Chapter 142 The Storyteller in the Dream Realm! The dream of iron space-time seeps through! 【1 more】!!


The Yehenara family.

King Lanling was sitting and resting.

But suddenly

It was as if he had entered the boundless dark space, and as the mist rose up, the high platforms around him gradually emerged, and countless crowds of people sat beneath them, and a shadow appeared on the high platform, and everyone sat there, as if to listen to what the shadows on the stage were telling.

Lan Ling Wang’s brow furrowed.

He looked left and right.


He felt other energy fluctuations that seemed to come from the same space as him, but those energies were so dim that they seemed to dissipate at any moment.



Lan Ling King seemed to see something, and his expression appeared a little shocked! Only to see in the distance

He saw a being that looked almost exactly like him, but what was completely different from him was that the figure seemed to be like a noble prince, and just when the Lanling King was uncertain, the shadow voice on the stage suddenly sounded.

“The beginning of the second story……”


“Let’s start with Han Karama Han.”

The shadow of the high platform spoke slowly.

“Who are you?”

Cold eyes looked forward vigilantly, and the cold expression was slightly shocked.

Why can this shadow in front of her be able to say her name?

But there was no energy fluctuation in front of her eyes at all, and the figure continued to speak faintly: “Han was driven out by the landlord…”

“Sleeping on the street, can’t find a place to rent.”

The words of the figure made Han slightly stunned.

His own deeds……… How can it be known? Be aware.

She had been living alone, and no one knew of her existence at all, let alone known in such detail!

And at the same time

Behind that shadow, a faint picture appeared, and even her picture appeared! In that picture, she was playing drums in that alley, her face was cold, as if she didn’t have any feelings, like a robot, her cold eyes were getting more and more uneasy, a sense of uneasiness was swirling, she felt that everything she had, as if under the gaze of some pair of eyes!

Like a chess piece! Quietly being watched! Who is it?

The screen on the stage continues to play, but it is somewhat blurry and somewhat intermittent, as if caused by energy or continuous instability, and the shadow sound appears from time to time, intermittently.

“And she…”

“It is the stone heart killer cultivated by the phantom eye.”


“She’s also a gene replicant.”

Intermittent voices came out, and Han heard some key words.

But those keywords made her look stunned, obviously hard to believe.

How can it be………

How could he be a stone heart killer? Or even gene replicants? In the picture

She saw the picture of her childhood, it was a happy time with her mother, but as her mother left, she didn’t seem to know where she had gone, but in that picture, a part of the picture suddenly played, and in that picture, she saw a middle-aged man with an explosive head sitting in front of her mother’s bed.

“How can it be……”


Han shook his head.

In the picture

Mom said she was the flesh and blood of the man with the exploding head! Ye Siren!

An intermittent voice came from the stage: “And…”

“She’s the gene replicants of twins, another replicant……”

“It’s called Ice Heart.”

The sound and picture began to be intermittent again.

She felt as if the space around her was already unstable.

“Ice Heart?”

She muttered to herself, in disbelief.


She felt that her body had fluctuated and rippled, as if it was because her ability index was not strong enough to remain in this space.

“Ice Heart?”

“Gene replicants?”

Lan Ling King’s eyes were dead looking ahead, he had just sensed the surroundings, under his induction, more and more energy that had just appeared dissipated, it seemed that there was no way to succeed in succession, the only one he sensed with a power index of more than 2W points seemed to have just dissipated.

But he didn’t have time to think about it yet!

The words spoken by the shadow on the high platform made him momentarily stunned.

Ice heart?

How can it be?

He sensed everything around him and found that it was just a space, which seemed to be formed by certain rules, and he could only watch here, but he could not influence or intervene, just like watching the picture in the TV.

Who is that high platform shadow? Why is this story being told? It’s just a pity

The space seemed unstable, the sounds and pictures were intermittent, and he heard some words one after another, such as summer, Xia Yu, and even……… Wash the Requiem!

Contain Ye Siren………

The Yehenara family………

The intermittent sound made Lan Ling Wang very uncomfortable, he wanted to find out what was going on, but the space was very unstable one after another, especially after saying that Bing Xin was a gene replicant, the picture behind him became more and more blurred, and he also felt that his body fluctuated, which also indicated that he seemed to disappear here at any time.

“The third story……”

“Involving the doppelgängers of Arthur Wang and Ding Xiaoyu……”

“A century-old family feud……”

“The Ultimate Tekman candidate.”

Intermittent sounds come out.

And then —

Lan Ling Wang felt his body becoming more and more transparent, spatial ripples surged up on his body, and under his unbelievable eyes, his body gradually disappeared into this space.

“Ice Heart!”

Lan Ling King instantly opened his eyes and gasped.

Back to God.

Only then did he realize that he was sitting cross-legged here.

Just……… It seemed to be his dream.

“What’s going on?”

He frowned and took a few deep breaths before he finally calmed down completely.

That dream just now………

Just that picture……… What exactly is it heralding? It’s your own dream.

Still is……… Own hallucinations?

What is the content and information involved?

He felt that it was a dream, but just now it was obviously a tectonic space, and that space did not seem to belong to this time and space, only by relying on the powerful power index could he stay in that space for a long time, and even collect all those pictures and sounds, if the next time the space was stable, Lan Ling King was confident that he could stay for a long time.

But……… It was a dream.

Or is it real? He hesitated.

“Ice Heart!”

“Stone Heart Killer!”

In the dark. on the sofa.

Han suddenly opened his eyes.

Look at the surrounding alleys, familiar surroundings. She finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Just……… What’s going on? Myself

Is it really a stone heart killer?

But how could it be, how could he be a stone heart killer? But!

But! That picture…… But it’s so real!

The head of the explosion was knocked to the ground, B63 and himself was taken away.

Cold eyes stared dead ahead.

Half ring.

She seemed to have thought of something.

“Doctor Strange.”

If she wanted to know the truth, then the doctor would definitely be able to detect it, of course, she didn’t believe it was true at all, just the picture, the space made her very uneasy, she had to confirm it.

What if it’s true…… What should I do? But soon.

She shook her head. Couldn’t be true. Meanwhile.

Iron time and space everywhere.

Some of the Strangers were asleep when they suddenly opened their eyes.

“Just now…”

“What’s that?”

“Black attic…”

“Shadow of the High Platform.”


Old ass PUB.

“I was in a good mood today.”

Ye Siren wiped his wine glass at the counter.

“Ah K, I’ll take care of the counter later.”

“I’m going to eat at Brother Xiong’s at noon.”

When it came to going to Brother Xiong’s place for dinner, Ye Siren had unspeakable happiness.

Especially after the vincent thing was over, the male brother seemed inexplicable

Qimiao has a lot of tenderness for him, and the two have a possibility of rekindling their old feelings and remarrying, especially now that they let him go to dinner! Maybe it’s to discuss the remarriage~


Ye Siren couldn’t help but smile.


“I’m going to prepare something, and Qianli can’t let the male brother cook.”

He decided to pack the dishes first, otherwise he would go to eat the male brother’s dishes and go directly to the hospital, wouldn’t it ruin the atmosphere?

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