Chapter 137 Xia Yu’s powers… Are you all relying on magic loans? 【2 more】!!

“The potential contained in Na Xia Yu’s body…”

“Not even less than summer.”

Su Yu smiled slightly, and the folding fan in his hand opened.


They were all extremely curious and wanted to see what kind of earth-shattering secrets Xia Yu would reveal as the story progressed!

The picture behind Su Yu gradually emerged as the story of the cold recovery.

The people in the audience are carefully staring at the picture, afraid of missing a detail.

After the cold recovery, the ghost dragon in the summer body also finally settled down a lot, seeing the mixed word generation here, they were relieved, the next story eased a lot compared to the previous tension, and then even to Ye Siren’s birthday, Ye Siren returned to the Xia Lan Jingde family to celebrate, the family was happy, especially from time to time to mix mouths, so that the following mixed word generation could not help but laugh.

“This Xia Yu really cut eh, Dad’s birthday, actually sent a hug.”

“No wonder Natsumi always calls him a snob, it’s all too much in line with his personality.”

“What Ye Siren said was also too numb, and he actually said that the greatest wish in life was standing next to it, which obviously implied that Brother Xiong, Xia Liu’s grandfather threw up hahaha when he heard it.”

“This family is also too loving, too funny.”

The mixed word generation has personally watched the summer experience life and death, to the end, even the cold turned into a stone heart killer, the tension has been swirling around everyone, never heard of it, and now finally 01 can relax for a while, all relax a little.


“I’m really curious, what exactly is Xia Yu hiding, the potential is no less than Summer, is he more suitable to become the ultimate Iron Man than Summer?”

But there are also who are curious.

“Not necessarily, you see that Summer has experienced the first disaster, although it is indeed thrilling, and even almost disappeared, but at the last moment, it is still strong in the past, and his character may be more suitable to become the ultimate Iron Man.” 」

feel that summer is more suitable to become the ultimate Tek.

Passing through these pictures.

They saw the growth of the summer and the calamity they experienced, even at that last moment, the summer was still for everyone’s consideration, did not want the ghost dragon to become a demon, the plague of the entire extraordinary world, so without hesitation, they stabbed the third generation of the speed needle, and the result was a blessing in disguise, the energy of the fast needle fixed the ghost dragon, and at the same time offset the energy of the extinction, allowing him to restore the original energy!

The people below look at the picture and feel very warm.

But soon

The picture came to Xia Yu’s body, and at that birthday party, he looked at the family who were dancing in a circle and shouted the slogan of the Extraordinary Walker, and his expression seemed to be a little lonely.

“The next day……”

“When Xia Yu came to the street, it always felt as if someone was watching him in the dark.”

“When he came to the school, he submitted the theory to his professor of the project, Professor G.”

“But this Professor G…”

“But it is the Illusion Eye Sect that carries out the third plan.”


Su Yu shook the folding fan in his hand and told the story: “And the third plan of the phantom eye.” ”

“It is to take advantage of Xia Yu’s desire to become a Muggle, use magic loans, and gradually establish Xia Yu’s heart demons, making him think that he is not a Muggle, so that the Xia family will start infighting, and in the end, the phantom eye can easily defeat the Xia family, so as to get the Dragon Sealing Card…”

The screen continues to play.

Xia Yu came to the office, and his professor was asking questions about economics.

“Actually, you…”

“Not necessarily a Muggle, right?”

Xia Yu suddenly saw Professor G in front of him asking, he was trying to answer, but Professor G in front of him suddenly asked the question of economics, which suddenly made Xia Yu a little, Wang Yi” Feng.

After he left school. Walk to the road.

Only to find that………

The people around him seemed to become very strange, and every time he met a passerby, an illusion appeared in front of his eyes, and in that illusion, no matter what he was doing, he would stop and look at him, and Yu Yu asked, “Have you ever thought…… Are you not a Muggle at all? ”

Xia Yu felt more and more uneasy and rushed home.

He lay on the bed, his eyes looking straight ahead, as if caught up in some kind of fantasy

In that picture

Xia Yu seemed to go back to his childhood, that day, it was his birthday, he returned home happily, but Brother Xiong was packing up his things and told him to wait a while before he could open the cake, Xia Yu happily gave Brother Xiong the award certificate of his first place in mental calculation, Brother Xiong praised him, but he did not have time to look at him, he went to find Ye Siren, Ye Siren only touched his head and perfunctory him.

However, after Summer and Natsumi returned, Summer was beaten and her head was given a bag, Natsumi was chased by Sadako and ran around, Brother Xiong and Ye Siren both rushed up and looked at the two worriedly, while Xia Yu sat in front of the cake by herself, lit candles for herself, and sang for herself the joy of life and old…

“Just because…”

“Am I not a Stranger?”

Xia Yu muttered to himself.

He looked at the family photo by the bedside, and his eyes were deeply unwilling.


“Only I’m a Muggle?”

“Xia Yu?”

Xia Mansion.

Brother Xiong, Grandpa Xia Liu both looked at Xia Yu.

Summer and Natsumi both looked at Natsumi worriedly.

Xia Yu looked directly at the picture, and his eyes seemed to be very complicated.

Hearing Brother Xiong shouting at him, it took half a day to return to God.

“Brother I…”

Xia Yu just wanted to say something.

But the picture changed again.

Brother Xiong originally wanted to talk to Xia Yu, she felt that Xia Yu was wrong, but the picture changed, and she could only continue to watch the picture at the moment.

“The next day……”

“Xia Yu went to the school office.”


“It’s officially starting too.”

In that picture, Professor G seduces Xia Yu and tells him that as long as he puts it on

Demon Borrowing has a reaction, can drive the energy inside, he is the buried high-level Alien Walker, Xia Yu put it on with some doubt, but he found that he can really drive the energy of the Demon Loan! Even the ability to use powers!

Happy Xia Yu did a few heroic and righteous things on the road, happily returned home, looking at the family photo, Xia Yu finally showed a smile, it seems that because he is a strange walker, he can integrate into this family.

But he quickly ran out of magic energy and found Professor G again, and Professor G told him about a special ability that could store other people’s special abilities, so that he gradually became a special practitioner! And Professor G knew that Xia Yu’s heart demon had already risen, and the next step was to wait for Xia Yu to absorb the power of others step by step.

Under the seduced of Professor G, Xia Yu quickly found Ren Chenwen to try, and sure enough, he converted Ren Chenwen’s energy and special abilities into his body, and at the same time, stored more energy for the magic borrowing.

Xia Yu gradually became out of control.

It’s just that………

What he didn’t know was that this was just a conspiracy of the Phantom Eye, in fact, Xia Yu had only stored those energies and supernatural qualities in the magic borrowing, and he was still just a Muggle and had not become a Strange Walker at all.

But Xia Yu didn’t know the truth, and he began to absorb the magical energy of others, and unknowingly became a demonic magician.

To the end

Even alarmed the grandfather, invited out of the Kemoba.

As the energy absorbed by Xia Yu became more and more terrifying, he was gradually unable to control himself, and even absorbed all of the cold powers.

“The development of the plot……”

“I’m getting nervous.”

The people in the audience all sweated for Xia Yu.


Grandpa Xia Liu had already sensed that something was wrong and wanted to deal with the demonized Magician.

“Xia Yu has gone astray……”

“I dare not imagine what would happen if Brother Xiong found out that Xia Yu had turned out to be like this, which is really worrying.”

The are very worried.

Once Xia Yu’s deeds are revealed! When the time comes

What will happen to the Xia family?

“Actually, all this is because of the magic loan, if the magic loan disappears, maybe Xia Yu will return to the original state, right?”

“It always feels like Xia Yu’s state is a little strange, he seems to have been controlled by the demons.”

“I hope that Xia Yu will soon discover the conspiracy of the Demon Borrower, otherwise it will continue, and it will be discovered when the time comes… I’m afraid it’s going to be in trouble. ”

“But even if he knew, I’m afraid he wouldn’t necessarily be willing to do it, his demons are too serious.”

The looked at the picture nervously.

Once Xia Yu’s identity is discovered in the Xia family.

I’m afraid that as the phantom eye said, there will definitely be infighting.

The most heart-wrenching thing

Xia Yu had no idea that he had been deceived! All of his powers come from the Devil!

Therefore, the Mixed Word Generation was very hopeful that Xia Yu would discover the conspiracy of the Demon Loan as soon as possible

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