Chapter 150 Speed Up, Can’t Sleep at Night! 【3 more】!!

“It’s really strange that vincent failed.”

“It is reasonable to say that his relationship with Brother Xiong is just right, how can he suddenly be found out, he has not exposed his powers, and even when the old monster of the Charan Cynd family clears his memory, he does not reveal his identity, unless, he took the initiative to expose his identity.”


Professor G had also been wondering why Vincent would suddenly fail, supposedly, unless Vincent himself revealed his identity.

But vincent isn’t as stupid as that—people, so

How did the Charlen family discover the identity of Vincent in the first place? Or even directly use the Dongcheng Guards to arrest?


It was something that Phantom Eye and Professor G couldn’t figure out.


“Do I need your reminder?”

The phantom eye is very unhappy.

“Will I not know?”

Professor G knelt down in a panic: “Master forgive the sin! ”

The phantom eyes looked at him coldly.

“Don’t bother me with reading!”

In front of the phantom eyes.

The book “The Ultimate Class” kept turning the page in front of him.

Professor G fell to his knees in horror, afraid to speak.

In the dark space, only the phantom eyes were left to say to themselves, “Well… This KO list is really interesting. ”

“How could this king Arthur be so arrogant?”

“This Rex is also too bad, isn’t it?”

“Martial corpse?”

“The miasma of immortality?”

“This black dragon… It’s kind of interesting. ”

“This black dragon is so rude!”

“But if he can succeed in becoming a demon, I’m afraid it will be the level of a demon leader, and I am a little envious.”

“Fortunately, I finally stopped the Black Dragon, otherwise I would have had one more enemy.”


“There is even a gold list?”

The phantom eye was talking to itself in that dark space, and it seemed to be very fascinated, and below, Professor G was trembling, and he didn’t even dare to say a word, especially when the phantom eye saw the place where it rose, there was a terrifying dark aura on his body! Pressed on him, it was very uncomfortable!

“The ultimate family……”

“It’s kind of interesting.”


The phantom eye once again watched the ultimate family.

It details the events of vincent, as well as a note on the side, and even the identity of the phantom eye itself appears!

“This Mr. Sue…”

“Who the hell is that?”

After the phantom eye finished reading, the eyes became very uncertain.

“That is……”

“Then Charlen got this content from some source?” So, all my plans failed? ”

The phantom eyes were guessing, and at the same time, the eyes were also a little gloomy and uneasy.

“Is this newspaper updated now?”

Phantom Eye asked.


Professor G, who was trembling, quickly replied: “Pray to the master, the current newspaper has not been updated, but once this newspaper is launched, it is very hot, I asked the owner of the newspaper, many students have come to buy this newspaper, and there is the ultimate class on the side, very hot.” ”

“However, this newspaper should be updated a few times tomorrow, and I heard the owner of the newspaper say that this newspaper was originally updated once a week, but now it is updated five times a week, and we should be able to see it tomorrow.”

Professor G spoke hurriedly.

“Our plan……”

“Maybe it’s because of this failure.”

Professor G spoke.

After all, the previous plan failed so strangely! Either the failure of the first segment Vincent!

Or the second plan, it is very strange! Obviously, as soon as it started, the core stone heart killer of the plan was out of control! Even the Yehenara family is involved! It’s very strange!

And the third plan! It’s also just getting started!

Xia Yu actually knew everything!



The tone of the phantom eye was very cold.

“I’ll just say…”

“How could my plan fail like this!”

“It’s abominable!”

Phantom Eye is angry!

“Master, what should we do now?”

Professor G asked.

“Do you want to take a shot at this newspaper?”

“If we continue to let him release, your plans may be fully exposed.”

Professor G opened his mouth in a deep voice, and his eyes were very cold.

Phantom: “Do you have the address of the author and the publisher?” ”

Professor G was shocked: “Master, are you going to take matters into your own hands?” ”

But he immediately shook his head.

“This newspaper has only the address of its publication, but if we follow the address, we may be able to find the author.”

Phantom Eye: “No…”

“You go warn and warn.”

Professor G was stunned: “Warning? ”

“The subordinates will arrange for people to deal with the Heavenly Cabinet.”

He opened his mouth and was about to get up and leave.

But then!


Phantom Eye was very angry.

“I am cultured and civilized, how can I use such a rude means!”

It said it was angry.

Professor G was stunned: “That.”

Phantom Eye said in a cold voice, “You write a letter and send it to the author, warning and warning the author.” ”

Professor G nodded and asked, “Master, how should the content be written?” ”

“Is it to write your name, for example, if you continue to write, it will make him cut into thousands of pieces of corpses or something?”

Professor G’s head is a little confused now, and today’s Xia Yu and this newspaper incident have left his head in a state of shutdown, and there is no way to think at all.

Phantom Eyes coldly said, “Stupid! ”

“Who told you not to let him write?”

“We want to urge more!”

“Urge more!”

The phantom eye was angry.

“Urge change?”

Professor G was stunned.

“! All my plans failed! What else can I do to get exposed? ”

“But there is so much information and stories involved, I just knew the location of the Dragon Seal Card from here, if I can get more information, maybe I can execute the fourth plan!”

“You write me a letter to urge change!”

“You stupid piece of shit!”

The phantom eye was angry.

“Yes, yes, yes…”

Professor G quickly nodded, “How to write the content?” ”

The phantom eye thought about it.


“Just write—”

“Faster, can’t sleep at night.”

Professor G: “? ”

Are you a demon and need to sleep? Meanwhile!

In the press.

The content of “The Ultimate Class” and newspapers began to circulate in the iron time and space, but most of the purchases were students, and they were very interested in this kind of story, and the story of “The Ultimate Class” began to circulate in a small area of the school.

After reading the story inside, many people are full of expectations for the follow-up content on the same day.

The newspapers updated the first paragraph of the story to an end.

And the next day.

There is an update about the second story that has also officially begun.

Xia Mansion.

“The second story…”

“The update is starting.”

Brother Xiong got the latest newspapers early in the morning.

The content above!

Pretty much what they knew!

Seeing their own story in the story really makes people feel very strange.

Of course.

Brother Xiong and others are most worried about………

Once the content of this ultimate family is exposed, it will not have any impact on the situation of iron time and space.

After all

What happens to the content involved in it once it is shown to ordinary people? Or rather!

What are the consequences for the dark Ones to see? Especially………

They haven’t found the dark forces yet, the Phantom Eye Factory!

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