Chapter 132 The Second Story Begins! Han Karama Han strange induction! 【4 more】!!

Iron space-time.

In dark space.

“Vincent that crap, stupid…”

“It was so easy to find out!”

“Also ambushed by Dongcheng Wei!”

“It’s stupid!”

Phantom Eye was very angry.


In front of Vincent, he was so excited, he felt that the plan had progressed, and even let the phantom eyes see hope, and as a result, in the blink of an eye, his identity was revealed, and the Xia family, who he thought was a fool, directly joined hands with Dongcheng Wei to arrest him!

Simply stupid!

“It seems……”

“This seat is going to carry out the next plan.”

“Fortunately, Honza is clever and has different plans, otherwise vincent this crap failed, wouldn’t my plan have all failed?”

Its tone was cold, but there was a hint of self-satisfaction.

After all

Its plan against the Xia family is not only vincent, but this Vincent is the closest, but it did not expect to suddenly fail, but it also felt very strange, how could the Xia family suddenly recognize the body of vincent

Portion? What went wrong? The phantom eye thought of some possibilities, but in the end they were all classified as vincent’s incompetence.

Golden space-time. Storyteller.

Time flies.

The story of “Iron Time and Space – The Ultimate Family” has exploded in the Golden Time and Space University community! Those printed books have spread throughout the Golden Time and Space universities, countless college magazines have some stories printed part, and school newsagents, bookstores, newsstands and other places, are about the “Ultimate Family” and “Ultimate Class” stories, the popularity has reached the point of terror!

Even the class guide is starting to chase the book!

And not only the university world, but even the martial arts community is also beginning to spread, and in the world of ordinary people, this strange book has also appeared, which has attracted the attention of many people, and I feel that the story inside is very interesting.

And today

It’s the day of Su Yu’s storytelling again.

The whole storytelling cabinet, thousands of empty alleys, crowds, high platforms and sold-out seats, and even some mixed characters for the position of the big fight, and the popularity of the storytelling, to a certain extent, has led to the atmosphere of challenging the KO list, because the current position is arranged according to the KO list! The higher you rank in the KO list, the more you sit forward!

However, it is said that since the dissipation of the power of the armed ruling, the ranking of the KO list seems to have been arranged by a force called Tianji Pavilion, and a new arrangement has been carried out, and Wang Dadong and others have fallen from the KO list, although it is disgruntling, but this is also a kind of justice, after all, Wang Dadong and others have lost the combat strength index today, but……… Countless, but looking forward to Wang Dadong and others resuming the battle strength index to be on the list again!

In front of the Storyteller.

Countless are looking forward to watching the storyteller!

The end of the first paragraph of the story of “Iron Time and Space – The Ultimate Family” directly filled the sense of anticipation of the second story in an instant! There is even a lot of speculation about the second story, but those rumors are not attractive enough for the mixed word generation, and everyone is waiting for Mr. Su’s storytelling!


In full view.

Su Yu walked out in a black Tang costume and holding a black ancient folding fan.

The Golden Pencil had already sat on it early.


Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, Rex, Tian Xin, Tian Hongguang and others were all waiting there.


Dongcheng Wei four people are on standby.

After solving the problem of vincent, Xiu has been teaching

Summer playing the guitar, but today is the day of storytelling, he is naturally going to rush over, it can be said that storytelling has become part of his task now! After all, the story told is of great help in saving the decline of the twelve time and space! Avoid many tragedies and let people predict future crises!

And after experiencing the iron time and space vincent thing, the repair is getting better and better

The origin of Qi Su Yu, I thought that Su Yu only knew the story of golden time and space, did not think that the future of iron time and space, information, this Mr. Su actually knew, it was really amazing!

But he cares more about that summer!

Truly the ultimate Tekker! Meanwhile. Iron space-time. Natsumi was watching TV.


A faint white mist condensed

A wisp of shadow, in the white mist, gradually appeared out of the illusion.

A scene.

Slowly floating in the living room of the Xia Family Mansion.

Natsumi was stunned.

She swallowed a little.

And then.

“Old Mother Darling!”




Golden space-time.



“Long time no see.”

Su Yu sat at the table and took a sip of tea.


“We’re going to talk about Iron Time and Space, the second story of the ultimate family.”

“This story involves a lot, and the major families of iron time and space, hidden identities, hidden physiques, and hidden secrets will all appear one by one, and they are closely related to the stories that follow.”

“Of course—”

“The protagonist of this story is still the Charan Zeide family.”


Su Yu opened the folding fan in his hand and slowly began to tell: “The end of the first story.” ”

“Vincent’s identity was exposed, but fortunately, Huyan Jueluo Xiu intervened in time to crack Vincent’s magic mutant energy and stop Vincent’s plan.”

“At the same time—”

“Brother Xiong is because of Ye Siren’s performance in the face of the vincent crisis.”

Reconciled with Ye Siren, Xiu also began to teach Summer to practice guitar at the Xia family.



Su Yu’s voice faded slightly.

“The Phantom Eye is against the Xia family’s conspiracy, against the Xia family’s plan…”

“It’s not over yet.”

His voice was very calm, but the in the audience instantly felt a sense of tension!

“This illusion is really abominable, I don’t know what plan to use against the Xia family next.”

“Isn’t this guy the last boss?” I hope that the Xia family can break this guy’s plot and plan, so that Xia can become the ultimate Iron Man as soon as possible. ”

The in the audience are talking about it.

“I feel that the next plot story must be related to the phantom eye, and I am more curious about how the ones that Mr. Su once mentioned will be involved in the plan and conspiracy of the phantom eye against the Charan Sander family.”

“I really hope that the Xia family of Iron Time and Space can hear this story, so that they can cope with the crisis, but unfortunately we have no way to travel through time and space.”

The mixed word generation is very much looking forward to it, but at the same time, they feel very sorry, and want the Xia family to hear these stories and face the next crisis.


Xiu looked a little thoughtful.

“What’s wrong, repair?”

Meditation asked.

“No, it’s that when I went to Xia’s house this time, I always felt strange, things and plans went unexpectedly smoothly.”

“I thought that…”

“It will be very difficult to get the Xia family to agree, I didn’t expect it to go well, and it felt very strange.”

Xiu shook his head, feeling that the plan this time was too smooth.

“It’s like…”

“The Xia family seems to have heard Mr. Su’s story as well.”

He had a guess.

But he shook his head.

After all —

Mr. Su has always been in the golden time and space, how can the story of the book be passed through the iron time and space?

“The first plan of the phantom eye…”


Su Yu slowly opened his mouth:

“The high-ranking Xenomorph with the Han Karama Family—”

“Han Karama Han related.”

“And the Han Karama 777 family, and the Huyan Jueluo family, are feuds.”


“Let’s start with Han Karama Han.”

In the alleys.

Cold is playing the drums.

But suddenly.

She seemed to have some sense, as if something had something to do with her.


She looked warily to the left and right, but did not find anything unusual.


She muttered, stopped thinking about it, and continued to play the drums.

Xia family.

In the living room

The shadow of the high platform reappeared!

This time it was no longer as vague as before, Brother Xiong, Grandpa Xia Liu, and the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family could barely see the appearance of the shadow on the stage, although it was still a little blurry, but it was much clearer than before, and at the same time they also heard some voices from the shadow of the high platform.

“It feels like the rest of the story…… It must all have something to do with the phantom eye……… What Mr. Su had mentioned would be involved in the conspiracy of the Phantom Eye’s plan against the Charan Zeide family. ”

“I really hope that the Xia family of Iron Time and Space can hear this story, so that they can cope with the crisis, but unfortunately we can’t travel through time and space…”

“This illusion is really abominable, I don’t know what plan to use against the Xia family next…”

“Let Summer become the ultimate Tekker as soon as possible……”

Intermittent sounds came.

Let the male brother and the others be slightly stunned.

The message that the voice gave them… It’s a lot.


The shadow on the high platform also spoke.

“The Phantom Eye is against the plot of the Xia Family, and against the plans of the Xia Family…”

“It’s not over yet.”

Hear that.

Brother Xiong, Grandpa Xia Liu’s expression instantly sank.

Phantom Eyes………

Is there even a plan? This high platform shadow………

Is it true or false?

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