Chapter 133 Han, is the Stone Heart Killer cultivated by the Phantom Eye? Gene replicants? 【5 more】!!

Brother Xiong and Grandpa Xia Liu both had certain doubts about the shadow in front of them.

“Abba, did you hear me?”

Brother Xiong looked at Grandpa Xia Liu.

“Isn’t it……”

“Is this a shadow from another time and space?”

“Or rather—”

“Some kind of mirage?”

She thought it was strange.

“If it’s a mirage, we can’t hear the sound.”

“It should be some kind of medium……”

Xia Liu’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“It may also really come from other time and space.”

He was also curious.

The shadow in front of me appeared so strangely! What is told is even stranger! It seems that they are used as a template to create a story, but it still makes people feel extremely real! Most importantly, the information said by this high platform shadow seems to be true!

“Abba, do you think there is a possibility, that is, will the cultivation master of the East City Guard also know this?”

Brother Xiong guessed.

“I always felt strange when he came to our house, I wanted to cook, he actually ran away, and it seems that this is not the first time to come to our house, and we are very familiar with our family!” 」

“I also know that my name is Brother Xiong.”

The male brother always felt very strange.

Xia Liu stared at the male brother, “Is it? ”

Brother Xiong nodded, “Yeah, maybe we can ask Xiu?” ”

Grandpa Xia Liu said very seriously: “Brother Xiong, you look so manly, people cultivate Oh, come to see you, you must be treated as a man before calling you Brother Xiong, and also, when you cook, the taste spreads all over the house, I am…”

Brother: “Dad! ”

Xia Liu immediately shut up.

Half ring.

“I think you can also ask for repair.”

He also felt a little strange.


The appearance of this shadow, maybe it is good to ask Xiu.


The shadow voice on the high platform appeared again: “Story. ”

“Let’s start with Han Karama Han.”

“Ye Siren was deceived by Li Daxiong and became a guarantor.”

“Even Brother Xiong’s house deed was cheated away, Ye Siren used wine to dispel his sorrows, and was expelled from the house by Brother Xiong…”


Su Yu spoke slowly.


Behind him, a huge screen gradually emerged, and some scenes of stories appeared.


The bastards are going to blow up!

“How is this Ye Siren so stupid!” That Li Daxiong was obviously rhetoric, specifically to cheat him of money, and as a result, he still foolishly believed and wanted to help him, which……… It’s maddening! ”

“Yes! I finally knew who the silly traits of Summer were, it was Ye Siren! This Ye Siren is also too stupid, right? It’s maddening! Summer insists on coming out of the male brother, very stubborn, stupid, just in time, close to the stupid kindness is simply out of that Ye Siren, anyway, if it is me, I will not care, let him be hacked to death alive! ”

“Ye Siren is also too stupid!” It’s maddening! There is not a single mystery of a broken intestine! ”

When the in the audience heard some of the stories, they were all going to explode!

At the beginning of the story, it began when Ye Siren was cheated of money by Li Daxiong, and this scene directly left the mixed word generation speechless! No one expected that Ye Siren would be deceived!

“This Ye Siren feels that he has no experience at all, so kind and soft-hearted, too easy to be deceived.”

“I remember that Mr. Su also said that this Ye Siren is not simple, and it feels… Shouldn’t he really be a big fool? ”

“What else could he not have done?” This character is too stupid. ”

The mixed word generation is really helpless for Ye Siren, although Mr. Su mentioned his identity is not simple before, but the mixed word generation feels that this Ye Siren……… Where is there anything not simple identity!

“I thought he was like a man with a broken intestine, who had gone through the world and didn’t think it was so stupid.”

Some complained.

Although they were helpless, they also hated Ye Siren, after all, his personality was there, on the contrary, those mixed characters were eager to beat up that Li Daxiong! It’s disgusting!


“Ye Siren!”

Xia Mansion.

The male brother glared at him, his fists clenched.

“This Li Daxiong!”

“I’m mad at you!”

“How could he be so stupid?”

“Even if it’s the Big Bang! I’ve never seen anything so stupid! In this way, they were all deceived by this Li Daxiong to be a guarantor! Angry at me, angry at me. ”

Brother Xiong can’t wait to go directly to the old ass pub to pry Ye Siren’s ears!

If what the shadow on the high platform said was right, then Ye Siren now……… I have already given Li Daxiong as a guarantor! When the time comes, the underground money house will soon come to the door, of course, the male brother is angry and helpless, this leaf dead man, how is it so stupid! So stupid! Partial summer out of him! It’s a

“But… I think Dad did the right thing, if it were me, I would do the same, Uncle Li Daxiong will help…”

Summer whispered.

“No, Mother Darling, you listen, they also discussed, saying that Dad is not simple.”

Natsumi heard the intermittent voice in front of the high platform shadow discussing.

“It’s not simple……”

“What do you think is not simple about your dead father?”

Brother Xiong smiled angrily, “As far as his personality is concerned, no one believes that he is a demonic magician like that dog Vancent!” ”

“He’s simply the dumbest man in the whole world!”

“Does he know that when the underground money house comes to the door he will ask for money… Really, really me off! ”

Saying that, Brother Xiong was really helpless, his eyes were a worry, if Ye Dead really became a guarantor, when the underground money house came to the door, what if Ye Dead Man had no money to give?

It’s stupid!

Angry dead! meanwhile

The shadow on the stage continued to tell, and the picture behind him also appeared.

Only to see Ye Siren was thrown out of the house again, and as a result, outside, he met the underground money bank debt collectors, and in the end… It was Han Karama Han who rescued the two, and seeing that she had no place to live in the summer, he let Han move to his home, and the male brother in the picture also had to supplement the economy because of the five million debt of the land title plus Ye Siren’s five million debt, so he let Han move over.

“And all this…”

“It’s just a phantom eye conspiracy.”

On the stage, Su Yu slowly opened his mouth.

His words were very confusing to the public

What the hell is this conspiracy?

The story of the picture continues to evolve.

After the cold moved in

They met Xiu, the two were feuds in themselves, and as soon as they met, they fought, and finally had to wear the ring of war…

To the back

The cold thunder was accidentally thrown into the annihilation by Natsumi, Natsumi originally wanted to throw the cold thunder into the garbage bag, throw it outside, and teach the cold a lesson, but she did not think that she did not want to go out, so she wanted to throw the garbage into the annihilation, resulting in the loss of the cold soul in the demise, once an hour passed, that is, two hours, the cold would die, and the story gradually became urgent.

At this critical juncture, summer entered the abyss, but finally appeared unharmed——


However, the energy of the destruction penetrated into his body and was gradually absorbed by the ghost dragon! The energy of the ghost dragon is getting stronger and stronger, it is going to replace the summer, the male brother, the summer Liu Gong have found that something is wrong, the summer must cultivate the special ability, use the ghost control technique of the special ability to fight against the ghost dragon, so as not to be swallowed, but the time is very urgent, the summer simply has time to cultivate too strong the power!

Even if he is the ultimate Tek, there is no way, the energy in the body is gradually dissipating… The ghost dragon was already about to gradually replace him, and Grandpa Xia Liu had no choice but to find his good friend, the Master of Extraordinary Powers, Chang Li Lai, to help exorcise the demons.

See here.

The mixed characters are very heart-wrenching, and the voices of the discussion in the audience are much less, and they are all watching this plot nervously!

“I hope that this moxibustion chief Lai can successfully exorcise the demon.”

“But I always feel like this moxibustion is very childish.”

The off-stage mixed-word generation discussed and was very interested in this character who appeared.


The exorcism has not been successful, and the ghost dragon has gradually replaced Xiatian! In the picture

Brother Xiong decided to use the Transformation Technique to convert his powers and energy into Summer’s body, so that Summer would have a little ability to fight against the Ghost Dragon, but once the conversion was completed, she would die immediately, so she was confessing her last words.

Brother Xiong sadly told Ye Siren about this matter and prepared his last words, but Grandpa Xia Liu decided to use his powers to convert, how could he let his daughter do this.

And at the same time.

Summer finds Xiu and begs Xiu to kill him as soon as he becomes a charmer, but Xiu tells him that he can’t just give up…


When the mixed generation saw this scene, they were very distressed.

“It’s also too heart-wrenching, it feels like summer… It is about to be replaced by a ghost dragon. ”

Is this what the ultimate Iron Man must go through? The ordeal is also too hard, and there is no chance of winning the summer now. ”

“But I feel really touched, Brother Xiong is really a good mother, usually looks immodest Grandpa Xialiu, is also a good father, they… They all know how to sacrifice for each other, and it is really touching to see it. ”

Some are very worried, some are red-eyed, they see a kind of sacrifice from family affection, no matter what they experience, no matter what difficulties, their parents and families will always stand behind the summer and sacrifice for the summer, this is the family affection.

For a time, when the mixed characters saw this scene, they were very moved, their eyes were slightly red, and they were all relieved and happy to have such a family in the summer.

“Mr. Sue…”

“Can Summer really go through this disaster?”

A bastard asked.

“And this story, although it has a lot to do with Han, has nothing to do with the phantom eye.”

Some of the mixed characters remembered what Mr. Su said earlier, which was a conspiracy of the phantom eye, but the above story did not seem to have anything to do with the phantom eye.


Su Yu shook the folding fan in his hand: “This disaster in the summer has reached the most desperate and darkest moment.” ”

“Once he is demonized, the ghost dragon will replace him, and he will be like the ghost dragon, forever sealed in the body of the ghost dragon, or even disappear.”

“Even if Brother Xiong and Xia Liu transferred their internal abilities and control to Summer, with Summer’s current strength, there is still no way to deal with it.”


“The variables have appeared.”

Su Yu’s voice paused: “Variables—”

“It’s on Han Karama Han’s body.”

“And she…”

“It is the Stone Heart Killer cultivated by the Phantom Eye.”

“Winter at the same time.”

“She is also…”

“Gene replicants.”

“And all this has to do with Ye Siren…”

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