Chapter 144 is over! Dad has exposed the identity of the Great Young Master Yehenara! 【3 more】!!

East City Guard.

“Meditation, Ring, Stirrups, you will find the whereabouts of Han Karama Han as soon as possible.”

“The Phantom Eye’s plan we already know that we’re going to be ugly before it strikes.”

Xiu said directly.

“A—chord and I went to the Charan Zedd family……”

“We’re going to reveal some of the truth to the Charan Zeide family, and get ready to fix the brain and run fast!”

The news revealed in the second story is all about the Sealed Dragon Card, and the Sealed Dragon Card is tied to the survival of the entire Iron Time and Space Strange Iron Clan, once it falls into the hands of the Demon Dao and the Demon Realm, it will have unpredictable consequences, and then all the Extraordinary Walkers will face the fate of exposing their identities and being arrested by ordinary people!


They must be done before the phantom eye can do it! Let the phantom eyes………

No hands to move.

Xia Mansion.

Brother Xiong and the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family were all waiting in strict formation.

Brother Xiong even advised: “You must remember that you must not open your mouth casually.” ”

“My mother I will tell Master Xiu.”

She was already planning to reveal a little information to Xiu, ask Xiu, see what it really was, why did this shadow appear, and this shadow, as if omniscient, omniscient! Those stories, those scenes, those pictures, it’s like being there, it feels very real! It’s like… The future will really happen the same!

If that’s really the future! Then they…

Wouldn’t it be possible to change?

But in any case, the origin of the shadow of the high platform was not understood, and even the “Shocking Code” did not record the origin of the shadow of the high platform, and Brother Xiong and others were still uneasy in their hearts, and the best way was to ask the next repair, to see if the next cultivation knew.


There was a knock at the door.

“Master Xiu, here you are.”

The male brother smiled and squinted at the opening.

Xiu solemnly nodded.

Looking at the Charan Zeid family in front of him, his brain was racing, thinking about how to open his mouth…

Well……… Storytelling.

It sounds very outrageous, of course, he used to think it was outrageous, who can predict the future so easily? Even knowing all the information, all the identities, all the secrets, but somewhat, someone did it, and the story is still very attractive, even he, eager to stay on the high platform every day, listen to the future story, decrypt the hidden identity and information.

Xiu sat down.

Brother Xiong, the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family sat across from him.

I cleared my throat and prepared to speak.

But Brother Xiong took the lead in speaking: “Master Cultivator, that is… Do you know that you know the future? ”

Xiu Xiu, who was just about to open his mouth, was stunned: “Foreseeing the future? ”

He was a little confused.

Brother Xiong saw Xiu’s appearance and thought he didn’t know, but this

The moment had already opened its mouth, and could only continue: “It is like this… Something strange happened in our Xia family recently, and in the living room of our house, a huge shadow of a high platform suddenly appeared…”

She told Hugh what had happened in the living room.

Xiu’s eyes widened slightly, “What? ”

Brother Xiong said hurriedly: “That, Xiu Ah haha, you don’t rush to get excited and shocked, although this is indeed very shocking, but the next thing is even more shocking, the story told by the shadow of the high platform is actually talking about our Xia family, right, it is the thing that vincent, and we know it through the story, at that time we just want to confirm it, and it turns out that this vincent is really a demonic magician.” ”

Xiu’s eyes widened in shock, “How is that possible?” ”

Brother Xiong also nodded: “It is indeed very unbelievable, we all felt impossible when we first listened, but the shadow really appeared, and the story said, the information said, the right, and the picture, are all us, and it seems to be the story of our future.” ”

She told a large part about the phantom eye and the experience of the high platform shadow, of course, she also hid the news of Ye Siren, in order to ensure Ye Siren’s safety, the male brother directly drove him back to the old ass PUB.

“That is to say, that phantom eye wants to deal with us through Han Karama Han, and also wants to deceive my family’s Xia Yu.”

The male brother looked serious and opened his mouth.

“But I don’t know about this high platform shadow.”

“Is it true or not…”

“So I want to ask Master Xiu if you know anything about this.”

Brother Xiong was also a little helpless.

“Although it is indeed very shocking and very unbelievable, my Abba can’t find any records in the Shocking Classic, and I can only ask Master Cultivator for help.”

“Of course, I also know that it may not be true, but I want to confirm it, although it is very unbelievable.”

“And the scene, the picture, the high platform shadow is intermittent, as if the link is unstable.”

Brother Xiong carefully observed Xiu’s look. It was a shock to find that Xiu was indeed shocked. She sighed slightly.

Seemingly……… Hugh didn’t seem to know either.

Xiu looked at the front with shocked eyes. His brain was for a moment.

It didn’t even turn around and make half a sound.

But at the very least, after experiencing countless shocks and countless incredible stories, Xiu still came back to God.

Under the helpless eyes of the male brother.

Hugh: “It’s really shocking. ”

“It’s really unbelievable.”

Brother Xiong nodded, “Yeah, when we first appeared, we all wondered if it was a ghost made by the Demonic Walker…”

But the next second.

Xiu said seriously, “It’s true.” ”

Brother Xiong: “? ”

The three brothers and sisters of the Xia family: “? ”

Xiu looked at Brother Xiong and the others seriously, “Do you know this information?” The story you heard, it was over to the illusion eye demonizing Xia Yu? ”

The male brother blinked, and his brain did not turn.

Xia Yu hurriedly spoke, “Well… Oh, yes. ”

They certainly can’t say anything about their dad and their own demonic physique.

Xiu was silent for a moment.


He looked at Brother Xiong and the others very seriously: “It is such a brother of the Xiong.” ”

“The next thing I’m going to say…”

“It might shock you.”

He’s serious.

“What I want to tell you is…”

“Xia Yu…”

“It’s not a Muggle.”

Brother Xiong, Xia Yu, Summer, Xia Mei’s eyes widened: “!! ”

Xiu said very seriously, “Moreover, he has experienced the incident of the phantom eye, and will be demonized by the phantom eye.” ”


“Ye Siren, that is, Brother Xiong’s front of you, is actually the eldest young master of the Yehenara family who has been missing for more than twenty years, and he originally entered the Yuxia family for the sake of Brother Xiong’s self-destruction of power and demonic nature, and he also carried the Soul Search and Soul Wash on him.”

“Soul Search” was sent by Ye Siren to a-chord to save the cold.”

Brother Xiong, Xia Yu, Summer, Xia Mei’s eyes widened in disbelief: “!! ”

Xiu stared at Brother Xiong and the others very seriously.

Brother Xiong and the others had their eyes wide open, and their brains did not turn around.


“It’s over.”

Xia Mei’s brain crashed and she opened her mouth directly.

That’s it!

The identity of the eldest young master of the Yehenara family was exposed! And at the same time.

Inside the tomb of the Doctor with the Other.

Han looked at the little deaf woman in front of him, Yang Guo, and a hint of nervousness appeared in his cold expression.

“Do you have my report?”

she asked.

Who knows

Yang Guo and the little deaf woman looked at her and slowly opened their mouths.

“Death is set……”

“No salvation…”

“Death is set……”

“No salvation…”

Cold: “? ”

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