not going to be rude……”

He’s going to stand up!

What if there is a summer stream?

He has the power of magic and transformation, and he is inevitably invincible! But in the next second!

Airplanes! Airplanes! Airplanes! Airplanes!

Vincent just stood up!

Only to see the Xia family in all directions, a series of figures emerged!

A total of six or seven figures instantly blocked the Xia family in all directions! The doors, backyards, kitchens, stairs, rooms, and dining rooms of the Xia family that floated directly blocked Vincent in all directions!

vincent:“……??? ”

He just wanted to explode his powers and give the Xia family in front of him a good look.

But the next second

Looking at the appearance of these figures around him, especially when he saw the leader of the Eastern City Guard, Xiu, he was instantly dumbfounded.

This……… What’s going on here? His brain. Crash directly.

Revolt? Resist a fart!


“I surrender… He raised his hands. ”

This special………

From the beginning

It’s an ambush?!! But

How did the people of the Xia family find out?!

Until he was subdued, Vincent’s brain was a crash, his eyes were wide open, staring ahead in disbelief, already doubting life.

Behind the sofa.

Gate entrance.

Ye Siren looked at everything that was happening in front of him with a stunned look: “…!!! ”


What happened? Vincent is the Demonic Walker?!

And then was it discovered by the male brother? How did the male brother find out?

Ye Siren was momentarily a little cautious, and his heart was weak as a thief.

“Old Mother Darling!”

“It’s really true!”

“This vincent is really a demonic walker! It was also discovered by our debunking! ”

Natsumi was excited!

“It’s actually true!”

Natsumi repeated it again.

“That, sister, what’s true?”

Ye Siren walked over and poked Natsumi.


“Do you know that in the future, our Xia family will have no secrets?”

“All the secrets, there is no way to hide!”

Natsumi said excitedly.

The fact that vincent is a demonic walker has been confirmed! That high platform

Everything that the shadow said was confirmed! Other words! Everything that the Shadow of the High Stage says is true, so can’t we know a lot of secrets and truths?

So Natsumi was very excited.

After Ye Siren listened, he instantly tensed up: “Yes, is it?” ”

He didn’t even figure out what was going on! Obviously, yesterday the male brother was still happy to take the vincent to show off with him, and when the male brother left, he returned

Let Natsumi release Sadako to scare Vincent, and after being known by the male brother, it is almost over

Didn’t teach him a lesson with his powers! In the end, he couldn’t let his father-in-law use his powers to erase Vincent’s memory! Brother Xiong maintains vincent’s paintings

The noodles are still fresh in my mind! How today

Vincent becomes a demonic walker? And it was discovered? How did the male brother find out? What happened in that?

Just one day……… How could this be?

Natsumi spoke excitedly, “Yes, Dad! ”

But soon.

She found Ye Siren’s nervousness: “Dad, are you a little nervous?” ”

Ye Siren smiled nervously, “Yes, is it?” ”

Natsumi nodded and stared at Ye Siren, “Yes, Dad, you look a little weak-minded, oh, should you have any secrets to hide?” ”

Ye Siren’s eyes widened instantly: “Sister, you, what nonsense are you talking about, what secrets do I have!” ”

“How do you know the identity of Vincent?”

He asked tentatively.

Natsumi saw this, approached Ye Siren’s ear, and whispered, “Dad, we just got a secret weapon, oh, this secret weapon can know all the secrets, no one’s secrets can be hidden, we also have the old mother Darling, it is by this to know the secret of vincent.” ”

She was very careful to open her mouth.

Of course………

In fact, it only appeared once, and it was not certain that it would even appear, but Natsumi always liked to exaggerate.

But it didn’t think “really, really?” ”

Ye Siren was momentarily startled.

“Dad, you’re really nervous.”

The more Natsumi looked, the more she felt that her father was abnormal.

She quietly approached Ye Siren’s ear, “Father, aren’t you supposed to be a demonic Stranger?” ”

Ye Siren: “…!!! ”

“You, you, you, you…”

He also thought Natsumi had found out.

Natsumi suddenly smiled and said, “Oops! Just kidding! ”

Ye Siren: “…”

That’s when it happened.

“Leaf dead man?”

Brother Xiong looked at Ye Siren.

“How did you get here?”


She gradually approached Ye Siren.

Ye Siren swallowed his throat, a little nervous.


The look in the eyes of this male brother……… Something seems wrong?

Before, the male brother looked at his eyes, he was very annoying, very angry, always full of anger, but now!

Suddenly softer? But………

This softness came too suddenly, too strangely! It’s like

The same as the vincent identity was suddenly revealed!

Especially the male brother looked at him today, it was particularly different, which had never been seen before! At least never again after the divorce!

Odd! It’s weird! It’s over………

My identity as the Grand Young Master of the Yehenara Family… Won’t be known, right?

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