Chapter 149 The Ultimate Family Appears! Phantom Eye saw the first story? 【2 more】!!

Professor G: “Clams? ”

Xia Yu was about to speak.

Professor G held out his hand: “Wait, the toad is in the field.” ”

He felt that his brain was in chaos, completely deviated by Xia Yu! The most terrifying thing is

He found that what he wanted to say, Xia Yu in front of him had already said it all, causing his brain to turn for a while, and he couldn’t even think, and he was in a state of shutdown!

After all!

It was originally a dialogue that belonged to him, to his words and brains, but at this moment it was revealed by Xia Yu in front of him, little by little! Even the magic loan was exposed! How is this possible?

But Xia Yu did not give Professor G time to react.

Xia Yu smiled mysteriously, “Professor G…”

“You want to use this magic loan……”

“Open my heart to the devil and make me think I’m not a Muggle, and then use the magic to control me and make me do something to my family.”

Professor G: “?!! ”

Professor G looked at Xia Yu in front of him in shock!

Xia Yu continued, “Then, you and your master Phantom Eye can get the Sealed Dragon Card.” ”

“I said…”

“That’s right?”

“Professor G.”

Shock! Unbelievable! Fear!

If Xia Yu had spoken his words earlier and disrupted his brain, he was indeed very confused, shocked, and difficult to understand!

But later Xia Yu said his purpose, and even said the master behind him——”

Xia Yu in front of you!

It’s like knowing everything about existence, as if the Muggles in front of you, all of them, are just confusing the eyes! And now Xia Yu is the real Xia Yu! After Na Xia Yu said his master’s plan for the illusion, Professor G felt a deep sense of fear, making him feel that everything about himself was being seen through! Xia Yu in front of him was like a cat looking down on him!

And he! Become a mouse!




Professor G stepped back with his chair in horror and looked at Xia Yu in disbelief.


“Your set is outdated.”

Xia Yu pointed to his head.

It’s really outdated

His demons had long since disappeared! Yesterday’s face was not right, that is, he knew that the plan against him had come, but that illusion, for Xia Yu, was not lethal at all.


Professor G looked at Xia Yu.

Half ring.


He just ran out, and his expression was very broken!

Xia Yu: “…”

Xia Yu shrugged helplessly, not expecting that this Professor G would be able to break through the psychological defense line so quickly.


If it weren’t for the story and the picture, Xia Yu felt that he would really develop according to the story and the picture, gradually demonized by the magic borrower, and finally became a demonized magician.

After Professor G left.

Xia Yu looked at the dark place in the distance, where there seemed to be someone, and after seeing Professor G leave, the existence of the dark place also disappeared, and seemed to follow.

Xia Yu walked out of the office, ready to follow.

But he had just walked to campus.


His footsteps stopped in the school magazine.

He walked over, picked up an issue of the school magazine, and looked at the cover of the school magazine.

He actually appeared! and

Daddy, Brother Xiong, Summer, Natsumi, Grandpa’s figure? Xia Yu’s pupils contracted instantly!

Professor G frantically fled the campus.

He couldn’t figure it out! What the hell is going on with this Xia Yu! Is it cat catching mouse? Everything in front of him was just his disguise, and he already knew all this? Even see through his thoughts?

“It’s so evil!”

“It’s so evil!”

Professor G is about to return to the phantom to report! But suddenly.

He stopped in front of a newspaper.


He saw the latest issue of the newspaper, which contained Xia Yu, who was very familiar to him!

He walked over.

Pick up the latest issue of the newspaper, the cover on it, it is actually the Xia family?



He muttered to himself.


He looked again at the latest issue of the newspaper.

“The Ultimate Class?”

Next to the newspaper are five books! The cover above, there is also a familiar figure of him!

“Summer of the Charan Zeide family?”

“Not right…”

He shook his head.

On that cover, it’s not summer! That arrogant gesture, although it looks very similar to summer, is definitely not summer!

Be curious

He opened the press and went straight over the unimportant ones to the important core content.

But when he saw that… Eyes.

Instant contraction!


“How can that be?!”

Meanwhile. Xia family.

Xia Yu returned home.


Xia Mei came down the stairs and saw Xia Yu just in time.

“Snob, how do you carry so many books home?”

“Bring the newspaper?”

She’s a little weird.

“What about Brother Xiong and Grandpa?”

But Xia Yu’s look was very solemn, and he directly asked where Brother Xiong and Grandpa were.

Ten minutes later.

The living room of the Summer Mansion.

Brother Xiong flipped through the newspapers and periodicals, and then looked at the book next to him, “Ultimate-Iron Time and Space – The Ultimate Family.”

“Author: Mr. Su.”

“Publishing: Tianji Pavilion.”

Looking at the author and publisher above, Brother Xiong’s eyes appeared with a shock.

She remembers!

Master Xiu had mentioned to her that Mr. Su and the Heavenly Ji Pavilion were there!

Mr. Su is a storyteller, foretelling the future of existence!

Tianji Pavilion seems to be involved with Mr. Su, but it is

Very mysterious, it seems that what intelligence, what information there is, as long as you pay the corresponding price, you can know accurate intelligence! At the beginning of the Golden Time and Space Good and Evil War, the information provided by this Heavenly Machine Pavilion also participated in the Good and Evil War to a certain extent, although it did not shoot, but it played a major core role in the Good and Evil War!

And Mr. Sue………

Although it was not shot! But his presence!

But it directly led to the direction of the whole war between good and evil! And now

The battle of good and evil in iron time and space has not been won or lost! Now………

The ultimate class, the ultimate family, appeared in the iron time and space.

“It’s the story of vincent.”

Brother Xiong probably flipped through the newspaper, and the first issue of the story was recorded in vincent, of course, only part of the story, not all of it.


Xia Yu took out the other newspapers.

The above is the latest.

“The story of Vincent is taken as the first story, and it’s over.”

“The newspaper updated tomorrow may be the second story, that is…”

“What we’re going through now.”

Xia Yu said.

“This newspaper was originally changed on Mondays, but now it has become more on Fridays.”

“And I asked…”

“This day, it seems that the machine cabinet has acquired countless newspapers and periodicals, mainly traveling to publish the ultimate class, the ultimate family content.”

Xia Yu did things very safely, and found all the useful information.

That’s when it happened

The doorbell rings.

Summer rushed to open the door, and what came in was repair.

“Repair, how’s it going?”

Brother Xiong asked.

Xiu shook his head, “He disappeared quickly, there was no trace of him, and there may be no way to know the whereabouts of the Phantom Eye for the time being.” ”

He was a little helpless.

The reason why I didn’t directly attack Professor G is that I want to determine the location of the phantom eye through Professor G and completely solve the phantom eye!

But Professor G’s disappearance was so eerie that there was no way to track it.

“Your looks…”

“Why is it so dignified?”

Xiu asked curiously.


He soon saw newspapers and books on the table.

His look.

A slight change. Iron space-time……… Appeared? Meanwhile.

Huge dark space.

“Report to the master……”



Professor G said in horror.


Phantom Eye Rage.

“How could my plan fail?”

It simply doesn’t believe it!

“Xia Yu, a Muggle, doesn’t he want to be a Strange Walker in his heart?”

“Such a simple task, you can even fail?!”

Phantom Eye is very angry!

“In the end…”

“What’s going on?”

The words of the phantom eyes are already full of killing intent.

Professor G was horrified and told all about what he had just experienced.

A few minutes later.

“You mean Xia Yu knows everything?”

The phantom voice was somewhat suspicious.

Xia Yu………

How could it be possible to know everything.

“Subordinates suspect…”

“It has something to do with this.”

Professor G put the book, newspaper in his hand in front of him.


All books and newspapers were gone.


“The Ultimate Class?”

“Isn’t it summer?”

“No, more like a ghost dragon?”

“No, it’s not a ghost dragon…”

The phantom eye seemed to be watching, talking as it watched.

“This story is quite interesting…”

“Actually said the twelve time and space and the demon world?”

“Golden space-time?”

It sees a lot of content.

“Master, look at the press.”

Professor G reminded. The phantom looked at the press.


“The first story…”


The phantom sound sounded in the dark space, and its cold and merciless eyes were shocked at the moment.

It seems to associate something.

“Isn’t it……”

“This vincent’s plan failed, identity leaked…”

“Is it because of this?”


“How can that be?”

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