Chapter 140 A statue far beyond the existence of a ghost dragon! His name is – Ghost Phoenix! 【5 more】!!

The bastards below are silent.

Everyone was digesting the news received by the brain, especially what Su Yu finally mentioned, which directly formed a terrifying explosion, which exploded in the minds of countless mixed characters, and everyone felt a chill after hearing Su Yu’s words! The body shook the spirit.

If so

Ye Siren was the identity of the Great Young Master of the Yehenara Family, and the fact that he gave up everything to join the Xia Lan Jing De Family for the sake of love made the mixed word generations shocked to the point of being incomparable

Now Su Yu’s last few words give people an extremely terrifying sense of fatalistic arrangement! Let people feel a very strange conspiracy infiltrating out, and partial! Ye Siren, the Xia Lan Jingde family, never knew!

“In the dark…”

“A plan?”

“Ye Siren—”

“Just a chess piece?”

A bastard muttered to himself, these simple words, but gave people a terrible chill – shrouded!

“What kind of plan is it?”

Some of the mixed characters looked at the front and were very shocked.

What kind of plan is it…

The great young master Yehenara was just a pawn, and even the ordinary and simple happiness he was pursuing had become part of that plan! So, what exactly is this plan trying to do? What exactly is it?

“Leaf dead man……”

Brother Xiong looked at the shadow of the high platform in front of him.

She didn’t want to believe it, and she didn’t believe it now.

Hearing the words of the shadow on the high platform, she felt an inexplicable sense of uneasiness.

“It feels so horrible… What is the plan? Why do I feel so cold in my back after listening to it? ”

Natsumi’s eyes widened, and she felt some chills in her back, and she couldn’t help but hide behind Brother Xiong.

“I suddenly feel like I don’t want to know…”

“I always feel a little uneasy.”

Summer looked very solemn, but some did not dare to know the answer, and the feeling of not being able to say it made him feel very depressed.

It’s like a happy family who was originally a simple and ordinary life, suddenly told that all they have is just a plan, part of the plan, and that simple happiness is false.


Xia Yu was silent.

He looked at the picture, looked at what his father said to himself, watched his father willingly expose his identity for himself, and even the explanation of the shadow on the high platform, at this moment, the demons in his heart seemed to gradually dissipate at this moment.

This is different from what Brother Xiong just said to him, Brother Xiong’s words made him reduce a little, but what his father said and did made his demons, at this moment, have all dissipated, and all misunderstandings seem to have been answered.

But alas

Before he could say what he wanted to do or express, there was such chilling news.

Rao was that he was all looking down.

“All right! Be quiet! ”

Brother Xiong said directly.

“Leave these things to us adults, and you will go to school well, and don’t think too much about it, do you know?”


“This is probably what Brother Ma Xiong sent by the Demonic Magician to mess up our position.”

“Think about it, as far as your dead father, how could he be the Great Young Master of the Yehenara Family?” You think his surname is Ye, and he’s a member of the Yehenara family? ”

“And the young master of the Yehenara family has been missing for so many years, he said it was Liang?”

“Is there any plan that is simply a lie?”

Brother Xiong was comforting the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family.

“But old mother Darling…”

Natsumi said weakly, “I saw Yah in a book, and people say that the weaker the heart, the more words they say.” ”

She secretly glanced at the male brother.


The male brother’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“I believe!”

“I believe!”

Natsumi immediately spoke. The male brother glared at her.

That being said.

When she and Grandpa Xia Liu looked at the shadow of the high platform, they were very solemn in front of the high platform.

The in the audience were very silent.

Half ring.


“Mr. Su, this must be a pit, right?”

Some of the mixed characters asked, knowing that Mr. Su would definitely not answer the question on the stage now.

Su Yu smiled slightly: “This plan…”

“It will be mentioned and revealed in the fourth and fifth stories.”

“This plan, which has lasted for countless years, even targets not only the Charan Zeide family, but even the protagonist of the third part of the story.”

Su Yu’s smile on that beautiful face gave people a feeling of indifference and tranquility, but it fell like a demon in the eyes of everyone!

: “…”


Get used to it.

The below all showed a look that I had long been accustomed to, but the grudge under my eyes was so obvious and intense.

“I didn’t think about it…”

“It would involve the third to fifth stories!” And the protagonist of the third story, which is also amazing.”

“I want to know it now!”

The bastards below gradually complained, obviously having completely stepped into the pit!

If so

The story that Mr. Su said earlier is a big pit and a small pit, so what Su Yu mentioned now is definitely a big pit! Even this pit directly surrounds all the pits! The ground on which they are standing may be the bottom of the pit!



Su Yu smiled slightly.

The screen continues

Although Ye Siren was persuading.


Xia Yu’s demonic nature occupies reason, and he doesn’t want to be a Muggle again!

“Why can’t you trust me?”

“The power I have painstakingly gathered, you are going to wash it away without a word?”


“Why don’t I have another choice? Is there any other way to go? ”

Xia Yu was very unwilling, he was very unwilling, he had obviously become a Strange Walker, why did he have to be washed away! All abilities will disappear! He is going to turn back into a Muggle of the Xia family again!

Even though Brother Xiong was in tears, Xia Yu didn’t want to be a Muggle again.

At last

Brother Xiong used condensation to fix Xia Yu, and transmitted energy to Ye Siren to play the “Soul Wash Song” to wash away the demonic nature in Xia Yu’s body.


The bastards all sighed.

“This Xia Yu is also quite pitiful, but he didn’t expect that his physique was actually a demonic physique, so he was sealed as a Muggle.”

“He really doesn’t want to be a Muggle anymore, but there’s nothing he can do, and if he becomes a demonic walker, his desire will never end.”

“When everyone is a Muggle and he is a Stranger, he is an Alien, but now everyone is a Stranger, but only if he is a Muggle, he will become an Alien, and his fate has been unfair since birth.”

There are mixed characters who are unfair to Xia Yu! All this

Nature is because of his demonic physique.

If it weren’t for the demonic physique, he might have been able to become a white path magician like Summer and Natsumi!

From the beginning! Xia Yu has no choice! Because

As soon as he was born, his physique had already determined his destiny.

In the picture

Ye Siren played the Soul Wash with a violin, and in Na Xia Yu’s pain, his demonic abilities and demonic nature gradually dissipated, and all the abilities in his body turned into nothing.

Look at this scene.

The mixed characters can’t help but feel uncomfortable, after all, the protagonist in this picture is Xia Yu, and they feel very uncomfortable when they enter it.

“Mr. Su……”

“Is this Xia Yu destined to be a Muggle?”

Some couldn’t help but ask.

“Yeah, is he doomed to be a Stranger?”

The mixed generations all felt unfair to Xia Yu.


Su Yu smiled slightly: “Xia Yu’s body…”

“There’s a potential that goes far beyond summer.”


“There are beings more terrifying than ghost dragons sleeping.”

“When he wakes up.”

“Xia Yu’s power will also usher in an awakening.”

But Su Yu’s words.

But it made the bastards stunned! It would have been a simple question.

But no one thought of it! The questions they asked!

There was even a pit waiting for them 1 Xia Yu inside………

Is there even a statue hiding a statue far beyond the Ghost Dragon?

“Mr. Su……”

“Can you fill in a pit a little?”

“For example…”

“Spoiler who it is?”

Some couldn’t help but ask.


Su Yu shook the folding fan in his hand and said a name: “His name is ——”

“Ghost Phoenix Corpse.”

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