Chapter 143 Ye Siren! You are the Great Young Master of the Yehenara Family, right?! 【2 more】!!


The time came to noon.

Ye Siren happily carried a few dishes and pizza to the Xia Mansion.

Just walked in.

It feels weird.

Ye Siren meowed left and right, and his eyes shouted a little.


The male brother patted the sofa.

Ye Siren immediately sat down obediently.

Brother Xiong sat across from him, and Summer, Xia Yu, and Xia Mei all sat next to Brother Xiong, and there was a brief silence.


“Did Daddy have flowers on his face?”

Ye Siren pointed to his face.

“Dad, tell the truth, turn back to the shore.”

Natsumi said solemnly.

“That’s right, Dad, we’ve broken up Grandpa.”

Xia Yu nodded.

“Dad, is that true?”

Summer looked at Ye Siren curiously.

Ye Siren blinked.

Ye Siren: “? ”


“Did you ask a question?”

Ye Siren’s brain would not be able to turn for a while and a half.



He looked at what he saw.

How it feels

Much like when he walked into Xia’s house a few days ago?

But sitting here at that time. It’s vincent.

Is it him now?

Ye Siren blinked, and the premonition was a little unlucky.


The male brother in front of him stared at Ye Siren tightly and asked, “Ye Dead.” ”

“Are you not…”

“Yehenara family has been missing for more than twenty years.”

“Great Young Master.”

The male brother’s voice paused.


“Si Ren.”

Ye Siren’s eyes widened: “! ”

Ten minutes later.

Ye Siren sat obediently on the sofa.


“Father, are you really the biggest demonic family in iron time and space, the Great Young Master of the Ten Chi Nala Family, who has been missing for more than twenty years?”


Natsumi’s eyes widened.

“So Dad, you’re not a Muggle?”

Xia Yu is most concerned about this——


“Dad, in order to pursue your mother, you have destroyed your powers and demons.”

Summer spoke.

Ye Siren heard his children’s questions and didn’t know what to do for a while.


The male brother spoke again.

“Ye Siren, are you really the Great Young Master of the Yehenara Family?”

Brother Xiong gently gritted his teeth and asked.

Ye Siren was a little weak-hearted, but he still nodded.

“Xiong, I, I didn’t mean to hide from you, but,” but Brother Xiong suddenly broke out: “Ye Siren! ”



Brother Xiong pointed at Ye Siren, there were countless questions!


Those questions, it seems, have been answered in that story, in the picture.

Although she was no longer willing to believe it, but her heart had already somewhat accepted this fact, at least after making psychological preparations, she could think more, and the picture and story also answered a lot of questions for her, at least, she knew that Ye Siren really wanted to destroy her abilities, self-destruct her demonic nature, give up everything to come to the Xia Lan Zhan De family and risk her life to marry her, and even more at the critical moment when Xia Yu wanted to become a demon, exposing her identity.

even though

He knows what kind of danger he will be in when he reveals his identity!

Those pictures, everything in those stories didn’t happen, but Brother Xiong looked like he had experienced it again.

“Are you crazy?”

“Do you know that this is the Charan Zeid family, and my Abba will behead you when he knows it!”

The male brother was very angry, biting his lip, and his eyes were red.

Ye Siren: “Huh? ”


“Male, you, you, don’t you ask me questions?”

He was a little stunned.


The male brother reacted completely differently from what he thought! According to what the Xia family was experiencing now, when a member of the Yehenara family appeared, he felt that it was not a strange thing that he was beheaded, and he even had a premonition that Brother Xiong would be very angry and even completely kick him out of the house and truly break off relations with him! But what he didn’t expect was that the male brother didn’t seem to be as angry as he thought.

Or even moved?

“Me, I didn’t say anything, I didn’t explain anything.”

Ye Siren had some regrets.

From the first sentence of the male brother, he had a few minutes of silence, and in the end, he still admitted his identity, and made a little explanation by the way, indeed a little, because many things he did not have time to react.

For example

How was his identity known?

“Daddy, you’re so good.”

Natsumi looked adoring.

Ye Siren looked at Natsumi, “…”

“So, Dad, my constitution, the demonic constitution of the Yehenara family, is that you are trying to turn me into a Muggle by all means?”

Xia Yu asked.

Ye Siren’s eyes narrowed slightly: “? ”

“So, Dad, did you really bring out the Yehenara family’s Soul Hunt and Soul Washing?”

Summer is very curious.

Ye Siren’s eyes widened: “!! ”

“So, dead man, you sleep in coffins and winds because you haven’t been able to completely annihilate demonic nature yet, right?”

The male brother opened his mouth, wanting to ask something clearly.

Ye Siren sat on the sofa in disbelief, his feet slightly strained, and he stepped back with the sofa.

His eyes widened, and he looked at the male brother in front of him in disbelief, the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family were half ringing.


He just smoked himself with a big mouth! Then he blinked again.


It’s true?

I didn’t dream?!

Half an hour later.

Ye Siren came back from doubting life.


“Did you see that, what kind of high platform shadow, and then you knew the truth of the matter?”

Even now.

He was a little incredulous.

Because he remembered that he had seen it when he was in the old ass pub.

He couldn’t have imagined it anyway!

This is how his secret was exposed.

“Brother Xiong, don’t you know about the ‘cold’ thing?”

He was a little weak-hearted.

In that picture

Han seems to be Xiao Wen, his daughter! He didn’t hear the story behind it.

“So, you also saw part of the dead man?”

Brother Xiong asked, just now Ye Siren also mentioned some, and seemed to see some shadows.

“Forget it, I forgive you.”


Brother Xiong stared at Ye Siren with dead eyes.

“If only I could find out what secrets you are hiding.”

“You just wait.”

She looked at Ye Siren somewhere.

Ye Siren instantly felt a chill and laughed.

“If the story and information Mr. Su told were true,” Summer hesitated.


Brother Xiong said directly, “Well, you three little children don’t think about it. ”

“I have…”

Please fix it.

“Your grandfather’s canonical can’t be found, it may be the existence of other time and space, maybe the cultivator knows something, but don’t talk nonsense, do you know no?”

Brother Xiong instructed Summer, Xia Mei, and Xia Yu to be the three people.

“Especially you Natsumi.”

What she was most worried about was Natsumi’s big mouth.


Ye Siren was the secret of the great young master of the Yehenara family, and once it was revealed, she didn’t know how to keep Ye Siren.

Even today she deliberately broke up Abba, otherwise with Abba’s jealous and hateful character, I am afraid that she would have taken out the Devil.

“Got it,” Natsumi looked aggrieved.

The male brother sighed softly.

She’d rather…

Ye Siren’s identity is fake, just because of the deception made by the demonic magicians

Once it’s true.

Then the next crisis that the Charanther family will face is a very frightening illusion plan!

Xia Yu demonized! Stone Heart Killer! Even.

It may also involve something deeper.


The shadow of the high platform once said: “Unfortunately.” ”

“The darkness is never far away.”

“And his simplicity and ordinariness are only a big plan in the dark.”

“The conspiracy against the Xia family has never disappeared, and even lasted for countless years, and even Ye Siren is just one of the chess pieces, a chess piece that he does not know about.”

If it’s true then then.

The days to come for the Charan Cynd family are destined to be extraordinary.

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