Chapter 138 Ye Siren… Scared off the phantom eye? 【3 more】!!

The screen continues

Xia Yu was getting harder and harder to control himself!

And in that picture, the phantom eye also appeared, triumphantly saying its plan to completely disintegrate the Charan Zede family!


Some think it’s weird.

“If Xia Yu’s power comes from the magic loan, then how did he become a demonic magician?”

“Mr. Kosu just said clearly…”

“Xia Yu is not a Muggle, and his potential is even more terrifying than Summer’s?”

Some of the mixed characters found some strange points, if Xia Yu relied on the magic loan, then once the magic loan disappeared, his power would no longer exist, how could he become a demonized magic practitioner?

After all, that magic loan was a deception at all, and Xia Yu was just a Muggle who had been deceived.

See this

They became more and more curious about the story behind them.

“Repair on the road…”

“But suddenly he sensed a demonic power, and he stopped.”

“In the dark—”

Xia Yu was staring at him.


Su Yu slowly opened his mouth.

“This Xia Yu…… Actually eyeing the repair? ”

“It seems that Xiu fought with the Ghost Dragon and Han before, and is still injured, but it is impossible for Xia Yu’s powers to deal with Xiu, right?” He only relied on the magic power of the Devil. ”

In the picture.

When Xia Yu was ready to move, Summer came over, and Xia Yu had to leave for the time being.

As the story progresses.

Professor G appeared again, and he felt that Xia Yu had been completely controlled by the Heart Demon and could no longer leave the Demon Loan! He appeared to expose the deception of the Demon Loan, telling Xia Yu that he was just a Muggle and could only use his powers by virtue of the Demon Loan! Once he leaves the Demon Loan, he will be nothing.

And want to get the magic loan……… Must kill summer! 몌

He was going to take back the magic loan.

“This Professor G is also so disgusting! Now that Xia Yu has been possessed by the obsession of becoming a Strange Walker, he won’t really take a shot at Summer, right? ”

When the people below saw this scene, they were all worried.

They were all worried that Xia Yu would not be able to restrain his inner desires and really absorb the power of summer!

The screen continues

The mixed word generation looked at the picture in shock, worried that Xia Yu had suddenly fallen into the magic.

But……… What people didn’t expect was that

This Xia Yu actually directly lent the magic back to Professor G.

Xia Yu took off the magic loan and handed it to Professor G.

Just when the below breathed a sigh of relief! suddenly

Just when Xia Yu held Professor G’s hand, he actually directly urged the “Sha Krypton Ga SUCKIN →Driving Magic Borrowing to Absorb Strange Energy”, which was difficult for Professor G to understand

Under the eyes of the letter, Xia Yu directly put Professor G’s powers……… Absorb it all!


“I’ve already taken it off and tried it.”

“You don’t inquire either…”

“Who is the person with the highest IQ in the Xia family?”

A sneering smile appeared at the corner of Xia Yu’s mouth, directly absorbing all of Professor G’s energy!

In front of the screen

The bastards were stunned! No one thought of it!

It was such a reversal!



“From the beginning, Xia Yu was able to absorb other people’s abilities because he wasn’t a Muggle at all?!” No need for magic borrowing at all?! ”

“That is—”

“Xia Yu, isn’t a Muggle at all?”

“What the hell is going on?”

The mixed characters in the audience were all extremely curious.


Su Yu smiled slightly: “Because…”

“When Xia Yu was born, he was sealed with the power in his body.”

Xia Mansion.

Xia Yu looked at the scene in front of him, and his brain had no way to react for a moment.

“Ah, snobs, so you’re going to be bad!”

In the summer, Natsumi looked at the picture and was stunned! The two of them had seen Xia Yu step by step into the abyss, from the beginning to the beginning, gradually falling into the way, and even in the end, absorbing all the cold powers, and still thinking of taking a shot at Xiu.

Xia Yu reacted, his eyes quietly looking at Brother Xiong and Grandpa Xia Liu, while his body shrank back.

In the picture

He naturally saw everything he had done, and it could be said that it was completely a step into the abyss, one wrong step, one wrong step, and in the end, it had reached the point of no return! If that step is reached, the consequences may be unimaginable.


He found that both Brother Xiong and Grandpa Xia Liu did not seem to pay attention to him, but instead looked at the shadow and picture of the high platform with dead eyes.

Brother Xiong frowned, “How is that possible?” ”

The same is true of Grandpa Xialiu: “How is it possible?” ”

“Grandpa, old mother Darling, what is impossible?”

Natsumi asked.


Brother Xiong and Grandpa Xia Liu looked at Xia Yu instantly.

Brother Xiong looked at Xia Yu, and a hint of worry appeared in his eyes.

Xia Liu’s brow furrowed, “Impossible…”

“If it is really what the picture says, then Xia Yu should be…”

“Demon Physique.”

“Otherwise it would have been impossible to demonize so quickly, but how could that be?”

Xia Liu looked up and down at Xia Yu.

“How can we, the Charan Zend Family, have a demonic physique?”

“That guy…”

“Lying to people?”

He looked at the shadow of the high platform in the picture, and his eyes were very vigilant for a while.

“Xia Yu, it’s all right.”

Brother Xiong looked at Xia Yu, she was very worried, although the shadow of the high platform must have been made up, but there were some pictures that were really there.

“You’ve had a good mind since you were a child, you don’t need me and your dead father to worry, you helped us share the family and take care of your younger brothers and sisters, but what about your father and mother… You may indeed be ignoring your feelings, but…”

“We never think that you are not a family with us because you are a Muggle, and the most important thing about our family…… It is peace, simple happiness. ”

The male brother opened his mouth very seriously.


Xia Yu nodded, “Why are you telling me this, I don’t demonize, I’m a Muggle.” ”

Although he didn’t care what he said on his lips, the softest part of his heart touched a little, just……… Those years of heart knots, how can it be untied in one or two sentences, but Brother Xiong’s words also made him feel better in his heart.

“Summer, Natsumi, you must be careful not to be fooled by this picture.”

“He must be making things up and trying to infighting our Xia family.”

Brother Xiong said.

In front of the shadow of that high platform, she would naturally choose without hesitation to believe how her family could be…

Just because of a picture, a story, to doubt Xia Yu? Meanwhile.

Intermittent voices sounded, and those voices seemed very curious and eager to know the answer: “Mr. Su…”

“Then Xia Yu, how could he have been sealed by someone at birth?” Who did it? ”

On a high platform.

Su Yu smiled slightly: “The truth…”

“It’s going to be revealed soon.”

He did not answer, but continued: “Although Xia Yu’s changes are very secretive, even he feels that he has hidden from his family. ”

“And Grandpa Xia Liu, in the face of that mysterious demonic magician, even invited out the Demon Hunter.”

“But that night, in the summer, Xia Mei woke up from her dream, and both of them dreamed that Xia Yu had become a demonic magician, and the next day, after tracking Xia Yu, the two finally discovered Xia Yu’s identity as a demonized magician.”

“The two of them had no choice but to let Xia Yu lie temporarily in the coffin of the old ass pub, otherwise Xia Yu would be killed by the Demon Hunter once he appeared.”

“That night, Summer and Natsumi secretly brought food from the refrigerator to Xia Yu.”

When the two arrived, open the coffin……

“The male brother appeared behind the two of them.”

Su Yu shook the folding fan in his hand slightly.

Hear this.

The bastards below all held their breath, obviously not expecting the story to progress so fast!

The picture behind Su Yu appeared.

Brother Xiong looked at Xia Yu in front of her, her eyes were slightly red, she did not think that her own neglect had led to Xia Yu’s heart disease, and even a heart demon, she wanted to explain to Xia Yu well, what she wanted was a simple ordinary life.

It’s just that………

She was just about to persuade Xia Yu to find a way to slowly help Xia Yu recover.


Didn’t expect that! Phantom Eyes………

He actually appeared in the old ass PUB, seducing Xia Yu and asking Xia Yu to accept him and become a demon with him.

“The phantom appears……”

“To trick Xia Yu into becoming a demon with Xia Yu is actually to use Xia Yu’s demonized body to evolve himself into a demon of the level of a demon of the Evil Queen’s level.”

“And Xia Yu, who is deeply affected by the demon, is already deeply entrenched in the demon at this moment, and even Brother Xiong and others can’t hold it.”


Su Yu spoke calmly.

The content that can be told makes the mixed generation fearful, and they all hold their breath to listen to the lecture.

Even the Xia Mansion, the male brother who had always been vigilant, the Xia Liu Grandfather, and the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family were also nervously looking at the shadow of the high platform.

“Oh my God…”

“Isn’t this Xia Yu really going to become a demon?” This illusion is simply abominable. ”

But now that Xia Yu was already deeply enchanted, he couldn’t stop at all, he felt that he could control the phantom eye, and he wanted to accept the magic energy of the phantom eye! Brother Male, they couldn’t hold him at all! ”

“This becomes a demon… It was also too terrifying, it was completely the six relatives who did not recognize it, and the most terrifying thing was that the feelings would penetrate little by little, and a little bit would be eroded, just like Xia Yu did not want to deal with Summer at all from the beginning, but as time went on, he even wanted to absorb the power of Summer, and even made a good excuse for himself. ”

“This kind of subtlety is simply too terrifying, and even a person with a high IQ like Xia Yu can’t avoid it.”

The people in the audience are very nervous.


It’s a critical moment!

“Mr. Su……”

“Xia Yu, shouldn’t you really become a demon?”

Some couldn’t help but ask.


Su Yu smiled slightly and shook his head: “Just when Xia Yu can’t control it, he wants to work with the young eyes for ten.” ”

“Ye Siren.”

“It appeared.”

“It stopped Xia Yu from becoming a demon, and even, scared off the phantom eye.”

The people in the audience were stunned.

Ye Siren.

Scared off the phantom eye? Ripped in the Xia Mansion.

Xia Liu’s grandfather, Brother Xiong, and the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family were even more stunned in the same place, in disbelief.

[Speechless, always limited the number of words, originally revealed Ye Siren’s identity, the result is to save until the next chapter, the first one thousand words in this chapter, are connected to the previous chapter, the result is forced to split chapters…].

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