Chapter 151 The Latest Target of the Phantom Eye – Xia Yu! 【4 more】!!

“Brother Xiong, what about Grandpa?”

Xia Yu came down the stairs, holding the Ultimate Class in his hand, watching as he walked.

The male brother was sitting on the sofa, carefully reading the newspaper.

Hearing Xia Yu’s question, Brother Xiong did not raise his head: “Oh, run away from home.” ”

Xia Yu was slightly stunned: “Huh? ”

Brother Xiong did not look up: “Not your dead father, your grandfather heard that we are going to leave your dead father, so he packed up his things and ran away from home, but he should come back in a few days.” ”

After Ye Siren’s identity was exposed

Xia Liu Gong originally came to see that Ye Siren was the father of three children, and asked Ye Siren to quickly get out of the Xia family, but he did not expect that Brother Xiong interceded for Ye Siren, and finally forced Ye Siren to stay, although Ye Siren bought pizza and milk tea, but Xia Liu decided to run away from home to be calm and calm.

Xia Yu nodded, “Oh…”

That’s when it happened.


“Have you read it?”

Xia Mei rushed down and saw that Xia Yu was still watching, very impatient: “Please look at it quickly!” ”

“I’ve finished reading the second book!” How do you see it so slowly? ”

“I want to see the story behind it! You’re fast! ”

She looked at Xia Yu breathlessly.

Xia Yu glanced at Xia Mei, “I bought it, I want to see it, wait for you.” ”

Xia Mei stared at Xia Yu, but there was nothing she could do.


At this moment, the male brother seemed to remember something.

“Is this newspaper popular in schools?”

Natsumi nodded and walked down quickly, “Yeah, old mother Darling, you don’t know, a lot of people like to watch “The Ultimate Class”, and this newspaper, I think it is very interesting! Especially when I saw the strange energy inside, I was very excited and thought it was very beautiful! Especially I like the plot of “The Ultimate Class” very much, and I am discussing the story inside! ”

“Although the cover is us, many people think it is just a coincidence, although some people think it is us, but they all suspect that it is the story we wrote.”

Natsumi said with a grin.

“I’ve been chased by a lot of guys lately!”

Since the appearance of the press, Natsumi and others have naturally been affected, after all, the cover is almost exactly the same as them, but few people will associate all this, after all, this is an iron time and space, ordinary people do not know the existence of strange powers, just as an interesting story.

“That’s fine…”

Brother Xiong was also relieved to hear this.

What she feared the most………

That is, when the special energy is exposed, and even when the special energy family is exposed in the iron time and space, what kind of consequences will occur!

But for now

Not only did it not produce consequences, but ordinary people no longer rejected the identity of the Stranger.

Seem……… Not bad?

But now the male brother is worried about………

The third story is already close, if the Charan Zede family is really the protagonist of the iron time and space, the core combat strength of good and evil vs. good, then the third story must be closely related to the Shalan Zede family!

When the time comes……… What happens? moreover

Now what she was most worried about was that Xia Yu, Xia Yu and Xia Mei both had special powers, and Xia Yu was just a Muggle, once the dark forces moved, Xia Yu, as a Muggle, was afraid that it would be easy to have an accident.

Dark space.


Phantom eyes look at the latest updates.

The newspapers in front of me kept turning the page.

“Sure enough…”

“Sure enough!”

Phantom Eye found that his guess was indeed not wrong!

In this newspaper, it is the second story, in that second story, that is, the summer enters the extinction, almost occupied by the ghost dragon, the stone heart killer appears, and the phantom eye is close to the dragon card, but in the end it fails!

“It’s just…”

“How did the Charan Xingde family and the Stone Heart Killer know first?”

After the phantom eye knows the truth, although angry, it has no choice, after all, it has happened, and its plan has failed! As it says, its plan has little to expose, and after failing, it wants to see the follow-up story, if it can really gather useful information from this story! Then he can make more plans!


In that story, he seems to have failed!


“Did they watch the first version?”

The phantom eyes were gloomy and uncertain, and he felt very strange.

The content and information involved in this newspaper and magazine made the phantom eyes feel strange, and at the same time, after the release of the second edition, the more I believed……… The Xia Lan Jingde family and Han must have been the first to know, and may even have guessed the future, in order to take a step ahead! The phantom eye is not without doubt, but the content involved, the story, including the description of it, are all very comprehensive!

You can even say it! What does it think! Inside knows! So………

This naturally cannot be fake! The phantom eye continued to look.



He seemed to see something interesting.

This second edition involves a lot of stories, there are three issues of the newspaper, the first issue of the second edition is the cold event, the summer enters the extinction, and the second issue, the cold becomes a stone heart killer! Soul Quest appears!

And the third period! It’s about Xia Yu!

The phantom eye looked down with anticipation.

Just like its third plan! The only difference was that Xia Yu didn’t

There was an abnormality found by Professor G, but gradually walked into the heart of the demon, got the magic loan, the most

After he began to absorb the power, he became more and more unable to control himself, and in the end, he even sucked away the cold power! I even want to do something about the repair of Dongcheng Wei!

See this.

The phantom eye hadn’t felt anything wrong yet.

That’s pretty much what it predicted! ——

The plot of the story should develop like this! Don’t………

Did your third plan succeed? But.


Phantom Eye soon saw that Professor G was being sucked in by the light when the power 0.Suddenly.

It seems to have something in mind.



It burst out laughing!

“That’s right!”

“That’s right!”

“This Xia Yu…”

“It turned out to be the purest demonic physique!”

“And it is the purest demonic physique of the Yehenara family!”

It saw the final content of the third issue of the second edition of the story, and in the final content, it was the dialogue between Ye Siren and Xia Yu, and the information content involved in it was Ye Siren’s identity exposure, as well as Xia Yu’s demonic physique exposed! There seems to be something left behind, writing that it is not finished to be continued, but the attention of the phantom eye is all focused on the information on it.

Phantom Eye was very excited, as if he had seen a new plan!

“Will this newspaper be updated today?”

Phantom Eye asked.

“Pray to the owner, the subordinate just asked the owner of the newsstand, and he said that the publisher has a notice that the second edition of the story will be updated tomorrow.”

“The third edition of the story will be updated next week.”

Professor G spoke hurriedly.

“Master, have you thought of a way to get the Dragon Sealing Card?”

Professor G asked respectfully.

“Dragon Seal?”

Phantom smiled, “I want…”

“It’s Xia Yu!”

“As long as you have Xia Yu’s demonic physique!” Dragon Sealing Card……… I can get my hands on it easily! ”

In that newspaper, what it saw was not the Sealed Dragon Card, but Xia Yu! It’s the way to become a Nightmare Queen! Or even the way to become a Demon King! Once it becomes the Nightmare and the Demon Lord, the Dragon Seal Card will be in hand!

In the story of the third issue of the second edition, Xia Yu was washed away from the demonic physique, but don’t forget! The reality is that its third plan has not yet begun, that is, Xia Yu still has a demonic physique in his body!

“How is the Xia family doing?”

Phantom Eye asked again.

“Pray to the master, the Xia family has entered full alert, but that Xia Liu seems to have run away from home.”

Professor G spoke.

“But it is said that it is coming back.”

Professor G told the phantom eye about the situation.


The phantom eyes were slightly silent.

“This is a good opportunity…”


“This second edition has not been updated yet……”

Phantom Eye is a little worried.


Is there anything else important? But the question is

Now Summer Stream could come back at any time, and if you miss it, you won’t have a chance! Right now!

This is the best opportunity!

If you want to do it, you can only take advantage of it now! Thinking………

The phantom eyes gradually became cold.

Late at night.

Old ass PUB.

Ye Siren was sitting at the bar.


He seemed to sense something.

Eyes looking ahead only to see the front of the moment………

A colorful giant eye slowly appeared on the old ass PUB!

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