Chapter 148 Professor G is dumbfounded! Swapped conversations! 【1 more】!!

Old Ass Pub.

As the last scale of Dongchengwei fell, the playing of “Soul Search” ended.


It also announced the complete failure of the second plan with a phantom eye! After the playing.

Summer found the repair.

“What’s wrong, summer?”

Xiu asked, there is no ghost dragon event, this time the play is led by him, and summer is on the side to assist, the consumption of repair is very big “repair.” ”

Summer thought about it.

“I want to go into extinction.”

Xiu Wei was stunned: “Why?” ”

Summer opened his mouth very seriously: “I want to become the ultimate Iron Man, if I don’t enter the extinction, there will definitely be an important section, Xiu you told me, although Mr. Nasu is in the golden time and space, the story he said is the epic story of the twelve time and space, we are all indispensable protagonists of this time and space, it is to deal with the demon world, to turn the flames of the tide, and the story he speaks of is our future.” ”

“And there, I experienced the annihilation, the ordeal of life and death, if I hadn’t experienced it in reality…”

“Maybe I can’t become the ultimate Tekk.”

Summer is serious.

He didn’t want to be the ultimate Iron Man before, because Xiu didn’t tell him about the crisis that the twelve time and space were going to face, and he didn’t mention to him the situation that the twelve time and space were facing now, no matter what he had experienced, Brother Xiong had protected the family very well.

But when he knows his responsibility from the picture, the story.

Summer did not hesitate to choose to become the ultimate Iron Man and embark on the path that had gone through hardships.

Xiu was silent.


He looked directly at Summer: “But Summer, in that future, you will die and you will sacrifice.” ”

Summer is slightly stunned.

But soon.

He still said firmly: “But I should be able to save a lot of people, right?” ”

Xiu thought, “I don’t know, but the story of the future will come soon, maybe we can find the answer, maybe we can change the future.” ”

Summer touched her head and smiled, “Then my choice is not wrong.” ”

Xiu was a little helpless, but he smiled, “I also finally understand why you are the ultimate Iron Man of the future in Mr. Su’s mouth, wait for a period of time, wait for your special ability to cultivate well, and then enter the extinction and go through that disaster.” ”

He didn’t let Summer go into extinction now, but waited for a certain amount of time before first.

Annihilation is a disaster, a tribulation of the ultimate Iron Man, once experienced in the summer, you can gain the strength of the leap forward and advance to the ultimate Iron Man.

Summer didn’t want to be the ultimate Iron Man before, because he didn’t know the responsibility he carried, so he just wanted to learn the guitar, but in that story, picture, Xiu and Summer’s conversation, let the real Summer know the responsibility he shouldered, so his choice is to follow the story, according to the picture, take a trip to that ordeal, become the ultimate Iron Man.

After the cold incident is resolved.

The eyes of the whole family were on Xia Yu.

After all

The third plan of the phantom eye is to target Xia Yu!

But for Xia Yu, his inner demons dissipated after the pictures and stories appeared, especially when he saw his father, in the face of danger, he did not hesitate to expose his identity to save him, but also let his prejudice against his parents finally dissipate, at the same time, he also knew that he was not a Muggle, that demons, naturally no longer existed.

The next day.

School offices.

Professor G sat in his office.

“Xia Yu…”


An eerie smile appeared on his face.


“It’s time to begin.”

“A Muggle, in a family of supernatural powers, is too easy to give birth to demons, Xia Yu, let me help you.”

He had formed a plan in his mind, constantly stimulating Xia Yu’s heart demons, and finally gradually circulating gradually, completely using the demons in Xia Yu’s body to borrow out, resulting in Xia Yu completely becoming their internal response in the Xia family, even if it did not become an internal response, as long as Xia Yu was against Xia Yu, Xia Xiong could make their plan succeed for a long time!


There was a knock at the door.

Xia Yu walked in through the door.

“Xia Yu.”

Seeing Xia Yu, a smile appeared on Professor G’s face.


As soon as his fingers moved forward, a faint energy instantly headed towards Xia Yu, instantly enveloping Xia Yu.

This was the illusion he had created for Xia Yu

In that illusion, he would tell Xia Yu that Xia Yu was not a Muggle! Thus allowing Xia Yu’s heart demons to appear, and then luring them out with magic loans.

After doing it all.

He waited for Xia Yu to come out of the illusion demons.

He looked directly at Xia Yu in front of him.

But soon.

“Professor Li, do you have any questions about my paper?”

Xia Yu’s voice sounded.


Professor G was slightly stunned.

So fast?

It is reasonable to say that the deeper the heart demon, the longer the illusion is trapped, and it did not occur to Xia Yu that he would suddenly break away, was it that he did not have a heart demon? Or is his willpower too strong?


Professor G’s eyes narrowed slightly, even if the willpower was strong, as long as Xia Yu had a heart demon, he could inspire it.

After leaving school.

Professor G followed Xia Yu and at the same time continued to use illusions to create one illusion after another around Xia Yu!

In that illusion

As long as the people Xia Yu encountered, no matter what they were doing or doing, they would stop and constantly say to Xia Yu:

“Have you ever thought……”

“You’re not a Muggle.”

Countless illusions arose one after another, like a spell, and kept ringing in Na Xia Yu’s ear: “You must not be a Muggle…”

“You’re not a Muggle!”

“You’re not a Muggle at all…”

Under the constant creation of that illusion.

Xia Yu’s expression was indeed getting more and more wrong.

“It seems……”

“It will be implemented soon.”

Professor G had an eerie smile on his face and felt that the plan would soon be implemented the next day.

When Xia Yu came to the office to submit the paper again.

“Professor Li, this is the report of the stock market branch that you asked me to submit.”

Xia Yu placed the report in front of Professor G.

Professor G looked at the report and was ready to throw it away and cut straight to the subject.

But he just wanted to make a move.

“Wait, professor, don’t throw it away, I wrote it all night.”

Xia Yu said suddenly.



Professor G was a little confused, he just had thoughts and actions, he didn’t expect Xia Yu’s ‘reaction’ to be so fast, and he directly disrupted his originally conceived words.

He put the report on the table, ready to slow down and speak again.

“Cough cough…”

He cleared his throat.


Xia Yu, who was standing in front of him, smiled, “Professor, are you trying to ask me if I want to be a Strange Walker?” ”

Professor G was slightly stunned: “Clams? ”

Xia Yu: “Toads in the field, clams.” ”

Professor G said, “Clams? ”

Xia Yu: “Professor, the toad is in the field.” ”

Professor G: “…… Wrong. ”

He’s a little confused!

Wrong! Something is wrong! Isn’t that his word? Logically

He would throw away the paper first, and before Xia Yu’s head could turn around, he would immediately ask him if he wanted to become a Strange Walker, and Xia Yu’s reaction would definitely be stunned and confused, and then he would say, “Clams? ”

Then he would use the conversation he had just had with Xia Yu to make Xia Yu’s head turn away, so he would scare Xia Yu and take out the magic loan! Perfect!


Now what’s the other way around?!

That’s his trick! It can be said that he can know every word he says, and what people will react to and what he will say are within his expectations, and he can quickly control the right to speak, quickly expand the topic, and attack the heart with the fastest speed to achieve the goal.

Xia Yu saw that Professor G was confused, and smiled slightly, “Professor Li, I mean, do you want to ask me if I want to be a Strange Walker?” ”

He remembered that in the picture, when he faced Professor G, he had a reaction with Professor G in front of him, and finally fell completely into passivity.

Professor G was slightly stunned and nodded, “Yeah…”

Xia Yu nodded, “You are my economics guidance professor Li Facai, but you also have another identity, you are the authoritative Professor G of the Iron Time and Space Ability Development, specializing in the development of Extraordinary Ability.” ”

Professor G’s eyes narrowed slightly, revealing shock: “? ”

Xia Yu smiled slightly, “Well… Your responsibility is to search for the buried Stranger in iron time and space, and you, from the first day, have observed me and think that I am the buried Stranger, right? ”

Professor G’s eyes widened and he looked at Xia Yu in disbelief: “? ”

Xia Yu smiled even more, “You’ll lend me a magic loan, and then let me try it, if I can use the energy borrowed by the demon, it will be a buried high-level alien walker, right?” ”

Professor G looked at the magic loan on the table and showed a suspicious expression.


He raised his head, and his eyes looked at Xia Yu in front of him: “You you you you, you you you… How would you know? ”

His brain was in a mess! Because

What Xia Yu had just said was that he had prepared the words many times, and the cycle was gradual! Gradually guide Xia Yu to use the magic loan! In the end, it was hard to extricate yourself!


How would Xia Yu know the words?

Xia Yu smiled slightly, “Want to know?” ”

“I’ll teach you.”

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