Chapter 136 Xia Yu, not a Muggle! 【1 more】!!


Su Yu smiled slightly: “That’s right. ”

“Soul Search.”

“One of the three trilogies of the Yehenara Family, the largest demonic family in Iron Time and Space, and the treasure of the Yehenara Family, has been controlled by the heads of the Yehenara Family for countless years.”

“However, at the critical moment of the cold, the soul search appeared.”

“And the Soul Search—”

“It’s the only way to save the cold.”

“It is said that playing the Soul Collecting Song can bring people back to life, but the main player who plays this song needs to be strong and focused. If you are seduced by the magic melody, you will be eaten by it, and the soul of the main player will be sucked into the score and imprisoned forever…”

On the stage, with Su Yu’s narration, the picture behind him appeared in the picture of Summer and Dongcheng Wei playing the soul search song.

With the requiem playing

The petrification on Han’s body gradually dissipated. After that tear fell.

The Soul Reaper dissipated.

The cold also returned to its original state, and vitality reappeared in the body.

Countless saw this scene and looked very confused and very curious.

“Mr. Su……”

“This soul search is the Yehenara family’s trilogy of town demons, and it is also the treasure of the town clan, how can anyone mail it to a-chord?”

“Yes, this is what contemporary leaders have, why is it here?”

Everyone was curious to the extreme! Yehenara family!

The largest demonic family in Iron Time and Space! The entire Iron Time Blank Dao Strange Walker smelled the discolored existence, but now, the treasure of the Yehenara Family’s town clan actually appeared at the critical moment and saved the cold!

How is this possible?

Xiu frowned, “How is this possible?” ”

As the leader of the Dongcheng Guard and the chief combat regiment of the Iron Guard, he knew the importance of this soul search for the Yehenara family! It is absolutely impossible to appear because of a Strange Walker!

This is absolutely impossible.

Xia Mansion.

“How is this possible?”

Xia Liu’s brow furrowed.

“This Yehenara family regards the Town Demon Trilogy as an heirloom, a treasure of the Zhen Clan, how can it be mailed in order to save the cold, not to mention, this is also impossible, Brother Xiong, do you say that he is making things up?”

“I think that’s it!”

Xia Liu directly believed that the shadow of Gaotai was making things up!

Brother Xiong didn’t say a word, but in his heart he also agreed with what Abba said, and this high platform shadow may be making things up! How could this soul search appear.

But that’s the way it is

Brother Xiong and Grandpa Xia Liu, the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family, all wanted to hear what was going on.

In front of the shadow of that high platform.

There are also people who ask this question and want to know the answer.

“Mr. Su……”

“Isn’t this soul search the treasure of the Yehenara family?” Why is it happening? ”

Everyone in the Xia family raised their ears and listened carefully.

The shadow on the high platform slowly spoke: “The answer to this question——”

“The third plan involving the phantom eye.”

“It also involves the end of the second story.”


The shadow slowly opened its mouth.

Just when Grandpa Xia Liu, Brother Xiong, and the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family were all ready to take the knife and go to find the shadow of the high platform.

The folding fan in the hand of the shadow of the high platform shook slightly:

“And the protagonist of the third plan—”

“It’s the Charan Zeide family… His voice paused. ”

“Xia Yu.”

Xia Mansion.

After hearing the name.

Grandpa Xialiu, Brother Xiong, and the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family instantly froze.

Xia Liu’s grandfather: “?!! ”

Brother Xiong: “?!! ”

Summer: “?!! ”

Natsumi: “?!! ”

Xia Yu: “? ”

The eyes of the four people instantly looked at Xia Yu.

Xia Yu looked confused.

“Off, off, what’s the matter with me?”

He pointed to himself, confused, obviously not knowing what was going on.

In front of the high platform.

When the mixed generations heard this name, they were stunned in an instant!

“Xia Yu?”

The mixed characters looked at each other and their heads were a little confused.

“Xia Yu?”

In the final class, Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, and Rex looked at each other, and Wang Dadong and others looked directly at Rex, and Rex looked at him with a confused face.

Whether it was the ultimate class, or the mixed word generation present, or the Xiu He Dongcheng Wei in the distance, the Xia Family and his party who looked at the shadow in the iron time and space were all dazed at the moment, and their brains did not turn at all!

“Mr. Su, isn’t Xia Yu a Muggle?”

“Could it be that the third plan of the Phantom Eye is aimed at Xia Yu?”

Some mixed characters immediately asked, pressing the curiosity in their hearts!


“This Xia Yu is a Muggle, so shouldn’t this phantom eye want to take him away?”

There are mixed characters guessing.

But very quickly —

“I remember Mr. Su saying before… Xia Yu doesn’t seem simple? ”

“Could it be that the third plan of the Phantom Eye will reveal the foreshadowing before?”

Some of the mixed characters remembered some of the identity issues mentioned by Su Yu earlier! This involves Xia Yu’s identity! As mentioned before, Xia Yu does not seem to be simple

When this mentioned it, the surrounding also gradually remembered it, and all of them were excited!

“Mr. Su, that mansion… Isn’t it Muggles? ”

Some asked, wanting to know the answer…

All of them looked at Su Yu on the high platform, waiting for Su Yu’s answer.

Xia Mansion.

Listen to the intermittent sounds.

Xia Yu looked helpless: “I feel…”

“I’m simple.”

He shrugged.

“I’m a Muggle anyway.”

“I don’t have any powers.”

When he mentioned this, there was a faint flash in his eyes.

“Hey, snob, don’t you have a hidden identity too?” Aren’t you Muggles? ”

Natsumi exclaimed.

“You idiot, are you?”

Xia Yu glanced at Xia Mei, and then looked at the shadow on the high platform, “I would like to hear what I will not be simple.” ”

He was also curious.

What will be difficult for yourself?

From childhood to adulthood, he was a Muggle, he did everything, where is not simple?

“Mr. Su, that Xia Yu… Isn’t it Muggles? ”

An intermittent voice sounded, asking for the shadow of the high platform.

Brother Xiong, Grandpa Xia Liu, and the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family all looked at the shadow of the high platform, at this moment, everyone in the Xia family could not help but hold their breath, and looked at the shadow of the high platform with some nervousness, waiting for the shadow to answer.


Su Yu looked at the expectant eyes below.

He smiled slightly and took a sip of tea: “Xia Lan Jingde family.” ”


“It’s not easy.”

“And Xia Yu—Su Yu’s voice was slightly stunned.”

“Nature is not a Muggle.”

“The potential hidden in Xia Yu’s body is not even inferior to that of Xia Tian.”

“It involves Ye Siren’s identity, his origins, and what happened more than a decade ago…”

“All of it.”

“It’s all in the Illusion of the Third Plan Unveiled.”

Xia Mansion.

Xia Yu was slightly stunned.


Not a Muggle?

Brother Xiong, Grandpa Xia Liu, Xia Mei, and Xia Mei all looked at Xia Yu in amazement, obviously unable to believe what the shadow of the high platform said.

Xia Yu……… Not a Muggle?

리 Four

Also involved in the origin and identity of Ye Siren?

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