Chapter 131 Filming the “The Ultimate Family” TV series in Iron Time and Space? 【3 more】!!

Ye Siren was very flustered!

There must be demons in the real abnormality!

Watching the male brother gradually approach, Ye Siren felt that he was going to be fixed by the condensation technique in the next second, and then his father-in-law was going to take out the Ke Mo Bao and behead himself!

Thinking of this, he kept going backwards.

Brother: “Huh? ”

Of course, what Ye Siren did not expect was that when Brother Xiong saw those pictures, especially when Summer and Ye Siren knelt in the Naxia Mansion and sang “On the Water Side”, it made her heart soft, and in that picture, although Ye Siren did not have a serious person in his daily life, he was facing the high-level demonization of vincent

The Stranger Walker, however, did not hesitate to stand up!

Even though he was mortal and Muggle, he did not retreat in the face of danger.

This also reminds Brother Xiong of that year, although this Ye Siren is indeed a Muggle, doing everything seriously, always talking about righteousness, but in the face of danger, he does not hesitate to stand up.


Ye Siren saw Brother Xiong’s abnormal eyes, and his heart became more and more weak.

Brother Xiong stared at Ye Siren tightly, “What are you doing?” ”

Ye Siren shook his head repeatedly: “No, no, no.” ”

Brother Xiong’s eyes narrowed slightly: “You shouldn’t have any secrets to hide from me, right?” ”

“This vincent is simply maddening, and it is actually a demonic magician!”


“Thanks to me for trusting him so much!”

“If there is another Stranger in front of me, I will drive a car and kill him.”

Brother Xiong exhaled, venting some anger in his heart, although it was a suspicion before, but the real unveiling of the identity of that vincent, Brother Xiong was naturally at once

There is no way to react.

Ye Siren: “……… Me, I didn’t. ”

He kept waving his hands, already thinking about how to run.

He had wanted to ask about the secret weapon, but he felt that if he asked again, he would be exposed.

After solving the vincent thing is the matter.

Xiu found Brother Xiong.

“Brother Male.”

Xiu walked to the side with Brother Xiong and said seriously, “I think that there is a huge amount of energy hidden in the body of Summer, and this energy and potential can make him the ultimate Iron Man with the most powerful ability index of our Iron Time and Space Iron Clan.” ”

The male brother blinked, and his brain was processing: “That… Should I be surprised? ”

Hugh: “…? ”

Brother Xiong straightened up: “This child in the summer, since he was a child, has been very honest, very upright, very kind, I hope he can live a plain and ordinary life, don’t involve too many things in the Otherworld, but if he makes a choice, I will also support him.” ”

The ultimate Tekker.

These five words are the glory of the Otherworld, the glory of iron time and space, but the body

For the contemporary head of Xia Lanjingde, she knows these five words, this identity, what kind of responsibility to bear and what kind of heavy responsibility to bear.


“If he becomes the ultimate Tekker.”

“It’s going to be a duel with the devil…”

Repair the opening prompt.

He wants Summer to be the ultimate Iron Man! But in Mr. Sue’s story

The Ultimate Tekker……… Sacrificial down.

Not necessarily even now and in the future.

But everything in the future is full of dangers after all.

Brother Xiong winced slightly, then smiled, “I respect Summer’s choice.” ”

Looked at.

Hugh nodded.

Golden space-time.

The day after the storytelling.

There is about the “Iron Time and Space – The Ultimate Family” of the first book has been out of the university circle crazy circulation, experienced the “Ultimate Class” explosion, “The Ultimate Family” once launched, directly in the college community, although many college students, mixed characters have no way to go to the storytelling cabinet to listen to books, but the story of “Ultimate Class” has laid a good foundation for “The Ultimate Family”.

Iron time and space gradually unfolded in front of the college and university circles.

Xenomorph, Xenomorph, Demonized Xenomorph, Charan Zeide, Fractal, Ultimate Tekker……… A piece of information continues to appear in the university world, and the story inside makes the mixed word generation full of curiosity!

In particular, the spoiler foreshadowing buried at the end of the first story makes people want to know how this will intersect!

After “The Ultimate Family” exploded in the college world, countless mixed-word generations, students, and even KO list masters learned “The Ultimate Family” to play with their abilities, and the four words of ‘Ulabaha’ sounded crazy in the college world, after all, everyone had fantasized that they could have special abilities!

This is a completely different world from the golden time and space, so that the mixed generation is more and more curious, want to see the follow-up story, and even maybe, more people want to go to the iron time and space to see, feel the difference between the iron time and space.


Su Yu looked at the popularity value in front of him.


In just one or two days, the popularity value has soared by 300,000!

“Ten silver draws.”

“World: A World of First Class.”

Su Yu directly conducts the lottery.

The story of iron space-time appears……… The beginning of the great war between good and evil

He also has to be prepared for the rest of the story.

【Draw -】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining:Storm Girl Shards x1】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining: 500 Combat Power Index】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining: space-time seam door】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining: The Complete Book of Powers】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining:Deadpool Shards x1】

Su Yu chose ten lotteries and did not consume all the popularity points!

In this lottery, Su Yu directly received 2000 power index, Deadpool character x1 fragment and Storm Woman character x2 fragment! As well as the item power encyclopedia, time and space seam door.

He took a closer look at the specific data of the characters.

[Name: Storm Girl (Orolo Monroe ()]

【Ability index:30000】

[Unlock Powers: Level 1 Weather Control (Rangeable Weather)]

【Character Fragments:2】

One by one [Name: Deadpool (Wade Winston Wilson)]

【Energy Index:18000】

【Unlock Powers: Super Self-healing Ability, Sword Mastery】

【Character Fragments:1】

[Extraordinary Energy: The Complete Ability of Iron Time and Space Ability, you can learn all the Iron Time and Space Abilities through this book]

[Space-time seam gate: The space-time gate that does not exist in the twelve space-time can travel to the twelve space-time through the space-time seam, and it is not connected with the space-time boundary.]

Character shards! Goods!

All of them are exactly what Su Yu wants at the moment

Although the spread of gold time and space is very wide, if you add iron time and space, the popularity value will be even more terrifying!

But……… Su Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly.

This iron space-time wants to spread, and the difficulty is very high.

Iron space-time and golden space-time are completely different is the attitude of ordinary people to the stranger, the development degree of iron space-time is a little higher than that of gold-space-time, the most important thing is the problem left over from history, gold-space-time belongs to the martial arts world, Shangwu, recognized by ordinary people, iron space-time belongs to the ordinary world, the stranger is an alien, is ordinary people can not identify, so want to spread in the iron space-time…

Very difficult.


In the future of iron time and space, all strangers are like street rats, once the stranger is exposed, the alien ability is exposed, it will be caught in the special ability control center, become the object of imprisonment of ordinary people, which shows the fear of ordinary people for the extraordinary walker.


If you want to spread in iron space-time, you need to find another way.

“The ultimate family……”

Su Yu’s mind conceived of an idea.

Since it is to spread, it must be a process of beginning acceptance.

Books are just one of them.

But what about TV series?

In the world of Iron Time and Space, the ultimate family, the TV series of “The Ultimate Family” and “The Ultimate Class” were filmed.


This is just an idea, at present, Su Yu still needs a point of entry, arranging Storm Girl and Deadpool into the Iron Time and Space.

“The second story…”

“Phantom Eyes.”

Su Yu formed an idea and idea in his mind, which could arrange the phantom eye and the storm woman to enter the iron time and space, and at the same time, set up a branch of the Tianji Pavilion in the iron time and space.

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