Chapter 152 Xia Yu Consciousness Space! Ghost phoenix! Appeared! 【5 more】!!



“Why can’t it come back?”

Brother Xiong looked at the time.


Ye Siren should have closed the store at this time and returned, why hasn’t he come back yet?

That’s when it happened.

Brother Xiong’s mobile phone rang, and when he heard the sound coming from the other end of the mobile phone, Brother Xiong’s expression changed slightly.

Old ass Pub.

Ye Siren was firmly imprisoned!

Professor G, the black-robed man, all appeared here, fell to the ground in the cold, and were also imprisoned!

After she recovered from the identity of the Stone Heart Killer, Ye Siren let her live here, Han originally wanted to refuse, but in the end, she still lived in the old ass Pub, but she had experienced the baptism of “Soul Washing” before, and her body had not recovered at all, and she was not the opponent of the black-robed man and Professor G at all! Plus there is also a side of phantom eye suppression! She and Ye Siren were quickly restrained!


Old ass outside.

Brother Xiong, Summer, Natsumi, and Natsu Yu have all arrived here!

“Brother Male.”

Phantom eyes looked at the breathless male brother, very happy.

“I hope you will abide by our agreement…”

“No notice was given to Dongchengwei.”


“I can’t guarantee your ex-husband’s safety.”

The phantom eyes let out a cold laugh.

Brother Xiong, the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family looked at Ye Siren and Han who were imprisoned in the distance, and their expressions were very solemn, especially under the confinement, Ye Siren and Han could not even open their mouths! He could only look at Brother Xiong and the others worriedly, and Ye Siren was even more anxious, wanting Brother Xiong and the others to leave directly.

Brother Xiong’s tone was cold, and the Qilin glove in his hand appeared: “What do you really want to do?” ”

Phantom Eye smiled, “Don’t get excited. ”

“Charan Zende Xiong, the female Haojie of the Extraordinary Walkers.”


“I’d like to ask a question first.”

Phantom Eye asked.

Brother Xiong said coldly, “What a problem.” ”

Phantom Eye: “How on earth do you guys know my plan?” ”

“It’s because…”

“What about the news?”

It wants to be sure.

Brother Xiong frowned, “So, you also saw the contents of the newspaper?” ”


The phantom in front of me must have read the contents of the newspaper! Knowing that there is a future about what should have happened, that story that should have happened………

She didn’t answer.

But obviously

The phantom eye already knows the answer.


“That’s true.”

“That’s right, Xia Lanjing, if I don’t read the press, I may still be in the dark.”


The phantom eyes gradually became cold.

“I saw it too.”

Its eyes looked up and down at the male brother, the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family.

Brother Xiong frowned, “What do you really want?” ”

“We won’t hand over the Dragon Seal.”

She gritted her teeth and said.

At all costs!

She won’t hand over the Dragon Seal!

This is related to the fate of the entire Iron Time and Space Iron Clan! But.

“I don’t want to seal dragon cards.”

Phantom Eye spoke directly.

Brother Xiong, the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family, and Ye Siren were all slightly stunned.

Don’t seal the Dragon Card?

This phantom eye does not seal the dragon card……… What does it want?

“I want to—”

“Xia Yu.”

“If you want your ex-husband to live…… Just obediently hand over Xia Yu. ”

Phantom Eye spoke directly.

Brother Xiong was shocked: “What?! ”

She directly protected Xia Yu behind her.

In the summer, Natsumi was even more puzzled.

“Don’t even think about it!”

Brother Xiong said coldly.


Ye Siren was also whining, and it seemed that he was also asking Brother Xiong not to agree to the phantom eye!

Phantom Eye sneered, “Rest assured, I won’t hurt him.” ”

Xia Yu stood behind Brother Xiong, his brow furrowed.


He stood up: “What do you really want?” ”


“Xia Yu!”

When Brother Xiong saw this scene, he wanted to protect Xia Yu, not wanting Xia Yu to stand up and face the phantom eye.

“Xia Lan Jing Deyu.”

The phantom eyes looked at Xia Yu, and his eyes were full of appreciation, but this appreciation was like admiring a prey.

“Rest assured……”

“I won’t hurt you.”

“As long as you obediently merge with me and become a demon with me, I will release your father, how?”

Phantom Eye spoke, his tone full of temptation: “You see, I will not kill you, as long as you make this deal with me, let me merge with you, and we will coexist to the end.” ”

“When the time comes…”

“You are the one who is most qualified to be the ultimate Tekker.”

The hallucinatory words were full of temptation, and those colorful eyes looked directly at Xia Yu.


“Not only is your dad going to die, your whole family…”

“I’m all going to be buried here.”

The phantom eyes let out a cold laugh!

Brother Xiong directly stood up and said in a cold voice: “You don’t want to!” ”

Phantom Eye smiled, “Hugh? ”

“Charan Zende Xiong, you must understand that the lives of your family are in my hands.”

“Vincent, you rely on the East City Guard to deal with it.”

“If the Stone Heart Killer hadn’t appeared with Xiu and the Ghost Dragon, your whole family would have died a long time ago.”

“Do you think…”

“Can you deal with me?”

The phantom eye did not put Brother Xiong and others in his eyes at all, although Brother Xiong was a high-level Xenomorph, it was an illusion body in itself, which could create countless illusions, etc., and it was easy to deal with Brother Xiong and others.

“So what…”

Brother Xiong said coldly, “You don’t want to get Xia Yu.” ”

Naturally, she couldn’t let the illusion in front of her succeed! Xia Yu stood where he was.

He looked at the situation around him, and his mind was racing.

“You want to merge with me?”

At this moment, Xia Yu suddenly asked, what did he seem to think of.

Phantom Eye smiled, “That’s right, if we fuse, we will become one, and when the time comes, we will coexist, and your demonic physique will be maximized!” When the time comes, we will control this body together! ”

Xia Yu heard that Xiang Ping was already making a decision to see what to see.

Half ring.


Xia Yu stood up and took a few steps forward.

“Xia Yu!”



Brother Xiong, summer, Xia Mei hurried forward, and she was going to pull Xia Yu along.

Brother Xiong was even more anxious: “Xia Yu, don’t listen to it!” Once it merges into your body, it will directly annihilate your consciousness, and when the time comes, you will die, and it will let us go! ”

For this illusion, the male brother was very clear, just to confuse them!

“Brother Male.”

Xia Yu looked at Brother Xiong.

“Trust me.”

Xia Yu said firmly to Brother Xiong.

The male brother was slightly stunned.

Xia Yu in front of him……… Seems like there is a way?

Xia Yu took advantage of this gap and walked directly to the front.

Brother Xiong saw this scene, she originally wanted to stop forward, but thinking about the scene just now, she could only look at Xia Yu who was close to the phantom eye with worried eyes.



Phantom Eye is very excited!

It didn’t expect it to go so well!

“Sure enough, he is a member of the Charan Zeide family…”

The phantom eye seemed to see that it was time for him to use Xia Yu’s demonic physique to evolve into a demon king!

But……… How could it go so smoothly?

Although the phantom eye felt a little strange, but he didn’t know where it was strange, he just felt that the smooth flow in front of him was overdone, it originally wanted to use Ye Siren to threaten Xia Yu to fully accept the fusion, but this process was certainly not so simple, but the Xia Yu in front of him was very happy, so happy that it made him feel a little strange.

Xia Yu’s eyes coldly looked at the phantom eyes in front of him.

“I want you to keep your promise and let go of my family.”

Xia Yu looked very determined.

“Rest assured……”

“As long as you don’t resist and we fuse, I will let go of your family.”

Although the phantom eye felt strange, it was now full of fusion.


Xia Yu nodded.

He took a deep breath.

“Come on.”

He was a little nervous.


The phantom eye in front of him instantly turned into a colorful light, quickly occupying the entire old ass PUB, and the powerful dark energy surged like a storm at this moment! A mighty demonic aura swept out and condensed above the heavens! The light of the Endless Colorful Lady is condensed here!

Subsequently! Boom~

That mighty demonic dark energy instantly poured into Na Xia Yu’s body!

“Xia Yu!”


Brother Xiong, Summer, Natsumi saw this scene and shouted worriedly.

Xia Yu only felt a mighty stream of dark energy pouring into his body, and a terrifying pain seemed to tear his whole body apart!

His eyes went black. In an instant, he passed out.


It’s like being in endless darkness.

Xia Yu opened his eyes.


This dark space ahead.

Colorful phantom eyes are laughing triumphantly!

“Xia Yu…”

“Your body is mine.”

It laughed very coldly.

“Erase your consciousness…”

“This body is mine.”

It looked at Xia Yu, and its eyes were full of killing intent.

Xia Yu couldn’t help but be a little nervous as he looked at the phantom in front of him, but he looked left and right, as if he was expecting something.

This is Xia Yu’s consciousness space! Erase Xia Yu’s consciousness! This body! It’s his complete control!

Just when the phantom eye was about to move.



A ray of fire suddenly rose in that darkness.


A terrible breath swept through the darkness!

The terrifying dark aura seemed to completely suppress the illusion in an instant!


“How can that be?”

Phantom eyes!

Xia Yu looked into the darkness in the distance.

In that darkness

A body full of flames slowly came from the darkness.

See this scene.

Xia Yu smiled and turned his head to look at the phantom eyes, “You should…”

“Didn’t finish watching the second edition of the story?”

The phantom eyes were confused.

It looked at Xia Yu in front of it and seemed puzzled.

“Then you probably don’t know…”

“Inside me…”

“There’s a dragon better than a ghost…”

“A more powerful being, right?”

Xia Yu smiled.

The eyes of the phantom eyes were momentarily stupid. It’s in this moment. Seems to get it.

Why……… Xia Yu in front of you!

Would have agreed to it so easily! Half ring.

It let out a cry of grief, “Damn…”

“Mr. Su……”

“You’re more… It’s too slow! ”

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