Chapter 141 The second paragraph of the story ends! The third story of the Mighty Family Centenary Feud! 【6 more】!!

“The second story.”

“That’s it.”

Su Yu smiled slightly, ending the second story.

The content involved in it is already very much, enough to leave a certain suspense into the third and fourth stories, and the fermented stories are destined to disrupt the entire iron time and space!

“As is customary, spoil the content of the third story.”

Su Yu shook the folding fan in his hand slightly: “The next third story…”

“What is involved—”

“It is King Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu in the iron time and space.”

“It is closely related to the story of the second story, “Soul Washing”, “Soul Search”.”


“In the third part of the story, there will be a candidate for a second ultimate Tekken, closely related to the Yehenara family, and even… It involves a family feud from hundreds of years ago. ”

Su Yu did not reveal much, but it was all the content of key points.

Su Yu didn’t say a word.

The expectations in the eyes of the below are even worse.


“Stay tuned.”


As Su Yu’s last words of stay in anticipation fell, the resentment in the eyes of the mixed characters could no longer be hidden, but unfortunately, they really did not have the courage to tie up Su Yu forward, after all, the lessons of the past had already appeared, the first time was Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, the second time was Rex, the third time was the Black Dragon! One is better than the other! But there is no way to take Mr. Sue!

“I know the seven Sakura, come!” Let him tell us stories every day! ”

A bastard is full of resentment, but he can only talk about it.

“Damn… This Mr. Su was no wonder he could dig a pit, it turned out to be so powerful, I had just almost not resisted the urge to go up. ”

Some of the mixed characters said that he was new and had almost not held back, but fortunately, the mixed word generation on the side pulled him and told him that even the black dragon suffered losses in the hands of Mr. Su.

“That’s not… You are new to the scene when you have never seen Mr. Su shoot, the golden glow behind you is like a round of sun, and a golden dragon descends from the sky! That scene is deeply imprinted in my mind even now, not to mention the guards next to Mr. Su, like two sharp swords, no one has ever seen Mr. Su and his guards go all out! ”

“This Mr. Su’s strength is simply unfathomable, I don’t know when I will see Mr. Su really shoot!”

Some sighed, and thought about what happened not long ago! None of them had ever seen Su Yu really do anything!

Each time it was a short fight

But just from that brief confrontation, Mr. Su’s strength was simply unfathomable! Even if it can be equal to the Black Dragon, it is definitely more than 20,000 points

Existence! Just don’t know the exact values! After all, no one dared to go up and provoke it!

And these topics have also attracted the attention of newcomers, who would like to hear what really happened in the first place.

And the who knew about this matter at the beginning instantly opened their mouths triumphantly, as the elder who listened to the book, he was from the beginning to the present, he directly attracted the attention of countless around him, and they came to listen to him.


After Su Yu answered some questions, he announced the end of today’s storytelling.

“That’s the end of today’s story.”

“The ranking of the strongest iron space-time list will begin before the fourth story.”

“People will also be on the itinerary.”

Su Yu smiled slightly, and put away the folding fan in his hand: “I know what will happen next——”

“Listen to the next breakdown.”

He turned and left here.

The in the audience instantly and fiercely discussed! A lot of them are about the second story.

“The second story is also about too much! No one expected that Xia Yu’s body had such a terrifying potential, not even lower than Summer, and there was a statue in his body that far exceeded the existence of a ghost dragon! And Ye Siren, who looked so deceitful and soft-hearted, would actually be the Great Young Master of the Iron Time and Space Greatest Demonization Ability Family who had been missing for decades! ”

“What would happen if the Xia family knew?” Can this phantom eye be stopped? ”

“I was expecting the Xia family’s reaction after hearing the story, but unfortunately the Xia family couldn’t hear it.”

The mixed generations were all discussing fiercely, and it was very regrettable that the Xia family could not hear the story.

“The plot of the story has become more and more tense, and now it actually involves the Yehenara family, and I feel that the story of iron time and space is inseparable from the Yehenara family, but I don’t know what kind of development the Yehenara family will have in the future.”

“And what the hell is that dark plan?” Who was Ye Siren used as a pawn? It feels chilling that it will become a pawn in the dark plan of countless years, but I really want to know the follow-up plot development…”

“The third story actually involves Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu’s doppelganger, I don’t know who their doppelgänger will be? And there will be candidates for the ultimate Iron Man, and it feels like there will be more characters in the third story, and things will become more intense. ”

“Ding Xiaoyu, King Arthur’s doppelganger should not be a Muggle, right?”

There are many things that the mixed characters discussed, and basically all of them are the pits buried by Su Yu!

The second plan of the phantom eye! Cold, ice heart! Blade Plan!

The third plan of the phantom eye! Xia Yu! Ghost phoenix! Ye Siren’s identity! It even involves a long-laid out plan of the dark Ones!

And the third story, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu double, the ultimate Iron Man candidate! Hundreds of years ago, the Strange Family Feud!

So to speak

What is involved cannot be discussed at all.

Even Wang Dadong, Ding Xiaoyu, Rex, and Wang Arthur did not leave, but discussed here.

Wang Dadong smiled, “Narcissist, Xiao Yu, my doppelgänger is a final tik, I hope your doppelgänger can surpass me.” ”

He smiled proudly.

Rex smiled slightly, “Dadong, don’t forget my doppelganger, not only your brother, the potential is greater than you, but there is also a presence stronger than the ghost dragon in your body.” ”

Wang Dadong’s face turned black in an instant, and his mind that he just wanted to show off was instantly destroyed!

Arthur Wang laughed: “Megalomaniac, it has always been your pride before, and now that the second story is over, you can’t show off now, right?” ”

Ding Xiaoyu smiled slightly: “I am quite looking forward to the appearance of our doppelganger, and I am very curious about what identity it will be…”

He wondered what their doppelgangers would be.

At this time.

Tian Hongguang smiled and said, “I’m also quite curious about my doppelganger.” ”

“However, I have no way to restore the combat strength index now, and I don’t know if Xiu can help me find my doppelganger to help me restore the combat strength index.”

He had not yet recovered his combat power index, which he had thought was good, but then he had to face the darkness, but he decided to restore the combat power index and then duel with the devil.

Wang Dadong patted Tian Hongguang’s shoulder and said, “Don’t worry! The Seminary helps! ”

“He can find our doppelganger and let the doppelganger help us recover the combat strength index, and surely he can also help you find the doppelganger and restore the combat strength index!”

Several people discussed it very fiercely, but they were all doubles, plus the story of the plot, especially the twins in it were even more laughable, especially when they saw people exactly like themselves appear, but they had different identities, and at the same time, there was a very deep sense of substitution.

“I wish I had…”

“A clarion call to travel through time and space one day, meet with the doppelganger, and launch a counterattack against the demon world together.”

Wang Dadong sighed. Meanwhile.

In the alleys.

It was late at night.

on the sofa.

The cold gradually fell asleep.

Only shortly after she fell asleep.

It was as if she had come into a dark space, and as a wisp of white mist rose up in the darkness, everything around her gradually began to twist and dissolve in the white mist.

The white fog gradually dissipated………

It was as if she had come to a great square.


It is a high platform.

Behind the high platform, there is a black attic.


Chill muttered to himself.

As she muttered to herself, the white mist around her gradually dissipated, and some people sat here, while at the same time, on the high platform, a shadow loomed, and he seemed to be wearing a black Tang costume and holding a folding fan, as if to say something “Huh? ”


Han seemed to sense something, and his eyes looked into the distance.

Her eyes passed through countless crowds, through countless shadows under the high platform, and looked at another blurred figure, which seemed to be standing under the high platform, as if she came from the same space, and this fluctuation seemed to be still emerging, and it seemed that someone had entered this space one after another, which was very strange.

Just as she was observing

The intermittent voice of the shadow on the stage suddenly came:

“The first plan of the phantom eye…”

“The high-ranking Xenomorph with the Han Karama Family—”

“Han Karama Han related.”

“And the Han Karama family, and the Huyan Jueluo family, are feuds.”


“Let’s start with Han Karama Han…”

Han Karama Han?

The cold look changed instantly…

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