Chapter 146 Ye Siren! Gather at the Old Ass Pub! 【5 more】!!

It’s cold.


She looked at Ye Siren in front of the counter.

I’m sure………

I didn’t dream at all! It’s just that

What’s going on?

Ye Siren walked out from behind the counter, his eyes were red, looking at the cold in front of him, he was very remorseful and painful:


“Do you still recognize me?”

“I’m Uncle Ye Siren, and when I was a child, I used to go to your house to play.”

He didn’t immediately talk about his identity, after all, it was too strange, and the cold in front of him might call him a liar.

“When your mother Nana left, she handed you over to me…”

“But Uncle is useless, let those guys snatch you away.”

“Let that bad guy train you to be a stone-hearted killer.”

The more Ye Siren spoke, the more he blamed himself, and at the same time, he was also angry.

Han blinked his eyes, and his cold expression was a little confused at the moment.


How would he know? Be aware

If it weren’t for that dream, she probably wouldn’t have known that she was a stone heart killer, and if it weren’t for the picture of that dream, she wouldn’t have known what had happened that year—

“You, you dreamed?”

Half ring.

Han asked this sentence.

Ye Siren: “…? ”

Xia Mansion.


“Do you know it all?”

The male brother swallowed his throat.


Big bar.

Xiu nodded, looked at the Xia family, thinking about Brother Xiong, Xia Yu, Xia, Xia Mei was hidden, and seemed to think of something.

“Brother male, you don’t have to worry…”

“Although the leader of the Dead Man is the Great Young Master of the Yehenara Family, he has already destroyed his abilities and demonic nature, and he has been in the Xia Family for so many years, so we will not do anything to him.”

“The problem now is.”

“Phantom Eyes.”

Repair the deep voice opening.

“Its plan is to seal the Dragon Card, and once the Dragon Sealing Card falls into the hands of the Phantom Eye, it will cause a series of disasters.”

“And the future story that Mr. Su said……”

“It’s the future we’re going to have.”

Xiu told Brother Xiong and the others what he knew in the Golden Space.

This includes the war between good and evil in the golden space.

The content involved in it directly made Brother Xiong, Xia, Xia Yu, and Xia Mei stunned, especially knowing that the story that Mr. Su said was actually true, and all of them were realized, which shocked everyone!

After listening.

Brother Xiong and the others could not relax for a long time.

Half ring.

Brother Xiong asked, “This Mr. Su…”

“Who is it?”

She was full of curiosity.

Xiu shook his head, “I don’t know…”

“Even the Golden Pen Player doesn’t know where he came from.”

“I remember……”

“We also have a copy of the Heavenly Demon Outer Biography in Iron Time and Space, and the author of the Heavenly Demon Outer Biography seems to be related to the Golden Pen Guest, but the specific content recorded only records people with physiques like Summer and Wang Dadong, and it is impossible to predict some specific futures.”

“Mr. Kosu……”

“It’s different.”

Xiu Shen opened his mouth and mentioned a strange book of iron time and space, “The Legend of the Heavenly Demon”, and the mysterious man who killed a thousand knives.

“Not only can he predict, but even under the constraints of the rules of time and space, he can tell the future as a story——”

“And we may be able to rely on these future stories, known information, to achieve the purpose of turning defeat into victory.”


“This Mr. Su’s skill and history are even more unfathomable, and the two guards next to him have a power index of 2W, or even more than 3W points.”

Xiu said some general information, and it seemed that he also knew the doubts of Brother Xiong and others, and wanted to dispel the doubts of Brother Xiong and others.


“Did the shadow of his high platform really project into your Xia family’s living room?”

Hugh was also hard to believe.

He didn’t expect that either! But the more so

It seems to be able to prove……

This extraordinary history of Mr. Sue!

“The problem now is…”

“The first plan of the phantom eye, Cold.”

Repair the deep voice opening.

“We have to find Cold, Phantom Eye’s first plan as soon as possible fails, it is bound to be unable to wait, must first hit it a surprise.”

Just when it’s time to fix the opening.


His phone rang.

Hugh picked up the phone and looked at the text message above: “Cold, in the old ass Pub.” ”

Han looked at the ‘father’ whose eyes were reddened.

Ye Siren looked at the cold look in front of him, but at the moment he was moved by the cold.

Both fell briefly into silence seemingly………

Don’t know where to start.

That dream.

That shadow.

Just like a complex piece of information, it is difficult for people to explain clearly, not to mention, the current situation seems to be very silent, both of them know each other’s identities, but on the contrary, Han does not want to recognize each other.

Just when there was silence, suddenly.

“Ye Siren!”

Li Daxiong walked in from that old ass pub, saw Ye Siren, and immediately wanted to find Ye Siren to borrow money, and even the excuse had already been thought out…

Han and Ye Siren looked at the person who had broken the silence.

When he saw Li Daxiong, his cold eyes instantly turned into ice. ——

“Our feud will be counted later.”

Next second!

When Li Daxiong had not yet opened his mouth, Han did not know when the drum stick appeared, and directly knocked it on his head!

Li Daxiong did not have any reaction, and he fell unconscious.

Ye Siren: “…”

He naturally knew what Li Daxiong had come to do.

But I didn’t think about it

Cold movements can be so fast! Ye Siren looked at Han.

He always felt that the cold in front of him seemed to know something.

Just when he was ready to speak

Airplanes! Airplanes! Airplanes! Airplanes!

Four figures appeared in the old ass Pub.

It is the cultivation of the East City Guard, meditation, precepts, stirrups! subsequently

Brother Xiong, Xia Yu, Xia Yu, and Xia Mei also rushed over.


The old ass was full of people in an instant.

The moment Xiu appeared, the cold seemed to be sensed, and the hatred blood in his body seemed to boil directly at this moment! Just when she turned around murderously, ready to fight.

Xiu gritted his teeth and held out his hand, “Now…”

“We need to save you with Soul Quest.”

Xiu and the others are in a hurry!


Once the phantom eye activates the device of the Stone Heart Killer, then the cold in front of him will perform the task, and the power of the Stone Heart Killer, the cultivation that continuously crosses the time and space boundary, will not necessarily be an opponent, so the best way is to play the soul search song to save her when Han did not become the Stone Heart Killer 4.2.

Of course.

It was too late to explain, and even if it did, it would not necessarily be listened to, so Xiu was planning to freeze the cold directly with condensation.

“World vendetta?”

“Soul Search?”

“You know…”

“My identity as a stone heart killer?”

Han was originally planning to fight, but when he heard Xiu’s words, he was directly stunned.

And what she said also made Xiu and others stunned.

Cold……… Don’t you know?

And why is she here?

“Soul Search?”

Ye Siren looked at Xiu.

“Do you also know that Han is a stone heart killer?”

“Want to play Soul Quest to save her?”

Han looked at Ye Siren and was also stunned.

Everyone stood where they were.

Everyone looked at each other, as if they were surprised as to why others would know.

“It’s over…”

“It seems like a mess.”

Natsumi muttered…

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