Chapter 134 Han, was Ye Henara used to restrain Ye Siren?! 【6 more】!!

Old ass PUB.

Ye Siren was cleaning.


There seemed to be some fluctuation ahead, and space appeared with a slight distortion.

After the distortion

A white mist emerges!

The Dao Shadow High Platform gradually condensed and formed.


The intermittent sound sounded, accompanied by some pictures, but the pictures and sounds were very unstable and seemed to disappear at any time.

What’s going on? Only in front of you.

The intermittent sound of the shadow in front of the high platform came and the picture began to move.


“It’s on Han Karamahan’s body.”

“And she.”

“It is the Stone Heart Killer cultivated by the Phantom Eye.”

“And all this.”

“It has something to do with Ye Siren again.”

The intermittent sound came, which made Ye Siren momentarily stunned.

He looked to the left and right, somewhat uncertain.

But soon.

He was suddenly shocked by the picture behind the high platform! Only in that picture!

He came to Nana’s house, and NANAI said on his deathbed —

The truth, Xiao Wen is Ye Siren’s flesh and bones, let Ye Siren take good care of her, but did not expect that Nana just died, suddenly there were two people in black who directly took Xiao Wen, and Ye Siren at that time, there was no way to resist!


The picture comes to a woman with a cold face.

The voice of the shadow in front of the high platform was intermittent: “And Xiao Wen, who was taken away that year…”

“It’s cold.”

Ye Siren’s eyes blinked, and his brain did not react at all. The shadow in front of me appeared inexplicably, very strangely.

He stepped forward and gently touched the high platform of the shadow.

But I don’t know if it is the cause of instability, the shadow of the high platform began to fluctuate violently in less than a few minutes, a ripple appeared, and the shadow of the high platform gradually dissipated in the fluctuation.

Ye Siren looked at the scene in front of him in shock: “This” He shook his head vigorously!


Is that an illusion? If not hallucination then.

Xiao Wen, who was taken away at that time, did not follow the picture and become the cold in the mouth of the shadow.

The scene in front of me

What’s going on?

Ye Siren’s brow tightened, and he vaguely felt uneasy, but he couldn’t say it.





Xia Mansion, a roar shouted out!

Brother Xiong, Grandpa Xia Liu, and the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family were originally watching the development of the story, and they were more and more nervous, especially if Summer was about to be gradually replaced by a ghost dragon, which was even more disturbing, and the looks of Brother Xiong and Grandpa Xia Liu were very solemn and worried that the summer in the picture could not survive this disaster at all!


As the story is told after the cold turns into a stone heart killer!

The picture of the story plays a piece of why Han became a stone heart killer!

And for this reason!

It’s about Ye Siren!

Of course

That’s not the most important thing!

And most importantly!

When Nana said that Xiao Wen, that is, Han, was Ye Siren’s flesh and bones, Brother Xiong was directly stunned in place!

But in the next second!

She clenched her fists, eager to drive a big truck now to smash Ye Siren’s old ass PUB!

And Ye Siren, who is far away in the old ass PUB, always feels a chill shrouded.


Summer quickly pulled the male brother.

“Old Mother Dahl calms you down!”

Natsumi also quickly pulled Brother Xiong along.

“I’m going to smash his old ass pub now!”


“Leaf Dead!”

“You’re very mercurial!”

The male brother was so angry that his teeth itched and he kept gritting his teeth and talking.

But that’s when it happened

A voice came from the shadow on the high platform of the picture: “Mr. Su.” ”

“Han is the Stone Heart Killer?”

“But how did she get involved in gene replicants?”

“And if you follow the scene in the picture just now, isn’t that Han’s daughter Ye Siren?”

Intermittent voices came from the stage.

Brother Xiong looked at the shadow of the high platform coldly, and he was already eager to split Ye Siren into three pieces.

“Gene replicants.”

“It’s about the scene just now.”

The shadow on the stage answered slowly.


“Not Ye Siren’s daughter.”

Xia family living room.

The male brother was angry.

But hearing this sentence, Wei Wei Man took a moment.


“Not Ye Siren’s daughter.”

Su Yu opened his mouth very calmly.

The in the audience were stunned!

“But in that scene, didn’t Nana say in person that this Xiaowen was Ye Siren’s flesh and bones?”

“Isn’t Xiao Wen cold?” Or is there another reason? ”

“My God, what’s the secret behind here?”

The underlings are simply curious!

“Mr. Su said, this involves gene replicants, what is the reason for this?”

“I feel like there might be a conspiracy.”

Some people remembered what Su Yu said earlier about gene replicants.


Su You smiled slightly: “Gene replicant.”

“It was the blade plan carried out by the Yehenara family, and the old boss used the genetic replication project to infuse the idea of obeying the orders of the Yehenara family, becoming a blade hidden among ordinary people, and at a critical moment, it would become a deadly weapon of the Yehenara family.”

“And cold.”

“It’s the gene replicant.”

Su Yu told some truth.

There was an uproar in the audience!


“Han turned out to be a gene replicant? And it is related to the Yehenara family? That’s pretty amazing, isn’t it? ”

“How do I feel so deeply involved?”

The mixed generation is very shocked!

The female warrior of the Han Karama family, the demon is a gene replicant?


Su Yu continued, “And. ”

“She is the gene replicator of the twins, another replicant, called Bingxin.”

“And Cold’s plan and purpose—”

“It was used by Ye Siren.”

Su Yu’s words.

Once again, the in the audience were stunned! They looked at Su Yu on the stage in disbelief!


“Ye Siren?”


“Ye Siren?”

The male brother was stunned.

“Hold Daddy back?”

The three brothers and sisters of the Xia family were even more incredulous.

“Leaf dead man?”

Xia Liu frowned tightly.


They all felt like they had heard wrong.

“Did I hear you correctly?”

Brother Xiong was originally very angry, but after hearing that Xiao Wen was not Ye Siren’s flesh and bones, her anger also subsided a little, and now, hearing the words of Gao Tai’s shadow, her first reaction was to hear wrong!

Leaf dead man.

Surname Ye name Siren! An ordinary Muggle! Love to play rock ‘n’ roll! Like music, engaged in orchestra, do things and its immodest, hanging on to Lang Dang, very unreliable, stupid mind, like to lecture on morality, very easy to trust others, soft heart close to stupid goodness, looks like an ordinary Muggle can no longer be ordinary but

Shadows on stage.

Actually said.

Blade Plan! Han Karama – Cold

Was it used to restrain Ye Siren? How?

Is Ye Siren an ally of the Iron Space and Space Alliance?

Brother Xiong, Grandpa Xia Liu, and the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family all stared closely at the shadow on the high platform, hoping that the shadow on the high platform would tell the truth…

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