Chapter 145 How nice it would be if he knew he was his daughter. 【4 more】!!

Look at the two living treasures in front of you.

Han opened the medical report.

The medical report was a large piece of paper, and when she opened it thoroughly, she saw the four big words on it.

【Stone Heart Killer】

The look of coldness changed instantly.

Stone Heart Killer………

In that dream, the stories told by the shadows of the high platform were all true!

He really turned out to be a stone heart ~ killer!

Han looked at the little deaf woman and Yang Guo in front of him, both of whom could only shake their heads and sigh under Han’s gaze: “No salvation…”

“Death is set……”

Yang Guo sighed and said, “Cold girl, we are not quacks, but the problem is that your heart is all implanted program chips, and there is no way to save and cure it.” ”

“No salvation…”

“Death is set…… Cold face cold. ”

Half ring.

She asked, “What if there is a Soul Search?” ”

Yang Guo was slightly stunned.

“‘Soul Quest’ can indeed save it, but the problem is…”

“Soul Search” is the treasure of the Yehenara family, the heirloom, no one can get their hands on it, cold girl, you are still dead this heart, if you want to go to the Yehenara family to steal the Soul Wash Song, it is better to just lie down and wait for death to die.”

He was very hard at persuasion.

The little deaf woman looked at Yang Guo and didn’t seem to understand what he was saying.

Yang Guo: “Aunt, I said…”

Little deaf woman: “Ah… I can hear it. ”

“I mean, going to the Yehenara family will die ugly, lying down and leaving a whole corpse.”

She counseled her too.

Han looked slightly moved, and her mind seemed to recall the information contained in the shadow of the high platform.

Yehenara Siren. Her father. In a huge dark space.

The phantom eye hovered in mid-air below which stood a black-robed man.

“Master, the plan has already begun.”

“Li Daxiong has passed……”

“When the time comes, when Ye Siren takes out Xia Lanjingde’s house deed, we can arrange for Han to enter the Xia family.”

“Master, your trick is really clever.”

The black-robed man was full of respect and awe for the illusion in front of him.


“What did we do when we arranged for Han to enter the Xia family?”

But suddenly, he seemed to think of something.

Suspended in the darkness, the phantom eye scolded, “With your intelligence and mind, how can you possibly know my plan—”


“It’s the stone heart killer I’ve cultivated for years.”

Phantom Eye sneered, “Once she enters the Xia Family, she will be able to attack the Xia Family, and then she will be able to deal with the old monster of the Xia Lan Jing De Family.” ”

“And we…”

“Take the opportunity to force the Xia family to hand over the Fenglong Card.”

The black-robed man below was very puzzled: “But master, forgive the stupidity of the subordinates…”

“Why don’t we let the Stone Heart Killer attack the Xia Family directly?”

The half-empty phantom eyes snorted coldly, “Stupid! ”

The black-robed man was frightened and immediately fell to his knees.

“After the Xia family experienced the incident of vincent, the defense was so heavy, the surrounding area had long been full of defensive lines, once we appeared, we would expose our whereabouts, and when the Xia family activated the Tieke Janissary device, the Dongcheng Wei and the Xia family walked so close, and before we could succeed, the Dongcheng Wei rushed over.”


“As long as the Stone Heart Killer enters the Xia Family, he can destroy the Xia Family’s defense line and destroy the Tieke Janissary device.”

“When the time comes—”

“Hey hey hey…”

The phantom eye is very proud

Because the Vincent plan failed, he did not know that the Fenglong Card was in Xia

In Heaven’s body, he could only rely on the Stone Heart Killer to deal with Xia Liu, and he personally dealt with Xia Lan Jing De Xiong to get the Sealed Dragon Card!

Plan! Now it’s started!

“You are so wise, Master!”

The black-robed man patted his ass and said.

Phantom Eye was overjoyed: “My plan…”

“Nature is wise and clever.”


“Just wait for the Stone Heart Killer to enter the Xia family.”

In the eyes of the phantom.

Its plans……… Nature is foolproof.

And at this time.

Old ass pub.

Ye Siren was distressed at the counter.

Of course

Although his identity was exposed, at the very least, the male brother did not seem to be ready to kill him, on the contrary, he was very moved, especially since she even forgave herself for having a daughter………

But the more this happened, the more uneasy Ye Siren became.

It’s just that what he didn’t know was that Brother Xiong thought that Ye Siren knew the story behind, so she forgave Ye Siren’s affair, after all, it was the demonic nature that could not be restrained, but in fact, Ye Siren did not hear the follow-up, and he did not know that Han was only part of the blade plan, which was specially used to restrain him.

And what he was struggling with now was

If what the shadow of the high platform said was true, then now Xiao Wen had turned into a cold, and had been captured and transformed into a stone heart killer!

Now nowhere is missing.

And what worries him the most is this

Vincent’s plan fails, the phantom eye may implement the plan in advance, and when the time comes, what will happen to the cold end?

It’s really worrying……… But.

Where to find her?

Just as Ye Siren was thinking wildly at the counter.


A woman walked into the old ass pub.” Welcome light………”

Ye Siren was about to say hello, but the moment he saw the figure, his pupils instantly contracted extremely quickly.

The woman was wearing a black shirt, looking very sassy, her face was cold, like an emotionless machine, and she walked in expressionlessly.

Cold! Han Karama Han! Xiao Wen!

The moment Han saw Ye Siren, there was a slight fluctuation in his cold expression.


Is it his own father?

A sense of absurdity swirled through my heart.

She didn’t know why, suddenly the ghost made the god want to come and see, and she didn’t plan to let Ye Siren use the Soul Search to save herself, but after so many years of wandering she was alone, she had already had no relatives, and suddenly knew that she had a relative, and the lonely heart seemed to have a hint of warmth, and she didn’t know why she wanted to take a look.

Maybe it was because I wanted to see the last loved one in the world.

Maybe it was because I knew I was dying and wanted to take a look.


It is also because he is his own father, his own relative, and the only person who can save himself.

But……… He didn’t know.

Han didn’t want to open her mouth, she just wanted to take a look.

Han sat on the bar and looked at Ye Siren in front of him, but found that Ye Siren was also looking at her strangely.

Is it because of some kind of familiarity and affection from family affection? Cold only when Ye Siren just because of some sense of familiarity.

If……… He can know how good it should be.

A hint of fantasy arose in the cold heart, of course, and she also knew that it was impossible, after all, that

It’s just her dreams, how anyone might know, and this fantasy of hers, is

Her last luxury, if he knew, might not hesitate to take out “Soul Search” to save herself?

What a pity.

Just fantasy.

She shook her head slightly, shattered the illusion, and prepared to order a drink.

“You are…”


But the next second.

Ye Siren looked at her, his eyes slightly open, and his eyes were red.

“Xiao Wen?”

Cold: “Yes?” ”

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