Chapter 139 Ye Siren is the Great Young Master who disappeared from Yehenara! 【4 more】!!

Ye Siren scared off the phantom eyes.”

“This… How is this possible? ”

The people in the audience were dumbfounded, and they couldn’t believe it! After all, before that!

Whether Ye Siren is in the story of the storytelling, or in the performance of the picture, it is a simple Muggle that can no longer be simple, and even has to be chased by the people of the debt collection company.

How is this possible?


Su Yu shook the folding fan.

“Ye Siren faced the illusion and went to the root of fear.”

“Even said two magic words.”


“Even took out the Soul Wash and directly scared the phantom eye away.”

The people in the audience were stunned.

Ye Siren.

Took out the Requiem?

Ye Siren

How could you come up with a Relaem?

“Mr. Sue.”

“How could Ye Siren have a Soul Wash Music?”

The bastards asked in disbelief.

Countless people all held their breath, curious to the extreme, waiting for Su Yu’s answer.


Su Yu smiled slightly and solved the puzzle.


“Ye Siren’s full name is.”

“Yehenara Siren.”

Su Yu’s voice paused.

“That is.”

“The Great Young Master Yehenara who disappeared from the Yehenara family decades ago.”

“Ye Siren.”

Ye Siren’s identity! Be thoroughly exposed!


The bastards were like lightning strikes, as if they had heard the most shocking thing in the world, and all of them were wide-eyed, looking ahead in disbelief! The whole place was silent! Quiet to the extreme! All in shock!

Xia Mansion.

Brother Xiong, Grandpa Xia Liu, and the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family listened to the answer of the shadow of Gaotai, and they were all stunned in place.

Old ass PUB.

Ye Siren was looking at the front curiously, just after the shadow appeared, he felt very strange, so he kept looking at the front, but except for the occasional fluctuation after the disappearance, there was no change, and the shadow did not appear again, just as he was thinking about the picture.

Waiting ground.

He felt a chill in his back, and he hit a nerve.

It was as if something was about to happen.




Brother Xiong’s eyes widened, looking at the shadow of the high platform in front of him in disbelief.


“It must be fake!”

Her eyes narrowed slightly, and she directly vetoed it! How could this be true!

If it’s true.


What is Ye Siren’s purpose? Just like that phantom eye!

Is it a Dragon Card?

Brother Xiong stared at the front in a daze, as if there was a bomb that had exploded in just an instant, and she didn’t react until now.


She shook her head, asking herself not to think about it again.

If so.

How scary should it be?

Why did he hide his identity next to him?


Summer, Natsumi, Natsu Yu is even more incredible.

The three of them didn’t have a male brother, and Xia Liu thought so much, especially after experiencing the incident of Vincent, all three of them felt that this high platform shadow said

It all seems to be true! Now it involves his own father?

In front of the high platform.

The bastards were stunned.


“Mr. Sue.”

“That Ye Siren is the legendary Yehenara family’s missing young master Yehenara????”

The bastards are unbelievable!

“That’s pretty shocking, isn’t it?” This Ye Siren didn’t look a bit like the Ye Chi Nara family! ”

“Doesn’t it mean that this Yehenara family is all demons?” This Ye Siren is definitely bad, soft-hearted, stupid, and indifferent to doing things, how could it be the eldest young master of the Ten Chila Family? ”

“The biggest demonization of the Extraordinary Family, this Ye Siren is the Great Young Master of the Greatest Extraordinary Family of the White Dao, I believe it.”

The following mixed characters have no way to believe at all, completely subverting the three views! Who can believe it

That stupid, casually deceived to be a guarantor, and finally even a few simple words by Li Daxiong, directly saddled with five million, no, ten million debt! Even accompanied by his son, under the torrential rain, singing “On the Water Side” together, Ye Siren, who seems to be doing things in a nonchalant manner, has a soft personality, and is kind will be the great young master of the Yehenara family!

Everyone’s heads are in a mess and question marks!

If it were not for the story Su Yu said earlier! No one wants to believe it at all!

“If he is really the Great Young Master of the Yehenara Family, how could he come to the Charan Zeid Family?”

“Isn’t this Shalancidd family one of the greatest families of the White Path?” Isn’t he afraid of being discovered? ”

After the shock, the mixed word generation was curious!

“I remember Mr. Su once mentioned…”

“It seems to be because.”


Countless looked at Mr. Su on the high platform, waiting for his narration to reveal the answer.


Su Yu smiled slightly, and shook the folding fan in his hand: “Ye Siren——”

“Yehenara Siren.”

“At the same time, the great young master of the Yehenara family disappeared more than twenty years ago, and no one knows his whereabouts, his whereabouts, and has become a mystery of the Otherworld, some people say that he is dead, some people say that he has become a demon, some people say that he has gone to other time and space.”


“The real answer is.”

“Twenty years ago, Ye Siren abolished his demonic nature and self-destructive powers, and his purpose was to marry a woman——”

Su Yu was on the stage, telling the story of that year: “Xia Lan Jing Dexiong. ”

“He gave up everything about the Yehenara family, left the Yehenara family with the Soul Wash and the Soul Search, abolished his magic and powers, entered the Shalanzander family, and became Ye Siren.

The story of that year

Gradually revealed in front of all the mixed word generation.

Behind Su Yu.

The picture of that year slowly emerged, Ye Siren stared at an exploding head, looking at the male brother affectionately, the two of them laughed very sweetly, but Ye Siren never dared to touch the male brother’s hand, because he knew that once he touched it, he would be unable to restrain the desire to absorb the male brother’s power, in the end, he decided to abolish the demonic and demonic powers, so as to truly walk with the male brother!

The picture shows the past of him and his brother, and also shows everything he has done for his brother, when he destroys his abilities, resulting in side effects and becoming very popular.

He must also sleep in a coffin to suppress his demonic nature that wants to be revived.

“And back then—”

“Xiao Wen in the blade plan, that is, Han, was put by Ye Henara to restrain Ye Siren.”

“I just didn’t expect to be snatched away by the phantom eye.”

Su Yu was on the stage, slowly opening his mouth.

“And Xia Zi.”

He mentioned Xia Yu.

“As soon as he was born, he was the pure demonic constitution of the Yehenara family.”

“Therefore, Ye Siren used all means to seal Xia Yu’s demonic physique for this, but he did not expect that it would lead to the generation of Xia Yu’s heart demon, and in fact, the potential contained in Xia Yu’s body was not even lower than that of Xia.”

Cut the answer!

It’s all been revealed!

In that picture

Ye Siren’s identity was exposed, Brother Xiong was very broken, and the things she had experienced before Vincent made her wary of everything around her

When Ye Siren’s identity was revealed, the most collapsed was Brother Xiong, and she even thought that Ye Siren had come to seal the Dragon Card!

She took out her Qilin gloves and aimed them at Ye Siren.

But Ye Siren did not have this mind at all, he only wanted to save Xia Yu, and even in order to save Xia Yu, he exposed his identity that he had hidden for many years, and he also knew that once this identity was revealed, what consequences would be caused, but he still had no hesitation and still chose to stand up, just like he would always stand in front of the whole family as a Muggle when danger came.

Shouting to the danger ahead, “Come, come upon me if something happens!” ”

Although he looks weak, he can always stand up at critical moments, with that Muggle body, to protect everyone.

Of course

Before this, many mixed characters felt that Ye Siren was quite interesting, obviously knowing that he was just a Muggle, but he dared to stand up every time, especially when facing vincent, still blocking the front of the Xia family without hesitation.

“In order to seal your demonic nature, Dad tried all kinds of ways to make you a Muggle.”

“If you want to complain, just blame Daddy.”

“Dad sealed your demonic nature, making you feel uncomfortable for more than ten years Ye Siren standing in front of Xia Yu, and he looked at Xia Yu with a very worried look.”

“But Xiaoyu.”

“You have to know that contentment and happiness are the simplest happiness, and what Dad has been pursuing is this simple happiness.” 」


“Ye Siren is willing to abolish his abilities and self-abolish demonic nature, although he is the great young master of the Yehenara family, he has countless assets and countless powers, he is one of the beings standing at the highest peak of the demonization world, but he never understands what he wants.”


“He met his brother.”


Su Yu shook the folding fan.


“He had Xia Yu, Xia, Xia Mei’s three brothers and sisters, and from that moment on, he knew that everything he had done was right.”

“So for so many years, he never revealed his identity, he just wanted to live quietly and peacefully.”

“It’s a pity.”

“The darkness is never far away.”

“And his simplicity and ordinariness are just a plan in the dark.”

“The conspiracy against the Xia family has never disappeared, and even lasted for countless years, and even Ye Siren is just one of the chess pieces, a chess piece that he does not know about.”

Su Yu revealed part of the truth.

The chilling truth!

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