Chapter 147 Play the Soul Quest! Storm Woman and Deadpool’s appearance! 【6 more】!!

Cold: “You guys… Also dreaming? ”

Ye Siren: “You also saw the shadow of the high platform?” ”

Brother: “You heard the story too?” ”

Xiu: “You also saw the shadow of the high platform?” ”

Four people spoke at the same time.

The four of them were silent at the same time.

Ten minutes later.


“Are you dreaming, entering a dream, and then dreaming of a part of the content?” Brother Xiong looked at the cold in front of him. ”

Han nodded, “Well, I thought you were also entering the dream realm.” ”

She didn’t think about it

Everyone in front of you actually knows the answer and the truth!

“Whatever our feud may be……”

“But now, Phantom Eye wants to use you against the Ha Lan Zede family.”

“Only the Dead Regiment’s Soul Quest can save you.”

Xiu said solemnly.

“We will play Soul Search together to help you get rid of the fate of the Stone Heart Killer.”

Cold was somewhat silent.

It doesn’t seem to have reacted yet.

But she also knew the gravity of the matter.

Half ring.

She nodded slightly.

In a dark void of space. Phantom Eye is waiting for news.

But suddenly.

It seems to sense something “Huh? ”

“Stone Heart Killer?”

It senses………

There seems to be something wrong with the Stone Heart Killer, and the involvement with it seems to be constantly weakening and disappearing, and the feeling is very strong, making it feel that it is about to lose control of the Stone Heart Killer!

“Master, what happened?”

The black-robed man below looked at the phantom eyes with some puzzlement.

“What’s going on?”

“How can that be?”

Its words are full of uncertainty, and can even be said to be doubtful and uneasy.


Will the Stone Heart Killer’s control weaken? Be aware!

Even if the Stone Heart Killer dies, he will carry out the secrets it gives, and if he wants to escape from its control, he can only wait for the mission to complete or fail, and after death, he can completely get out of its control, otherwise, it is simply impossible!


It ignored the black-robed man below.

In its colorful eyes, there was a slight fluctuation of some kind of energy, and that energy spread out, and gradually in front of the phantom eye, the huge dark space formed a picture!

In that picture appeared the figure of Han! And at the moment!

The cold was quickly enveloped by a mighty energy! The intermittent playing sound sounded! It could only vaguely see that it was a tabletop, and the Stone Heart Killer was standing on that table, and there seemed to be someone playing music in front of it! And that music contained some kind of energy, constantly pouring into the body of the Stone Heart Killer!

When the phantom hears that music, the more you listen to it, the more wrong it is!


“How can that be?!”


The picture in front of you instantly dissipated! Phantom Eyes were terrified!

“Soul Search…”

“The soul search of the Yehenara family……”

“How could it be here?”

“How is this possible?!”

It looked at the nothingness in front of it in disbelief, very frightened and uneasy! Wash the Requiem!

Soul Quest! Requiem! Town Magic Trilogy!

This is created by the Yehenara family to get out of the control of the demon, and it is specially used to deal with the demon, so when it hears the music, it instantly breaks the connection, the energy… It’s scary to the devil!

The picture is annihilated.

The phantom eye fell into a long silence.

I don’t know how long it took………

“How can that be?”

“Why is the Soul Quest there?”

“The Stone Heart Killer did not start, why did he reveal his identity?”

“What the hell is going on?”

It is completely ignorant.

From the beginning of the foolproof, to now the Stone Heart Killer suddenly lost control, there was not much time at all, and the time was even so short that it didn’t even have the opportunity to react! The second plan had a major problem, no, it should be said, a complete failure! The Stone Heart Killer is the core of the second plan, and now the Stone Heart Killer is experiencing the baptism of “Soul Search”, obviously to get rid of the identity of the Stone Heart Killer!

Second plan!

Direct failure! Just then………

“Lord, master.”

“Not good.”

The black-robed man suddenly spoke, looking very flustered.


“What made the panic like this?”

The phantom eye itself is now on the gas head.


“It’s an underground bank.”

“Just suddenly a group of mysterious people appeared, destroying all our people in the underground money house…”

“And take the underground money bank for yourself.”

The black-robed man said uneasily that the underground money bank was his main source of financial income, and it contained very terrible wealth, you know, that vincent

The identity and assets of the district president are only part of the resources of the underground money bank, which also includes the funds of countless companies.


Phantom Eye snorted coldly, “The second plan has failed, what use is this underground money bank?” ”

“To be destroyed is to be destroyed!”

It doesn’t care about this at all.

It’s a monster!

What it cares about……… It’s a Dragon Card! It’s evolution! Be a stronger being!

“It seems……”

“Only the third plan can be used.”

Phantom eyes looked ahead coldly.

“In the end…”

“What’s going on?”

Until now, it has not figured out what really happened.


Underground money banks.

The Storm Woman, the figure of Deadpool appears here, and behind them are ten members of the Golden Guard.


Lots of corpses of underground money bank members! Airplanes!

The knife in Deadpool’s hand directly split a member of an underground bank!

“Okay, Deadpool, stop playing.”

“Sir told us to do the right thing to put on the itinerary as soon as possible.”

The Storm Woman spoke.

Deadpool shrugged and was about to speak.

The Storm Woman said coldly, “Shut up. ”

She knew that once Deadpool spoke…… It’s going to be endless.

Deadpool: “…”

“We must follow the instructions of Mr. Tianji to establish the Tianji Pavilion, publish the “Ultimate Class” and “The Ultimate Family”, and put the shooting of “The Ultimate Family” and “The Ultimate Class” on the itinerary.”

“This is the gentleman’s command.”

The Yehenara family.

“Soul Search…”

“It appeared.”

A figure dressed in black robes let out a cold laugh.

“My big brother.”

“You’re showing up.”

As he spoke, his voice paused, and he suddenly asked, “How has King Lanling been doing lately?” ”

In the dark.

A figure stepped out and said, “King Lanling has been observing the Ice Heart lately…”

“I don’t know if I perceive something wrong with Bingxin.”

The figure’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“Keep observing…”

“Let Bingxin be careful, don’t let King Lanling find out.”

The figure in the darkness bowed slightly, “Yes.” ”

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